How will they rule ??!

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I’ll take you word for it. i didn’t bother to do the math.
It sounded good but I just remember from Bloomberg’s campaign, he spent $500 million and someone said he could have given everyone $1 million and had money left over. Someone else did the math and showed how that was wrong.
That's a very good question and one that needs answered. Because that absolutely was our best option and always was if we wanted out of this with the best balance of saving lives and minimizing financial impact.

Instead they shifted to flatten the curve and the rest is history

Because someone realized they could use this to drown the economy
Math is hard.
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Those are all forms of social programs. The problem is ya'll conflate socialism and communism as being one and the same when they are not. Most of Europe** has implemented social programs that benefit their citizens while we over in the states scream Communism which is plain ignorant. To take this even further, just because one has social programs implemented does not equate to also being a Socialist government, instead, it'll be considered more of a social democracy one where capitalism can still excel but those in the bottom and middle rungs of society can still live a life.

Yes, taxes would have to increase but that would be on the highest earners and not your typical wage earner. I mean taxes are uber low on the wealthy currently when they were in the 70-90% range from the end of WW2 to the 1970s, i.e. the time where there was an actual middle class in this nation.

**No, Europe is not a shithole as most of you think.
Agree with some/lot of what you say, but while Europe isn't sh!thole, it continues to fall behind in world growth due to too many restrictions & too much spending on social programs. That spending badly suppress initiative. If capitalism excelled there, the likes of Amazon/Microsoft/Apple would exist somewhere there. The biggest taxing states here have the worst problems with housing the poor, the highest income stratification, so lack of taxes isn't the problem. Too much regulation is. If 70%+ income tax rate on the wealthy is so great, why don't we have them?
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You are correct in saying an excess of anything is actually a bad thing, but what those on the left are offering isn't and shouldn't be considered excess. What they want to implement would better society, specifically the lower and middle classes, potentially and ironically reverting back U.S. society to where the differential between the wealthy and the normal wage earner was much closer than it is today.

Think of it as the New Deal 2.0

Sadly I think Fox would have ya'll criticize FDR if he were promoting the New Deal today with those Social Security benefits that most need to live during old age.
SS is a Ponzi Scheme. Old age benefits are necessary, but SS is F-ed up. People that first got the benefits didn't put a penny in. Everyone who gets benefits underpaid to what they get ex those that get the min. They skate.
Want to discuss the content or the author by use of ad hominem?

No profession has a monopoly on common sense

If you put that article in front of me without disclosing the author, I'd have guessed it had been written by someone who lies between Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh on the political scale. Some decent points, but several irrelevant comparisons in the bullet points.
If you did a quick google search, you would realize both of these quotes are blatantly false.

First of all, that first quote has been going around by both sides. The left is saying Trump was quoted to say that while the right is saying Biden; however, the quote itself can be attributed to Ernest Hemingway.

Secondly, the AOC quote, if you google it, nothing comes up, and you can be sure if she said something like that, it'll be easy to find.

Posting memes are fine, but fact check the stuff you post before trying to make a point; otherwise, it makes you look foolish.

because we should all trust google, which has been caught red handed scrubbing content seen as negative for the far left and suppressing content positive for conservatives. Carry on.