Last year's Power Ball was $476 million post tax. If you won, how much would you contribute to the next NIL class?

This is weird, the way people acted about Mark Pope’s salary in that thread I assumed they were putting in out it. Turns out they don’t give anything to UK and wouldn’t if they had the means to, they just act like they fund the program.
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I might give a little bit annually, with the expressed stipulation that UKAA never calls me asking for more. If so, funds are cut off.
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It doesn't have anything to do with how much I love UK, though. I just am not a fan of NIL. And, while I love UK Football and Basketball and enjoy rooting for the teams, I'm not a fan of universities as a whole these days. I'm not really interested in helping out UK the college. I think colleges have become huge scams.
Interesting insight into some of the fanbase, @Son_Of_Saul. Outside of time, there are few that, even with a gargantuan sum of money, would give absolutely nothing to help the program, the university, or the athletes. Given that, I find it odd they even give their attention.
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I’d buy really good season tickets and give to the school. But I wouldn’t give money to a NIL collective. If I had a business I’d consider hiring players to do ads but other than that nope.
$476 million (post-tax). You invest that, even at conservative interest rates, and you could contribute to NIL and charities just based off interest.

Bottom of the barrel interest rates right now are 5.26% interest. Let's say you diversified and took in an average of 6.5% (post tax, and also post agent fees). You take $300 million at 6.5% and you're making $19.5 million off interest alone (without touching that initial $176 million that you could give to missionaries, churches, charities, etc.).

I think I'd give $10 million annually to NIL, if I also played a role in which high school phenoms the staff is chasing.

Dybantsa would get an offer for $5 to 6 million alone. He's worth it.
Johnson would be worth $2 million.
Maleek Thomas would get an offer for around $1.5 million.

What about you? If you won the Power Ball at such a heightened return, would you dig deep and contribute to the NIL?
Nothing while the current AD is in position.
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I would give a million a year base with increases depending on tbe recruit. But at least 2 great seats season tickets better be included :)
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Zero. I’d donate lots to some of my favorite charitable organizations. I’d make sure none of my family had debt, pay for some housing for my parents, but some cars for needy family members; then set my kids up for life, along with their kids. Then lots of fishing…..all over the country.
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$476 million (post-tax). You invest that, even at conservative interest rates, and you could contribute to NIL and charities just based off interest.

Bottom of the barrel interest rates right now are 5.26% interest. Let's say you diversified and took in an average of 6.5% (post tax, and also post agent fees). You take $300 million at 6.5% and you're making $19.5 million off interest alone (without touching that initial $176 million that you could give to missionaries, churches, charities, etc.).

I think I'd give $10 million annually to NIL, if I also played a role in which high school phenoms the staff is chasing.

Dybantsa would get an offer for $5 to 6 million alone. He's worth it.
Johnson would be worth $2 million.
Maleek Thomas would get an offer for around $1.5 million.

What about you? If you won the Power Ball at such a heightened return, would you dig deep and contribute to the NIL?
If you did $10M a year you could easily demand a facility named "Son of Saul Center."
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Id buy this site and make a free speach site however evrryone would use their real names znd their real location. No more hideing behind screen names.
1. I'm giving back to God. $100 million dollar fund set up for urban ministries, recovery houses, urban churches that do a ton of "trench warfare" level ministry. I'm also setting up a mentorship charity for the young people I work with. I'm hiring a fulltime professional (probably two of them) to research these ministries around the world. I'm investing the money and creating the fund to use interest gains to pay out annual donations. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I'm soaking ministries that are already in operation. My students and former students would be prioritized in the short term, microlevel element; and the additional ministries would be prioritized in the long term, macrolevel element of the donation base.

2. I'm setting up all my family for life. That would include the next two or three generations. That's going to be about $25-30 million.

3. I'm buying a house in Scotland to chill. Doesn't have to be big. A nice cottage by the ocean will do, where I can write stories, songs, and take morning hikes. Less than a million and with lifetime upkeep (taxes), maybe $3 million total.

4. I'm taking a three year long trip around the US and hiking across the country (John Muir trail, the AP, and the American Discovery Trail) followed by some RVing.

5. I'm producing an independent film based on a short story I wrote. $5 million or less.
* I'm also spending some cash on producing some songs I've written about lost-loved ones who have passed away, and current friends who matter a lot to me.

6. UK gets about $50 million. New facility improvements, and a constant stream of NIL cash.

7. Nothing goes to politics, mansions, or yachts (the typical "blow it quick" stuff).
Dude , are you sure about Scotland ? Just spent 10 days there and it’s still cooler than I like . And WINDY . The day I played St Andrew’s there was solid 30 mph winds with gusts to 50 . My caddie said it wasn’t unusual.
Let me tell you, I'd build a tremendous wall, the likes of which no one has ever seen. It would be unbelievable. Tremendously big and unbelievable. Some people, many people, they'd tell you it's never been done before in the history of the world.
I invest it in a fund that yields 7-12% yearly. I take whatever makes that year, pay the taxes on it, and then donate the rest
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Interesting insight into some of the fanbase, @Son_Of_Saul. Outside of time, there are few that, even with a gargantuan sum of money, would give absolutely nothing to help the program, the university, or the athletes. Given that, I find it odd they even give their attention.
It's weird. They claim to love UK basketball so much, but wouldn't give a penny back to help the program compete with other elite programs.

No personal financial involvement from some of these guys, even if they were handed a half-a-billion dollars.

They also thin they look awesome writing things like "Not a penny", but it just makes them look massively disconnected (and selfish) from the program they claim to love.

Cheapskates who try to treat NIL like a temporary stop gap instead of what it actually is: the #1 to compete with other elite programs.
A buck 50.

Not one penny would go to NIL. Talk about throwing money away.

Far Mitch Barnhart, he doesn’t support NIL.

If you had millions of dollars, how much would you give to NIL?

All of you look massively cheap and disconnected. I'll be returning to this thread in the future to make sure that none of you complain about competing with other programs and their NIL funding. You can't have it both ways, but I bet each of you tries to.

None. I can think of about a million other things with more importance then UK basketball to donate funds that actually have a positive, meaningful impact on the world.

UK basketball (or sports in general) don't come close to making the cut for me in this hypothetical situation.

None. Zero. Zilch. Money would be put to much better use going to actual charities, not buying players


It doesn't have anything to do with how much I love UK, though. I just am not a fan of NIL. And, while I love UK Football and Basketball and enjoy rooting for the teams, I'm not a fan of universities as a whole these days. I'm not really interested in helping out UK the college. I think colleges have become huge scams.

Nothing. It's not my responsibility to buy basketball players "salaries" as last I checked they don't send me a ring if they win it all.

Not one red penny. Would go to my family, church and St Jude Children’s Hospital.
More UK fans who think NIL money magically grows on trees, and then they will have the audacity to complain when we can't compete with certain programs n the NIL market.

You guys are hilarious. Thanks for nothing.
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More cheapskates who think NIL money magically grows on trees, and then they will have the audacity to complain when we can't compete with certain programs n the NIL market.

You guys are hilarious. Thanks for nothing.
Find one post were I complain about not being able to compete in nil. Just one. NIL isn't NIL. It's pay for play. Buying players flat out. I am not paying any 18 to 22 year old to play sports for my favorite college team. I don't understand how "NIL funds" is is in any way NIL. It's begging people for money to pay for players . The schools get 10s of millions a year for being in the sec. Use that money. It's is not more against the rules than what is happening. I buy merchandise, tickets, and pay for streaming services to watch the games. That is the same info for any pro team. The same every one else does for any pro team . They don't beg people for money to pay for their players. The whole NIL bs is ridiculous. But you keep calling people names and making false accusations.
Find one post were I complain about not being able to compete in nil. Just one. NIL isn't NIL. It's pay for play. Buying players flat out. I am not paying any 18 to 22 year old to play sports for my favorite college team. I don't understand how "NIL funds" is is in any way NIL. It's begging people for money to pay for players . The schools get 10s of millions a year for being in the sec. Use that money. It's is not more against the rules than what is happening. I buy merchandise, tickets, and pay for streaming services to watch the games. That is the same info for any pro team. The same every one else does for any pro team . They don't beg people for money to pay for their players. The whole NIL bs is ridiculous. But you keep calling people names and making false accusations.

Buying shirts and merchandize doesn't help the program. Contributing to NIL does.

That's the world we live in now. You'd do well to understand how it's changed. It's just massively weird that even if you took in a half-a-billion, you wouldn't give a penny in NIL. It's not name calling. It's simply you wearing the shoe because it fits.

Meanwhile, Pope and Stoops have told our fan base that the #1 way to truly compete is through NIL donations. So are they making that up and lying to the fan base?
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It's weird. They claim to love UK basketball so much, but wouldn't give a penny back to help the program compete with other elite programs.

No personal financial involvement from some of these guys, even if they were handed a half-a-billion dollars.

They also thin they look awesome writing things like "Not a penny", but it just makes them look massively disconnected (and selfish) from the program they claim to love.

Cheapskates who try to treat NIL like a temporary stop gap instead of what it actually is: the #1 to compete with other elite programs.

A lot of banks are offering 5.5% APY on checking accounts. If you took half the sum you proposed, you’d yield over a million dollars a month in interest alone. The truth is you could open your own trust-bank and collect even more. Honestly think a lot of folks in this thread have no idea what all you can do with the kind of cash you’re talking about and it shows. As if there’s a choice between philanthropy, taking care of your family or anything else at that level. By all means, take care of your family if you hit a scratch off from the Kum & Go. Those aren’t the stakes here.
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For not contributing our imaginary millions?
Nah, it just says a lot about your mentality. You clearly don't help the program now, and will not help the program when it comes to NIL. You revealed a lot about your mentality.
I would have to buy new underwear first lol
If I had that kind of money, I would put a new roof on my house and buy a new screen door for the back porch. After that, what else matters? Well, maybe some new bibs ... don't need no underwear, fer sissies anyway. No offense Fleming.