How will they rule ??!

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So the White House is already asking for another $600 billion in stimulus. Pelosi will fill it with pork. Probably run it way past a trillion.

If Democrats has any sense, they’d realize the only conservative fiscal policy Trump ever implemented was cutting taxes for the middle class. They couldn’t have asked for a better big spending ny liberal to run up the debt.
Last thing I'll say about the sham propaganda speech by Andy today. This notion that we're doing so much better than Tennessee because "look at the border counties".

Lol of course. Because that giant number just across the border on I65 is greater Nashville which has nearly half the population of our entire state.
We got people literally cheering for Tennessee over Kentucky because of politics. They've really done a number on you guys.

This might hurt the left as the people they praise look kind of guilty.

Biosecurity researcher Richard Ebright, a Rutgers University professor at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, said the coronavirus behind the pandemic is 96.2% similar to a bat virus discovered by the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2013 and studied at the Wuhan CDC. The virus could have jumped naturally from animal to human but also could have escaped from the lab, he said.

Bat coronaviruses are collected and studied by laboratories in multiple parts of China — including Wuhan Municipal CDC and Wuhan Institute of Virology,” he told The Washington Times. “Therefore, the first human infection also could have occurred as a laboratory accident.”

Until the recent outbreak, all but two coronaviruses in China were studied at biosafety level-2 (BSL-2) facilities — not the high-security BSL-4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology — “which provides only minimal protections against infection of lab workers,” he said.
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This NYT article that yahoo put trump on the front of basically blames Obama for the ill preparedness without actually ever saying Obama’s name. Funny how history has a way of sorting out the facts.

Didn’t read that article, but that’s exactly what the CDC guy on Rogan said (the one who has been an advisor to every recent president). He was pissed because we should have had a vaccine for this strain of corona after the bird flu happened. Nobody did anything.
I won’t get too deep into things here, but times like this reinforce my belief that there is no God. At least not one who gives a damn about his children.
I’m not a person of any deep faith. I grew up a catholic, went to catholic grade school and went through all the sacraments. However, as an adult I became more of a go through the motions kind of Catholic to the point now I just don’t go to church anymore or really agree with a lot of the catholic teachings. It doesn’t mean I don’t have my own type of personal faith though. That being said, I don’t begrudge anyone who uses their Constitutional freedom of religion and finds faith in order to help bring them out of very dark places. Mike Lindell did just that. He was a former drug addict. A bad one. The kind that woke up one day in a crack house after blacking out. He used the pillow making as therapy and found his faith in his religion to lift him up and become a real success story.

I wasn’t sure what Plats point was. Yeah, Lindell is a staunch Trump supporter, and became somebody Trump knew he could call on in a state of emergency who wouldn’t try to stab him in the back or sabotage him because of Politics. I saw the little speech he gave. He didn’t use his platform to degrade anyone or take jabs at Democrats. He just used his opportunity to praise his friend and encourage people who might otherwise feel desperate to seek help in the Bible. I personally won’t be doing that but I certainly don’t begrudge anyone who does.
Italy and Spain both set record deaths today. Not quite turning the tide. They just aren't focused on anymore because we will pass them up by Friday. Last week Trump was bragging about how this pandemic was beat and going away. Today he was bragging about how much we would be WINNING if only 100k die.
That’s part of the problem. Why is literally NOBODY in the media pointing out how our rate of death is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than either Italy or Spain. They only point to how we’ve passed everybody (except China, I don’t for one second believe china’s numbers at all) in confirmed cases. Nobody mentions how they have death rates 5 times ours.
wow, throwing rocks and kites! Watch out now! ....

You tell her, James.

We got people literally cheering for Tennessee over Kentucky because of politics. They've really done a number on you guys.

I'm cheering for rational common sense thinking.

That’s part of the problem. Why is literally NOBODY in the media pointing out how our rate of death is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than either Italy or Spain. They only point to how we’ve passed everybody (except China, I don’t for one second believe china’s numbers at all) in confirmed cases. Nobody mentions how they have death rates 5 times ours.

Still haven't heard anything about Germany. If you want to see how great they did against the virus, you have to dig through tons of stuff to find it.
I won’t get too deep into things here, but times like this reinforce my belief that there is no God. At least not one who gives a damn about his children.

History books tell us rats carried diseases and helped spread plagues with the help of fleas. Now picture the rats being eaten by the Chinese who then hid it from the world until it was too late. That’s what happened, but with bats. Articles were written 13 years ago that warned of eating bats and snakes could lead to another pandemic. China didn’t care.

Or if it was a bio weapon, same applies in the end. Free will. It’s the best and most dangerous thing we have as humans. It accounts for a lot of the bad/tragic things that happen.

As a believer in Christ, I don’t understand everything and obviously don’t have all the answers. But I do know a lot of the problems we encounter are caused by people doing bad/stupid things. This is one of those times.

I say all this with respect to you and your viewpoint. I understand how infuriating it is hearing about children dying and how that could make someone question everything.
The estimates that from Oct 1, 2019-Mar 21, 2020 there were between 24,000-62,000 deaths from flu in the usa, up to 54m infected, and up to 730k hospitalized.
Until recently i never really thought about just how deadly the flu is. i guess a big reason is that the media doesn’t flash the stats at us 24/7.
I also find it curious that the cdc doesn’t list a precise number of flu deaths, at least i couldn’t find it on their site.

Apparently Germany did not classify anyone with an underlying condition as dying from covid 19.

Is that so? I haven't seen that. Even if true, as opposed to classifying every death with a fever as a covid associated death, then it still doesn't explain why they're doing so much better even in terms of critical cases.

Because those headlines don't drive clicks and agendas.
I love the continued reminder this morning that if you see too many gathering in a spot you can call the police.

The same police which said they are no longer responding to any vandalism or theft of personal property. The same police who will not respond to non injury auto accidents. The same police who will not respond to most burglaries.
It looks like we'll find out at some point of these quarantines were overkill or not. Much of the South is not ordered to stay home, while much of the Northeast is. Will be interesting to see if the numbers are worse in the southern states.. not only % of cases but % of deaths.
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When this is all over with the second guessing on each side of the aisle will be historic. As long as Trump is in office Dems will have one investigation after another and likely try to find a way to use it as another impeachable offense. Republicans will blame the prior administration leaving a mess for Trump to deal with and fix. I think everyone screwed up big time on this one and nobody will ever admit it.

I can promise you one thing. The American people are not going to sit back and keep taking orders from the government to stay home, not work, lose their homes and businesses, etc. The government is on the clock whether they know it or not. When people start getting desperate rest assured there will be anarchy and the numbers will grow into something these politicians and health officials have no clue how to handle. Hopefully it does not come to it and I think Trump is in tune with the American people to know where the breaking point is.
Could you imagine if Russia owned the US news media and large portions of social media companies like communist China?

I mean, Russia was able to overthrow the United States democracy with a couple computer nerds and some spicy memes.

Thankfully, China is benevolent and we don’t have to worry about their ownership of our media, spies at the highest levels of high ranking democrats senators offices, etc.
While I was out driving around looking at Massie signs over the weekend I also stopped by Menards and Home Depot. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve probably been to this Home Depot 150 times over the past two years. Sunday was as busy as I’ve ever seen it.
I wonder how many could have been built in the last 3 years.

The article said the FDA only signed off on them in July 2019. Now, wonder about how many if the Lib-Dums weren't only concerned with removing the Prez before he could expose Biden's (and the obuma administration's) corruption.

Or how about Bush? Or the other Bush? Or Reagan? Or Ford?

I seriously don’t know how you guys who just blame one side for everything function. They’re all crooks.

Without us "guys" bringing it up, you'd likely never get the full picture... since the MSM spent the 8 years* of obuma telling you that barry's ass smells like rose petals and that Michaelle was a raving beauty.

(*and the 3+ years since)
How the stimulus bill got passed. Says this: "The push for a voice vote was about health and safety. The leaders - as well as U.S. Capitol Attending Physician Dr. Brian Monahan – were genuinely concerned about amplifying the health risk to the country by dragging hundreds of lawmakers back to Washington, exposing the public, exposing the lawmakers to one another, exposing Congressional staff, exposing U.S. Capitol Police officers, exposing Congressional maintenance workers and custodians, exposing the Capitol press corps…"

Couldn't even find speculation that it was about having/not having to take a stand on the record.
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That’s part of the problem. Why is literally NOBODY in the media pointing out how our rate of death is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than either Italy or Spain. They only point to how we’ve passed everybody (except China, I don’t for one second believe china’s numbers at all) in confirmed cases. Nobody mentions how they have death rates 5 times ours.
Being better than Italy & Spain isn't anything to brag about or be happy about.
How the stimulus bill got passed. Says this: "The push for a voice vote was about health and safety. The leaders - as well as U.S. Capitol Attending Physician Dr. Brian Monahan – were genuinely concerned about amplifying the health risk to the country by dragging hundreds of lawmakers back to Washington, exposing the public, exposing the lawmakers to one another, exposing Congressional staff, exposing U.S. Capitol Police officers, exposing Congressional maintenance workers and custodians, exposing the Capitol press corps…"

Couldn't even find speculation that it was about having/not having to take a stand on the record.

lol Jesus Christ

yep the politicians said the politicians weren’t playing politics. Case closed.
It looks like we'll find out at some point of these quarantines were overkill or not. Much of the South is not ordered to stay home, while much of the Northeast is. Will be interesting to see if the numbers are worse in the southern states.. not only % of cases but % of deaths.

Unless the south turns out to be an absolute cluster, you're going to be disappointed. 0 chance the mainstream narrative is going to be "maybe we shouldn't have shut down the country".
lol Jesus Christ

yep the politicians said the politicians weren’t playing politics. Case closed.

In modern times, the fact every single member of Congress votes for something it cannot be good. We all know today's congressperson is in it for themselves. So we know it wasn't for the good of the people.

What it really means is that every single congressperson got what they wanted in the bill. So even though the reported price tag is 2 trillion, the actual cost will likely be five or ten times that
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