How will they rule ??!

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Andy says we gotta stay positive, stay Kentucky strong strong....and wait this out for MONTHS.

This country is done. This is our punishment for electing a mfer who put America first.

seems to me like these governors are trying to one up each other with this shutdown crap. Just ignore it it's not constitutional and no ones gonna tolerate it for two more weeks let alone months

whatever these models are for these doomsday predictions is being manipulated. Cases and deaths are going down for a few days now. It's no different than every hurricane that comes starts as a category five and then eventually it comes and it's never as bad as they said
Virginia to shelter in place until June 10. WTF is the point of that order? How can he know that is going to be necessary? My tinfoil hat is starting to come out.

EDIT: I guess the world isn't burning fast enough for some people so they are going to pour fuel on the fire.

WTF? That’s over 2 months. How can they make that prediction now?
Virginia to shelter in place until June 10. WTF is the point of that order? How can he know that is going to be necessary? My tinfoil hat is starting to come out.

EDIT: I guess the world isn't burning fast enough for some people so they are going to pour fuel on the fire.


It’s over. RIP USA. Nice try, Trump. You tried.
It will take years to recover from that.
Tinfoil alert-This is starting to look like an attempt to ruin the economy so the government can come in, "save" it and take almost total control. Mandate what can be done and cannot be done. This is looking more and more like an attempt to get their version of the New Deal. There is no logical reason for that order based on what is going on.
Tinfoil alert-This is starting to look like an attempt to ruin the economy so the government can come in, "save" it and take almost total control. Mandate what can be done and cannot be done. This is looking more and more like an attempt to get their version of the New Deal. There is no logical reason for that order based on what is going on.

That would take a lot of coordination between both parties and the executive branch IMO. I'll leave the hat off for now but I'm probably more open to it than I've ever been.
How can anyone attempt to draw a parallel to any social activities of 1918 in trying to justify what we're doing in 2020. It's laughably absurd and he should be crucified for it. But the media just repeats and never questions.

He definitely keeps cranking up the control. If these were so crucial, why didn't we do it right out of the gate?

We tested 15-20k and have 480 positive. That just doesn't make sense.
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An additional thought on cdc guidance:

They predicted bubonic plague type fallout here. We know that won't happen. Data as it is shows it won't be close. And that doesn't consider the numerous holes in the logic their running.

Even so I'd say it's extraordinarily low odds that the CDC will ever admit any error here. They'll double and triple down (which they are) well before they'll even consider reversing course.

Next week will tell us what we need to know! - the CDC, every week
How can anyone attempt to draw a parallel to any social activities of 1918 in trying to justify what we're doing in 2020. It's laughably absurd and he should be crucified for it. But the media just repeats and never questions.

He definitely keeps cranking up the control. If these were so crucial, why didn't we do it right out of the gate?

We tested 15-20k and have 480 positive. That just doesn't make sense.
Actually the cryon that ran while guv Beshear was on said 6810 tests and 480 positive results.
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How can anyone attempt to draw a parallel to any social activities of 1918 in trying to justify what we're doing in 2020. It's laughably absurd and he should be crucified for it. But the media just repeats and never questions.

He definitely keeps cranking up the control. If these were so crucial, why didn't we do it right out of the gate?

We tested 15-20k and have 480 positive. That just doesn't make sense.

That 1918 graph is absurd and it has been since the beginning. This guy gets cover from his lackeys in the media and it trickles down to the brain dead public sheep. Notice how he quickly got the KSR gang on board at the start of this shutdown campaign and now all they do is parrot his doomsday talking points
Cannot wait until we find out who they actually intend to run against Trump. No way they’d keep putting him in front of a camera if they were going to have him run.
I have reached the point where I don't want to make fun of Joe anymore. He has shown to be a very sick man. A man who is clueless. His family should be ashamed of putting him in this position. They should tell the DNC Joe can't make a run and withdraw his name. It is getting pitiful and cruel to him to push this forward.
Actually the cryon that ran while guv Beshear was on said 6810 tests and 480 positive results.

I'm just going by what a reporter tweeted. Said beshear mentioned their actual tests were much higher, between 15-20k. I don't know though

That 1918 graph is absurd and it has been since the beginning. This guy gets cover from his lackeys in the media and it trickles down to the brain dead public sheep. Notice how he quickly got the KSR gang on board at the start of this shutdown campaign and now all they do is parrot his doomsday talking points

It's so laughably stupid. Guess what else they did? Drove model Ts. Maybe we should all drive model Ts since they did in 1918 and see if that works.

Back then all women stayed home all day. So that's half the adult population right away that isolated by social norms. Most everyone was self sufficient and didn't have to cram into grocery stores to hoard frozen food.

To them, social distancing meant at most the men staying home from work and kids staying home from school.

I just can't get over they let him by with that nonsense
I have reached the point where I don't want to make fun of Joe anymore. He has shown to be a very sick man. A man who is clueless. His family should be ashamed of putting him in this position. They should tell the DNC Joe can't make a run and withdraw his name. It is getting pitiful and cruel to him to push this forward.

On the other hand, if his family hadn’t put him in that position they’d all be in prison because the media and dnc would not have been able to make up the “political rival” impeachment ruse.
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