How will they rule ??!

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If the Ky/Tn border is greater Nashville, then London KY is greater Jellico.

I'm not the one who said. Andy did. You can see the big cluster in the region and can clearly tell what it is. Certainly more to do with population than policy difference

I’m alarmed at the brigade of Andy lovers. I asked this last week and got chapped for it but again, what exactly has he done or said that he’s not been told to do or say?

He's literally done everything Dewine did, just a day later.

But he does have some meme machines working overtime for him
Trump just needs to come out and say it. New York healthcare workers are hoarding the PPE. Some of these people are taking lots of extra stuff it’s not being appropriated by the hospitals. They put boxes out and it’s every one for themselves.
It is one totally ignorant post after another on this board.

As I mentioned earlier, the Gubna just issued a "stay in place" order until June 10. If next week doesn't get really bad, really fast, there's a lot of people in my second Commonwealth (KY will always be first) that will be asking a lot of questions...

As well they should. Any major decision that far out is just asinine. His actual reeks of authoritarian regime. He was pissed because people didn't completely obey last weekend, apparently. So imo he extended it for punitive reasons
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As well they should. Any major decision that far out is just asinine. His actual reeks of authoritarian regime. He was pissed because people didn't completely obey last weekend, apparently. So imo he extended it for punitive reasons

Its always next week. Can't be Italy. Our healthcare sucks. America sucks. The worst is yet to come. If you're not essential stay in or face going to the gulag I have mandated that you must have a good reason for going out the fine will go to my governors mansion

I am Ralph northam and I approve of partial birth abortion
“God gave us grace on Nov. 8, 2016, to change the course we were on,” Lindell said, referring to the day Trump was elected. “God had been taken out of our schools and lives. A nation had turned its back on God.”

And I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the ‘Word,’ read our Bibles and spend time with our families,” he added, touting “our great president” and “all the great people in this country praying daily” as key to getting through the pandemic.

Trump can't go to his rallies so he brought the rally to the coronavirus briefings. Maga!
Its always next week. Can't be Italy. Our healthcare sucks. America sucks. The worst is yet to come. If you're not essential stay in or face going to the gulag I have mandated that you must have a good reason for going out the fine will go to my governors mansion

I am Ralph northam and I approve of partial birth abortion

Italy and Spain must be really turning the tide. Haven't heard any more soooaaaaring death tolls last two days
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“God gave us grace on Nov. 8, 2016, to change the course we were on,” Lindell said, referring to the day Trump was elected. “God had been taken out of our schools and lives. A nation had turned its back on God.”

And I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the ‘Word,’ read our Bibles and spend time with our families,” he added, touting “our great president” and “all the great people in this country praying daily” as key to getting through the pandemic.

Trump can't go to his rallies so he brought the rally to the coronavirus briefings. Maga!
Just totally awful stuff he said. Can’t believe he would get up there and say such vile and nasty things.
Just totally awful stuff he said. Can’t believe he would get up there and say such vile and nasty things.

I won’t get too deep into things here, but times like this reinforce my belief that there is no God. At least not one who gives a damn about his children.
“God gave us grace on Nov. 8, 2016, to change the course we were on,” Lindell said, referring to the day Trump was elected. “God had been taken out of our schools and lives. A nation had turned its back on God.”

And I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the ‘Word,’ read our Bibles and spend time with our families,” he added, touting “our great president” and “all the great people in this country praying daily” as key to getting through the pandemic.

Trump can't go to his rallies so he brought the rally to the coronavirus briefings. Maga!
How in the world is this relevant to anything? There was a reason I had you on ignore (I had to show ignored content to uncover this gem) and back you go.

i think for most the commutation means that their release will be up to the parole board.
Even so, this is absolutely astonishing. There would be plenty of good reasons to commute a lot of California sentences (mostly lifers who committed petty offenses under the ludicrous and draconian three strikes law or petty idiots who paid the price of a trial tax for exercising a right to a jury trial), virus or not, but there needs to be an explanation for this or even the most liberal collective group of voters in the country are going to start demanding an explanation.
Italy and Spain must be really turning the tide. Haven't heard any more soooaaaaring death tolls last two days
Italy and Spain both set record deaths today. Not quite turning the tide. They just aren't focused on anymore because we will pass them up by Friday. Last week Trump was bragging about how this pandemic was beat and going away. Today he was bragging about how much we would be WINNING if only 100k die.
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This NYT article that yahoo put trump on the front of basically blames Obama for the ill preparedness without actually ever saying Obama’s name. Funny how history has a way of sorting out the facts.
Did you read the article? It was pretty clear what was blamed. Everytime the machines were ready for production the companies got bought out by mega corps and the low margin programs got shitcanned by the greedy ****s. The medical industry is cut throat and thrives on never ending consolidation so they can charge $1000 for an epi pen they made for 50 cents.
Italy and Spain both set record deaths today. Not quite turning the tide. They just aren't focused on anymore because we will pass them up by Friday. Last week Trump was bragging about how this pandemic was beat and going away. Today he was bragging about how much we would be WINNING if only 100k die.

I'm only going on msm headlines. You can always tell what they want to deflect and focus on.

The only place here with disastrous results will be NYC. Too bad they have such awful leadership. Everywhere else is beating expectations by a mile. Not quite the 10% mortality rate we were all sold.

Did you read the article? It was pretty clear what was blamed. Everytime the machines were ready for production the companies got bought out by mega corps and the low margin programs got shitcanned by the greedy ****s. The medical industry is cut throat and thrives on never ending consolidation so they can charge $1000 for an epi pen they made for 50 cents.

Who approved those mergers?

Facts are, the rules were in place to prevent this monopoly but the Obama administration was too gullible to see it.

Hopefully other administrations can learn from his failures and not approve mergers, at least unless conditioned, when they effect pandemic readiness or the supply chain of essential medical supplies.
Did you read the article? It was pretty clear what was blamed. Everytime the machines were ready for production the companies got bought out by mega corps and the low margin programs got shitcanned by the greedy ****s. The medical industry is cut throat and thrives on never ending consolidation so they can charge $1000 for an epi pen they made for 50 cents.

Excuses. Administrations need to get shit done not circle jerk about it like Obama’s did on just about everything

Obama was President during the most significant warning sign on this and couldn’t make the necessary things happen. I don’t care about the red tape effective presidents and their administrations find s way to cut right through it
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This NYT article that yahoo put trump on the front of basically blames Obama for the ill preparedness without actually ever saying Obama’s name. Funny how history has a way of sorting out the facts.

Exactly. You had to read between the lines, follow dots, and so independent research to figure out it had nothing at all to do with Trump. Ridiculous

Because this was a nutjob addressing the entire world today from the White House.

The same guy who's making thousands and thousands of surgical masks while costing himself alot of profit? Voluntarily?

How much did you sacrifice towards the effort today? Or any day? How about the celebs who keep Twitter fingers?
I wonder how many could have been built in the last 3 years.

Or how about the 3 years proceeding the swine flu outbreak when the iron was hot. Bottom line is the previous admin dropped the ball. What’s interesting is that this administration had picked it up again in 2019 and had 10000 on order for mid year. The same way Clinton screwed us with his weak attempts to counter al Qaeda during his admin lead to 9/11. The same way Clinton repealed glass steagall which directly led to the 2008 meltdown. These libs talk a big game but only act on what looks good while they are in office. The libs are the best at leaving a mess for the next admin and yeah bush in my book did not govern as a conservative. The largest expansion of govt since LBJ

All that blown money to solyndra. Imagine the PPE and ventilators in stock pile without that wasteful bs
Or how about the 3 years proceeding the swine flu outbreak when the iron was hot. Bottom line is the previous admin dropped the ball. What’s interesting is that this administration had picked it up again in 2019 and had 10000 on order for mid year. The same way Clinton screwed us with his weak attempts to counter al Qaeda during his admin lead to 9/11. The same way Clinton repealed glass steagall which directly led to the 2008 meltdown. These libs talk a big game but only act on what looks good while they are in office. The libs are the best at leaving a mess for the next admin and yeah bush in my book did not govern as a conservative. The largest expansion of govt since LBJ

All that blown money to solyndra. Imagine the PPE and ventilators in stock pile without that wasteful bs

Or how about Bush? Or the other Bush? Or Reagan? Or Ford?

I seriously don’t know how you guys who just blame one side for everything function. They’re all crooks.
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Or how about Bush? Or the other Bush? Or Reagan? Or Ford?

I seriously don’t know how you guys who just blame one side for everything function. They’re all crooks.

With the swine flu near miss that should have been a major wake up call. That happened at the beginning of Obama presidency so he should have acted.he had the clout and twice had the stage to do it with Ebola and swine flu. It had been decades since a major pandemic hit in the USA. I’m not just talking ventilators I’m talking all the materials needed to combat a pandemic. He had 2 major reminders and left the coffers bare.

I agree with you for the most part they all suck but the media is fixated on blaming trump for the shortfall so I’m gonna call BS on their divisive lies. If the media were honest and handed out blame honestly instead of saying trump wasn’t prepared or he has blood on his hands. It’s ridiculous the way they are against him. Would it be appropriate for a reporter to question cal in the middle of a fist fight national title final game? You think we’d win that game with the reporter criticizing his every move? Yelling at him from the stands?