How will they rule ??!

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Every lawyer group in the usa probably already licking their chops.
I have reached the point where I don't want to make fun of Joe anymore. He has shown to be a very sick man. A man who is clueless. His family should be ashamed of putting him in this position. They should tell the DNC Joe can't make a run and withdraw his name. It is getting pitiful and cruel to him to push this forward.
Shows you how much things have changed not only politically but also in our culture.
Remember Thomas Eagleton...1972? Picked as VP candidate by Mcgovern...had the position all of 18 days before he was dumped. Found out to have had electro shock treatments some years before and was on some type of depression (I think) medication. Now they keep propping Joe up, trying 5 minute speeches, etc just to try to keep him relevant. But I believe come convention time...they'll sweep him to the curb and the boys (and girls and transgenders...can't say men in the smoke filled room anymore, especially with Dem party) in the back room will hand pick who they think can beat Trump.
Virginia has 25 deaths? They are intentionally now trying to create a depression. Folks 25% unemployment does not get reversed quickly by any political party. And not without a lot of suffering.

It will take years to recover from that.

Not sure I totally agree. This is almost artificial unemployment in a lot of cases. Once businesses are allowed to fully open up, thousands of the unemployed will have jobs again IF the small businesses are taken care of so that they can stay in business until then.

If they aren't and mom and pops all over start closing, then we're in for a long ride.

Granted even in the best case scenario, it will be a year or so before unemployment is back to pre-virus levels, but I think it'll be under 10% in a month or two.
Trump just cannot help himself with unnecessary statements. In his briefing today, for some reason he felt the need to say he knew more about South Korea than anybody. Asked the reporter if they know how many people there are in Seoul. He said 38 million. Jesus Christ why. Now they are going to latch on to that as the city limits is like 9-10 million and the city proper is around 25 million. Again the question was a bullshit question about testing per capita and why we are behind South Korea and he got pissy in his response. Both the question format and response just stupid.
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Not sure I totally agree. This is almost artificial unemployment in a lot of cases. Once businesses are allowed to fully open up, thousands of the unemployed will have jobs again IF the small businesses are taken care of so that they can stay in business until then.

If they aren't and mom and pops all over start closing, then we're in for a long ride.

Granted even in the best case scenario, it will be a year or so before unemployment is back to pre-virus levels, but I think it'll be under 10% in a month or two.
Could be
I’ve always thought that unemployment could never be 0 because some people will never get a job and there are not enough people around that want 2 jobs.
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Not sure I totally agree. This is almost artificial unemployment in a lot of cases. Once businesses are allowed to fully open up, thousands of the unemployed will have jobs again IF the small businesses are taken care of so that they can stay in business until then.

If they aren't and mom and pops all over start closing, then we're in for a long ride.

Granted even in the best case scenario, it will be a year or so before unemployment is back to pre-virus levels, but I think it'll be under 10% in a month or two.

Some survey today reflected results that 11% of restaurants will close permanently if this continues for 30 days.

Also even once people go back to work--assuming companies are able to open, it is not like suddenly people are going to excess cash to spend. That doesn't even address the confidence hit to consumer spending which is the driver. That will likely be in the toilet for a while. Remember the stories of your grandparents saving everything they had because "you never know"?
Damn I hate Pelosi. Saying she wants to know "what did Trump know and when did he know it?" These people and her in particular roll out cliche after cliche. She is evil.

what you didn't know this was the premise to set up another impeachment? Could've told you that weeks ago. Democrats are setting up for the next phase already that's interesting
Virginia to shelter in place until June 10. WTF is the point of that order? How can he know that is going to be necessary? My tinfoil hat is starting to come out.

EDIT: I guess the world isn't burning fast enough for some people so they are going to pour fuel on the fire.
It's all starting to get a bit fishy, that's for sure. But if the worst is always a week or two away, you keep the majority of people scared and willing to do whatever the almighty government tells them in order to stay safe.

We live in VA and I'm NOT looking forward to the next 2.5 months.
How can anyone attempt to draw a parallel to any social activities of 1918 in trying to justify what we're doing in 2020. It's laughably absurd and he should be crucified for it. But the media just repeats and never questions.

He definitely keeps cranking up the control. If these were so crucial, why didn't we do it right out of the gate?

We tested 15-20k and have 480 positive. That just doesn't make sense.
When you combine the actual numbers that keep coming out, the supposed level of contagiousness and severity, and the actions of the various governments/media, NONE of this makes sense.
It's all starting to get a bit fishy, that's for sure. But if the worst is always a week or two away, you keep the majority of people scared and willing to do whatever the almighty government tells them in order to stay safe.

We live in VA and I'm NOT looking forward to the next 2.5 months.

It's an overreach and it's going to come apart. People won't tolerate it much longer and if the weathers warm where you are forget it
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It's all starting to get a bit fishy, that's for sure. But if the worst is always a week or two away, you keep the majority of people scared and willing to do whatever the almighty government tells them in order to stay safe.

We live in VA and I'm NOT looking forward to the next 2.5 months.

theyre just going overboard so when it's better they can say it's because you did what we told you textbook bureaucracy. The media hedges their bet with almost everything they say
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Virginia to shelter in place until June 10. WTF is the point of that order? How can he know that is going to be necessary? My tinfoil hat is starting to come out.

EDIT: I guess the world isn't burning fast enough for some people so they are going to pour fuel on the fire.
Did the Gov have his blackface on when he made the announcement? Or an anti-MAGA hat?
It's pretty clear these left wing governors and some republicans too are being openly antagonistic and tyrannical. Americans will not tolerate this and should not tolerate this. Where are they coming up with these arbitrary dates where it's ok for some people to work again? Shove it you lunatic
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Some survey today reflected results that 11% of restaurants will close permanently if this continues for 30 days.

Also even once people go back to work--assuming companies are able to open, it is not like suddenly people are going to excess cash to spend. That doesn't even address the confidence hit to consumer spending which is the driver. That will likely be in the toilet for a while. Remember the stories of your grandparents saving everything they had because "you never know"?
11% isn't good by any means, and I'm guessing the number gets higher the longer this goes, but there will also be other people stepping in to open places with a void in the market.

I don't think this is a long term depression if this only lasts for a month or two. A small recession, sure.

If it lasts the rest of the year, then we're in trouble.
11% isn't good by any means, and I'm guessing the number gets higher the longer this goes, but there will also be other people stepping in to open places with a void in the market.

I don't think this is a long term depression if this only lasts for a month or two. A small recession, sure.

If it lasts the rest of the year, then we're in trouble.

The shutdowns are only gonna end when people decide they've had enough. If you think any of these governors are gonna give you rights back that they took from you you are mistaken. That is why they want social distancing they don't want you talking about how ridiculous what's taking place is
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It's all starting to get a bit fishy, that's for sure. But if the worst is always a week or two away, you keep the majority of people scared and willing to do whatever the almighty government tells them in order to stay safe.

We live in VA and I'm NOT looking forward to the next 2.5 months.
That sucks. Although obviously if it is ridiculous, the order could always be lifted.
Shows you how much things have changed not only politically but also in our culture.
Remember Thomas Eagleton...1972? Picked as VP candidate by Mcgovern...had the position all of 18 days before he was dumped. Found out to have had electro shock treatments some years before and was on some type of depression (I think) medication. Now they keep propping Joe up, trying 5 minute speeches, etc just to try to keep him relevant. But I believe come convention time...they'll sweep him to the curb and the boys (and girls and transgenders...can't say men in the smoke filled room anymore, especially with Dem party) in the back room will hand pick who they think can beat Trump.
I remember that. Even if Biden were to win he would not be in charge. Just a puppet
My ban is over. I figure it is one of three posters that reported me. It was after I asked the question of how allowing thousands of Chinese in, and millions of illegal aliens, would benefit us right now? Still waiting for the answer.

I haven't missed certain posters. I agree that some have enjoyed the power grab too much but we need to try and limit the spread. It is a fine line right now.

Maybe the left can tout the greatness of public transportation right now.


Making transportation easier for American families: The plan would expand clean, reliable, and safe transportation options like public transit and rail, making it easier for millions of Americans to get to work, access new jobs, and take their kids to school—reducing the 7 billion hours that American waste in traffic each year.
11% isn't good by any means, and I'm guessing the number gets higher the longer this goes, but there will also be other people stepping in to open places with a void in the market.

I don't think this is a long term depression if this only lasts for a month or two. A small recession, sure.

If it lasts the rest of the year, then we're in trouble.

Restaurants are the obvious tip of this iceberg imo. Lots of bubbles out there looking for a pin. Also oil companies aren't currently built for buck fifty gas and they don't hesitate with the shit canning.
"I was born in a welfare state, ruled by bureaucracy, controlled by civil servants and people dressed in gray. Got no privacy, got no liberty because the 20th century people took it all away from me"
Last thing I'll say about the sham propaganda speech by Andy today. This notion that we're doing so much better than Tennessee because "look at the border counties".

Lol of course. Because that giant number just across the border on I65 is greater Nashville which has nearly half the population of our entire state.

If the Ky/Tn border is greater Nashville, then London KY is greater Jellico. And Dry Ridge is greater Cincinnati.
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Last thing I'll say about the sham propaganda speech by Andy today. This notion that we're doing so much better than Tennessee because "look at the border counties".

Lol of course. Because that giant number just across the border on I65 is greater Nashville which has nearly half the population of our entire state.

I’m alarmed at the brigade of Andy lovers. I asked this last week and got chapped for it but again, what exactly has he done or said that he’s not been told to do or say?