How will they rule ??!

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I nominate Tiger King Joe Exotic. Real American homo with real strong convictions.
Unfortunately I don’t think he’d run as a Dem. he already ran once as a libertarian. That being said, if you want to know what a gay trump supporter looks like...


Is it racist or xenophobic that western experts disagree with Indian experts?

Anti-malarial drug currently only remedy for COVID-19: Experts

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has approved the use of hydroxychloroquine as a preventive drug for coronavirus,
which has infected hundreds of people till now.

India has declared it an essential drug and restricted its sale and distribution. It can now only be sold on prescription.

Medical Director of LNJP Hospital, Kishore Singh told IANS, “Hydrochloroquine is only remedy available with us right now. As compared to other chloroquine, it is much safer but has very well-documented side-effects.”

He said that its intake can cause vomiting, hyperglycemia, hypothyroidism, optic neuropathy and hepatotoxicity.

Singh further said that the testing for coronavirus was being done on a war-footing in the country. “Our country has raked up the capacity and availability of test kits.”

He said that additional kits have also been called from China and South Korea, which will make testing cheaper.

Singh added, “The cost of testing will drop from Rs 4,500(59.60USD) to Rs 2,500(33.50USD) on the arrival of new kits. They will come in India by next week.”
If you put that article in front of me without disclosing the author, I'd have guessed it had been written by someone who lies between Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh on the political scale. Some decent points, but several irrelevant comparisons in the bullet points.

Here the other thing: we all know how transmittable this is. That isn't in dispute. The rest is essentially data modeling and extrapolation of which anyone with experience in the same can adequately perform.

Any set of data that does not account for Germany is flawed. Period. And should not even be considered.

China's data is unreliable. Therefore any model using their data is unreliable and should not be considered. Period.

Yet all models we know of contain those fatal flaws.

The modeling is based on the first confirmed cases in nations. That's a flawed premise because to have any reliable accuracy it would need to be from the first actual case. In other words, no one can tell you how long your drive will be if they don't know where you started. Here it's important because it can't account for herd immunity and therefore makes any analysis just a plain wild ass guess.

That's before you even add in other variables (demographics, medical treatment available, population density, etc).

Doctors don't have the market cornered on data collection or analysis. That's where this entire exercise fails. The wrong variables are considered and spit out nothing more than a wild ass guess and we decided to commit economic suicide based on the same.
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SS is a Ponzi Scheme. Old age benefits are necessary, but SS is F-ed up. People that first got the benefits didn't put a penny in. Everyone who gets benefits underpaid to what they get ex those that get the min. They skate.

Ponzi scheme yes but you have it wrong. If all the money paid in had been invested at prevailing interest rates and compounded over time the plan would have worked.

But what happened. Originally, you got money starting at age 65. The life expectancy at the time was 63. Quite the scheme. So the gov didn’t invest but “stole” the money and spent it on other things. People started living longer and now the system is FUBAR.

I will never get back the investment value of what was taken out.

The fact that those who first started getting benefits without paying much in is neither here nor there.
Assuming 50,000 actual cases in Indonesia, that's a rate of one infection per 5200 residents. Such a rate would still be lower than the USA which is turn lower with a lower rate than most European nations. Yet Indonesia only has 114 deaths.. Unless that number dramatically rises and soon, it becomes apparent that this virus is not quite as deadly as thought, or that there are not as many unknown cases as thought, or some combination thereof. By the way, there is no reason to believe that this virus just disappears in warmer weather- just that it may not retain its transmission rate.
Those are cases of infection currently perceived. 114 deaths that are confirmed with the limited testing. Surely people have died from repository issues that was considered "unknown" cause.

It's the what is going to happen south of our border maybe a concern. We will have to see how it plays out in Mexico. They have far less resources to handle this pandemic.
Have seen several posting stats from traffic deaths in the US. About 3000 per month. I’m guessing this is a bit of a wash with Corona with not much travel going on.

Not that we are happy about deaths for any reason.
That's amazing really. Hasn't Texas also been very slow with SIPs?

Yes. Me and wife in 70s and staying in. But stepson and daughter are out and about getting us stuff.

Daughters dermatology clinic was asked to shut down as of two days ago but open all this time til then.
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It absolutely does which is why their leadership was ever more critical.

Two weeks ago he was encouraging residents to ignore everything and move along. Not even minor social distancing mentioned.
So was Florida's governor and all those spring breakers went back home to Northern and Midwest states.
But Andy is a national hero with 400 cases in a state with 1/7 the population.

What a joke.

And Abbot does it without ridiculous mandatory nanny shut downs
Texas has 2815 cases and 37 deaths. The number he quoted was the number hospitalized.
Hospitals have emptied out, dropped non essential procedures and laid off staff laying in wait for their “imminent onslaught”. We will see if that ever comes to fruition outside of densely populated locations.
Texas has 2815 cases and 37 deaths. The number he quoted was the number hospitalized.
Hospitals have emptied out, dropped non essential procedures and laid off staff laying in wait for their “imminent onslaught”. We will see if that ever comes to fruition outside of densely populated locations.

I’m starting to think this never gains much traction outside of dense metro areas.