How will they rule ??!

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Lol wtf are you talking about? Your understanding of science is like a first grader’s.
Can literally see Biden’s watch showing it’s a recording, but lefties are still trying to figure out if it was a bullet, which you can actually see in a picture, that hit Trump’s ear, or a piece of shrapnel from the teleprompters that were undamaged.
I wonder if the press will interrogate KJP about whether they want to stick by the story this was a live address, or if she will explain the watch discrepancy.
It doesn't defy reason or logic. It's exactly what they wrote, intentionally. Citizen is specified all over the Constitution. If they meant that they would have said it there too. They specifically meant to include noncitizens. That clause is very specific.
No, they would have specified noncitizens. You just can't posthumously read the minds of the founding fathers and rewrite the constitution, which by the way is what you and others have been saying outside of actually scrapping the constitution which is your real goal.
I miss this democratic party...

Securing America's Borders's Borders

Stood firm against illegal immigration and deported a record 51,600 illegal and criminal aliens in 1995—a 15% increase over 1994.
Increasing the number of Border Patrol agents along the southwestern border by 50% to stem the flow of illegal aliens into the United States.

Stuff like this is the clearest proof the dnc was bought and paid for sometime around the time of Obama's curious ascension.

Before that, all these exact same politicians had literally the exact same policies as current day trump. Almost all of them. Even the clintons (with a side order of murder).

Then out of the blue, they all took a steep dive to the far left, Hussein has a massive ground operation with acorn etc, and he wins the office he clearly was being prepped for his entire time in Senate since he almost always voted present to avoid any real record.

Was it really the Clintons or someone else who sold the dnc to china et al? Or did the buyers do it piece by piece? Im thinking the former because it happened so abruptly.

Either way, i long for the days where the election didnt matter this much. Where losing didn't mean one party got to literally actively continue destroying the country in furtherance of their obligation to foreign enemies. Yet here we are.
Our POTUS is preaching about saving democracy while a terrorist group burns our flag literally 2 minutes down the road.

Our POTUS is preaching about saving democracy, yet, along with our illustrious VP, boycotts the speech from the leader of one of our biggest allies.

Our POTUS is preaching about saving democracy, yet is allowing illegals to overrun our border.

Our POTUS is preaching about saving democracy, but allows his own party to nominate a candidate without one vote from their constituents.
How the f*ck do these idiots come up with this stuff? I just can’t understand how their brain works in that manner.

It's simply about gaslighting the American public for political expediency.

It's to engender fear so as to motivate turn out. It's divisive and reprehensible: they're sowing discord, delusion and hysteria for power, to advance their agenda. It's frankly disgusting and genuinely unAmerican, unlike their nonsense - the completely manufactured "point" he thinks he is making in that article.
lifelong democrat here.

If you vote for the current Democrat party and what they are doing, you, sir, are indeed a scumbag.

Hate to break it to you.
My next door neighbor is a Democrat. We get along just fine. We’ve never had a conversation about politics, but I’m curious if he votes for Kamala and why. If you vote for her policies, you’re nuts.
Anybody with a lick of economic sense knew this was happening. It's the only thing that has basically kept the economy from falling off a cliff. What happens when you bring in 10+ million new 'consumers' and give them free money? Why they go spend it of course.
Voila....retail sales go up in a consumer driven economy. Even with that the retail sector has been weak...why.....prices have gone up 30-40% or more (due to my ex-FIL working for the US Labor Dept...I don't believe much of what they report...he told me stories) so hard working US citizens have to watch their pennies.

Another how corporations and Wall Street brag about revenue going up. Company reports that revenues are up say 9% and they pat themselves on the back....while they have (had) to raise their price 15% due to inflation. But...the economy is good. HA
Says the dude in a red MAGA hat, FJB shirt, gold Trump shoes, playing with his Trump Pokemon cards, a Trump Bible on his bedside table and a Trump riding on a velociraptor flag flying in his yard.

Hurry up... The Trump rally starts soon and it's time to attack the US Capitol again.

But you're not in a cult. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤡
Says the dude who thinks a man can have a baby and Jews should be exterminated from the River to the Sea.
False. The church is Christianity. And no, Catholicism is not part of that. Jesus did not regard Mary as his equal; in fact, He rebuked her.
Mary is not Christ's equal. Mary is a creature and Our Lord is the 2nd person of the Blessed Trinity. The gap between them is infinite. That is and always has been the Church's teaching.

Glad I could clear that up for you!
Stuff like this is the clearest proof the dnc was bought and paid for sometime around the time of Obama's curious ascension.

Before that, all these exact same politicians had literally the exact same policies as current day trump. Almost all of them. Even the clintons (with a side order of murder).

Then out of the blue, they all took a steep dive to the far left, Hussein has a massive ground operation with acorn etc, and he wins the office he clearly was being prepped for his entire time in Senate since he almost always voted present to avoid any real record.

Was it really the Clintons or someone else who sold the dnc to china et al? Or did the buyers do it piece by piece? Im thinking the former because it happened so abruptly.

Either way, i long for the days where the election didnt matter this much. Where losing didn't mean one party got to literally actively continue destroying the country in furtherance of their obligation to foreign enemies. Yet here we are.
If you get a chance, go read the book “The Shadow Party” that came out around the mid to late 2000s, I think. It’s about Soros taking over the Democrat Party (the author clearly thinks Hillary was going to win 08 at the time), but it discusses how Soros took over and replaced moderates with radicals.

You can clearly see the huge shift in the left in the 2000s.
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Replacement theology is nonsense
Well, it's what the Church taught from the beginning. The parable of the grafted in vines is directly from Our Lord in the New Testament. You're free to think it's nonsense, but then you are (at least implicitly) accepting that modern Judaism is the religion God wills for everyone to follow.
Stuff like this is the clearest proof the dnc was bought and paid for sometime around the time of Obama's curious ascension.

Before that, all these exact same politicians had literally the exact same policies as current day trump. Almost all of them. Even the clintons (with a side order of murder).

Then out of the blue, they all took a steep dive to the far left, Hussein has a massive ground operation with acorn etc, and he wins the office he clearly was being prepped for his entire time in Senate since he almost always voted present to avoid any real record.

Was it really the Clintons or someone else who sold the dnc to china et al? Or did the buyers do it piece by piece? Im thinking the former because it happened so abruptly.

Either way, i long for the days where the election didnt matter this much. Where losing didn't mean one party got to literally actively continue destroying the country in furtherance of their obligation to foreign enemies. Yet here we are.
Actually the ascending of Bernie Sanders and his influence with the younger Dems. He showed the left that is was kewl to actually show your socialism openly. The left wants nothing more than to be a celebrity. Bernie did that too with Hollywood. So Bernie being openly embraced brought out the crazies in their party and pushed them off the cliff.
I’ll answer that. They won’t ask at all.
I know. I’m just exhausted with all the fake choreography, scripting, and deception, and I’m wondering when the press will finally be fed up with it all too. It’s embarrassing to watch as these types of things are “produced,” and we’re told to believe it’s all live and candid, while it’s painfully obvious it is all staged. Lord knows how many takes they did on that speech, and the man still wasn’t able to piece together the lines.

Maybe my expectations are too high, but the POTUS shouldn’t have to use a teleprompter, really ever. Maybe some bullet point notes on topics that are intended to be covered, but otherwise the person in that role should be able to just stand up there and speak freely on the topics to deliver the message. That goes for anyone in that role.

Imagine how refreshing, and frankly, inspiring it would be if the POTUS was able to turn off the teleprompters and speak directly to people like a real human being. Hell, if someone was able to do that, I would at the very least respect them, even if I entirely disagreed with them. But sitting there and stumbling over RECORDED lines that certainly were written by whoever is really running the “show” does not inspire confidence in leadership.

I remember the left on here explaining to the people on the right that they did not understand the judicial system when her murderer was found innocent. So Dion and Sam and Sammy's dad all believe that this man was innocent of murder. And he's back out on the street. He did get a warning from a Obama appointed judge to never show back up or else. The or else is that probably he'll give him a house to live in after he takes it away from an American.

Lefty splaining ....let me explain this since you are too dumb to understand that a man pointing a gun at a woman and pulling the trigger is society's fault and not his.

This is something to bash Kamala with daily.

Kate Steinle needs to be a huge focus.
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If you get a chance, go read the book “The Shadow Party” that came out around the mid to late 2000s, I think. It’s about Soros taking over the Democrat Party (the author clearly thinks Hillary was going to win 08 at the time), but it discusses how Soros took over and replaced moderates with radicals.

You can clearly see the huge shift in the left in the 2000s.

Actually the ascending of Bernie Sanders and his influence with the younger Dems. He showed the left that is was kewl to actually show your socialism openly. The left wants nothing more than to be a celebrity. Bernie did that too with Hollywood. So Bernie being openly embraced brought out the crazies in their party and pushed them off the cliff.

No doubt both those had a part to play but imo dont fully explain why the same exact dems literally turned on a dime to radical anti American policies.

I do definitely think soros is the money man. Maybe its as simple as him betting against the us but i don't think so. I think its a long game by our adversaries. Thats why suddenly you couldn't say Obama's actual middle name.
Says the dude in a red MAGA hat, FJB shirt, gold Trump shoes, playing with his Trump Pokemon cards, a Trump Bible on his bedside table and a Trump riding on a velociraptor flag flying in his yard.

Hurry up... The Trump rally starts soon and it's time to attack the US Capitol again.

But you're not in a cult. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤡
It’s already bring attacked and it’s not from Trump supporters.
No doubt both those had a part to play but imo dont fully explain why the same exact dems literally turned on a dime to radical anti American policies.

I do definitely think soros is the money man. Maybe it’s as simple as him betting against the us but i don't think so. I think it’s a long game by our adversaries. Thats why suddenly you couldn't say Obama's actual middle name.
There’s definitely a lot of factors.

I think the federal reserve was a huge downfall of this country but I digress.

Communists infiltrating us starting in the 40s and getting embedded into academia, media and government (entertainment even). In the 60s is when I think America was set on course for destruction with the deep state being allowed to kill a president, academia becomes crazy far left, Teddy Kennedy’s immigration bill is put into effect.

After 9/11, it was a dream come true for the deep state. Then you get Soros to finance the craziest shit and use a guy like Obama and he was able to weaponize government like never before, completely turn everything into a far left shit show.
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