How will they rule ??!

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It absolutely does which is why their leadership was ever more critical.

Two weeks ago he was encouraging residents to ignore everything and move along. Not even minor social distancing mentioned.
Yes and even today the Dim Govs of New York and New Jersey seem to be upset other states are encouraging avoiding their state and a quarantine of their residents who flee their states. The New York gov said it was "an act of war" against New York. Several states have told them to stay out and for good reason.
Can't yet put my finger on it but I will. I am observant. Probably one of the most observant going....
It's theory that it was done to protect people's voting record. I don't accept it. Trump didn't stand with Massie, so Trump by your logic is dumb too. I stand with Trump. Go for it.

Do you wanna break down why every politician in the process acted as they did, cause I’m game but we ought to go to DM’s.

Trump was part of the deal making process, clearly he was fine with how it went down.

You don’t accept it was done to protect people’s voting records? Then why hold it a day in the House? You accepting it is irrelevant.
How much is the DNC paying Tony Fauci to destroy the economy?

I think he's doing his job. He's looking at the medical side of things. Seems he extraordinarily risk averse which is evidenced by his nonstop worst case scenario presentation.

I just hope leaders start looking at everything in terms of making decisions. Not just worst case medical scenarios
I think he's doing his job. He's looking at the medical side of things. Seems he extraordinarily risk averse which is evidenced by his nonstop worst case scenario presentation.

I just hope leaders start looking at everything in terms of making decisions. Not just worst case medical scenarios

The guy who comes up with the worst scenario is automatically going to be the guy with the most exposure. Within the next couple of days you'll hear that it's possible for every American to catch corono. I suppose it is, possible.
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The guy who comes up with the worst scenario is automatically going to be the guy with the most exposure. Within the next couple of days you'll hear that it's possible for every American to catch corono. I suppose it is, possible.

gates is a big doomsday sayer too. Honestly everyone who appears on the mainstream media has the same talking points that's why it's so suspicious
In fact, there 525 new deaths yesterday. If there is any positive to come from the latest figures- the rate of new cases (even with presumable increased testing) is becoming less alarming over the last few days.
The recovered rate I’ve been harping in finally overtook the death rate.
You using this argument that has been debunked numerous times in this thread tells me

Tell you what. Give everybody their one time check and you can believe it's socialism all you want! You win Dion! You've got socialism. Congrats! So yeah, no need to change anything else. And if anyone tries to convince you a one time check to get you through the world's biggest calamity in history isn't socialism, well you put that a$$hole on ignore! You don't need that kind of negativity in your life my friend.

Those are all forms of social programs. The problem is ya'll conflate socialism and communism as being one and the same when they are not. Most of Europe** has implemented social programs that benefit their citizens while we over in the states scream Communism which is plain ignorant. To take this even further, just because one has social programs implemented does not equate to also being a Socialist government, instead, it'll be considered more of a social democracy one where capitalism can still excel but those in the bottom and middle rungs of society can still live a life.

Yes, taxes would have to increase but that would be on the highest earners and not your typical wage earner. I mean taxes are uber low on the wealthy currently when they were in the 70-90% range from the end of WW2 to the 1970s, i.e. the time where there was an actual middle class in this nation.

**No, Europe is not a shithole as most of you think.
Drink some water daily it will sustain you. Drink too much, and it will kill you. Find yourself in the middle of the ocean without a raft, and it's game over.

If this regressivism ever actually "succeeds", historians of the future are going to detail how your myopic, selfish ignorance destroyed society if you don't end up making it be actually game over.

You are correct in saying an excess of anything is actually a bad thing, but what those on the left are offering isn't and shouldn't be considered excess. What they want to implement would better society, specifically the lower and middle classes, potentially and ironically reverting back U.S. society to where the differential between the wealthy and the normal wage earner was much closer than it is today.

Think of it as the New Deal 2.0

Sadly I think Fox would have ya'll criticize FDR if he were promoting the New Deal today with those Social Security benefits that most need to live during old age.
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The guy who comes up with the worst scenario is automatically going to be the guy with the most exposure. Within the next couple of days you'll hear that it's possible for every American to catch corono. I suppose it is, possible.

I think that's a red herring and always was. I think we'll almost all be exposed. The long incubation period made that essentially a certainty.

But they are way off on both percentage of severity and that's what really matters anyway.
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Iran is getting hammered with the virus and now they say the Leadership knew about the outbreak in Iran TWO weeks before they made it public. know, that place that hates us (and doesn't care about human life) that Obama gave almost 2 billion in unmarked bills. Liberals have shown ZERO outrage for that disgusting action taken by Hussein Obama.
You are correct in saying an excess of anything is actually a bad thing, but what those on the left are offering isn't and shouldn't be considered excess. What they want to implement would better society, specifically the lower and middle classes, potentially and ironically reverting back U.S. society to where the differential between the wealthy and the normal wage earner was much closer than it is today.

Think of it as the New Deal 2.0

Sadly I think Fox would have ya'll criticize FDR if he were promoting the New Deal today with those Social Security benefits that most need to live during old age.

I know what they want to do and how they plan to do it, but it cannot work and has never worked in the history of mankind. Socialism cannot work because it is failed economic theory.

To simplify it, in order to have wealth to redistribute, you first must create that wealth. Wealth that is redistributed is then consumed, which requires even more creation of it to sustain that which you have redistributed, but that is only possible in an environment where everybody is allowed to prosper. When you create such an environment, the end result will always be disparate outcome.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too. But we are the wealthiest nation ever, we should take care of our people! We got to where we are by empowering the indidual, by teaching him how to fish instead of giving him fish. The better fisherman will have more fish, when you take his fish to even the playing field, the pond ends up running dry.

To borrow your flawed thinking, CNN/MSNBC (or the like, indoctrinated mal-education etc) has you and others thinking you can accomplish the impossible, that you will succeed where others have failed. You won't because you can't, it has never worked outside of theory and that's precisely where it belongs to be taught, as failed economic theory.

ALso, the whole, some of ya'll this/that thing as a mode of argument only works on liberals because you are group thinkers, you shame people into thinking bad ideas. Social Security is necessary because people are dumb and not forward thinking (YOLO AMIRITE?), it's a necessary evil that may or may not be sustainable (the irony will be lost on you) and is probably not going to be there when I retire so I plan accordingly.
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If you did a quick google search, you would realize both of these quotes are blatantly false.

First of all, that first quote has been going around by both sides. The left is saying Trump was quoted to say that while the right is saying Biden; however, the quote itself can be attributed to Ernest Hemingway.

Secondly, the AOC quote, if you google it, nothing comes up, and you can be sure if she said something like that, it'll be easy to find.

Posting memes are fine, but fact check the stuff you post before trying to make a point; otherwise, it makes you look foolish.
Yes and even today the Dim Govs of New York and New Jersey seem to be upset other states are encouraging avoiding their state and a quarantine of their residents who flee their states. The New York gov said it was "an act of war" against New York. Several states have told them to stay out and for good reason.
Surely it wouldn't be the same guy that said this a year or so ago....
....remarks Cuomo made in an interview with WCNY Radio, in which he said of Republicans, “They’re searching to define their soul, that’s what’s going on. Is the Republican Party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party?” Cuomo then defined “extreme conservatives” as “right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay,” and said such people “have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”
Surely it wouldn't be the same guy that said this a year or so ago....
....remarks Cuomo made in an interview with WCNY Radio, in which he said of Republicans, “They’re searching to define their soul, that’s what’s going on. Is the Republican Party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party?” Cuomo then defined “extreme conservatives” as “right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay,” and said such people “have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”
That be him. That POS.

**No, Europe is not a shithole as most of you think.

And I love this too btw... Europe is struggling mightily, faces all sorts of economic challenges that we don't particularly with this virus so much so that the Serbian prime minister openly advocated that European countries should look to China, not the EU for assistance during this crisis. Europe was in a recession even before this started.

The ignorant short sighted leftists are so indoctrinated they'll have their heads bowed to the decidedly illiberal and authoritarian Chinese communist regime who would spit on all your progressive ideals. If/when we cede world hegemony to China is a time you don't want to be around.

Europe is Europe, a welfare state with too much state control over things as a consequence of World War 2 devastation, where even today all the best Europeans since Columbus sailed the ocean blue all figured out they had to come here. Now you want to make this place like their's because you are tired of not having enough in the land of plenty, tired of having to compete without understanding our poor and middle class are much stronger than their's is so long as you aren't living on skidrow.
The article stated that the Imperial college first stated that herd immunity was the best option?
I wonder when they changed their opinion?

That's a very good question and one that needs answered. Because that absolutely was our best option and always was if we wanted out of this with the best balance of saving lives and minimizing financial impact.

Instead they shifted to flatten the curve and the rest is history
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