How will they rule ??!

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I have no idea how many tests have been conducted in either country, and neither do you. Here are the death numbers- 68 in the Philippines and 102 in Indonesia, with a death rate per million of 0.6 and 0.4, compared to a death of 166 per million in Italy and 4 per million to the world at large.

And when I keep noticing that the Corona cheerleaders, against all data, insist that warmer weather will not affect the spread, what other conclusion is there than to think that they are actually cheering for the virus? All because of politics- disgusting. Well, not just politics from the Left- also germaphobes, hoarders/preppers, and assorted hypochrondriacs from all political walks of the spectrum. And also people that are scared to death and want everyone else to be equally scared so it's the instinct to gloom and doom.

"Indonesia has only conducted 4,336 tests, a fraction of those done by many other nations. One model by infectious disease experts suggests there are as many as 50,000 cases. Indonesia has a total population of more than 260 million."

Just talked to a cousin in FL. He spends a lot of time listening to political radio shows. 3 weeks ago, I told him he should stock up of some supplies and food, especially since he and his wife would be very susceptible. After the 1st few cases hit down there, I offered to come get them and drive them back to stay at their main home a cabin on 10 acres in B.F.E. He said it's a Chinese hoax, Rush Limbaugh said it's no worse than a cold. Now he's freaking out there's no toilet paper, limits of 1 case of water etc.
Maybe this should have been a separate post and not a reply, but I liked what fishercatfan said and just hit the reply.
Somewhat long, but last post for a while.

FACT: He has been principled before. This was not grandstanding. He does not represent my district, but I've known about Thomas Massie for some time.

To me it doesn't matter whether or not someone(yes me included) agrees with his votes or not (on this or any other matter) we should respect anyone who truly stands up for their convictions.

For anyone who wants to call Massie out for grandstanding (Trump included), prove it. When someone is grandstanding they are doing it for their benefit. This was political suicide for Massie. You're going to have a hard time making the case that it was grandstanding or that Massie didn't know that it would kill his political career.

536 individuals in positions of power inside of Washington DC had an opportunity, make that duty, to in good conscience cast a vote on what I personally think was a piece of trash legislation. Was Thomas Massie the only that felt the way that he did? Not according to what I've heard.

He was the only one though that had enough backbone to stand up for his convictions. We live in a society now that not only wants to be able to rewrite history, we want to create history in the presence that those living in the future will be unable to look back to see just who actually voted for this monstrosity. Action without accountability is what we have.

Right or wrong, at least Massie took a stance. Now he will live with it and sadly be punished for it. If there were any others who had the same convictions and failed to stand up, they too will have to live with that. I personally would rather be in Massie's shoes in that situation.

Many on here (myself included) has probably made the statement that I wish we had people in DC with some integrity and backbone. Now someone actually displays those characteristics and they are crucified.

I believe I too will probably be attacked(woohoo on a message board, big deal I know) for stating my support for what Massie did and also for the statement that I'm about to make. I have been a staunch supporter of Trump, (still best President in my lifetime imo) but I was so disgusted by his need to join the ranks of John Kerry in the attack on Massie and even stating he should be thrown out, that Trump will not get my vote in November. I definitely won't be voting for a democrat either and I am confident that Trump will win KY regardless.

I am truly disappointed in where we are as a nation. There is a bad virus, other than Covid-19, that has overcome our country.
I think I've had enough of it all for awhile.

I'm not going to go back and forth with anyone over these comments, but I'll continue to read the board today and maybe tomorrow and give the one's who wish to attack me their opportunity.(except the few who are on ignore, I guess I won't see your posts) I said my peace and I'll let them do the same.

Everyone stay safe and may we get life back to some semblance of normalcy soon.
I agree with you 100%. Good post. Massie is a fiscally conservative politician and everyone knows that. He's doing what he's said he would do.
While we're at it we should just get rid of Social Security, Medicare/caid, Libraries, the Post Office, Fire Departments & Police Departments across the land.

Drink some water daily it will sustain you. Drink too much, and it will kill you. Find yourself in the middle of the ocean without a raft, and it's game over.

If this regressivism ever actually "succeeds", historians of the future are going to detail how your myopic, selfish ignorance destroyed society if you don't end up making it be actually game over.

The data doesn't show that his "army" is dying off. l.

Levi picked that up somewhere on the internet, what he means is that old people with traditional views on the world are dying off being replaced by smarter youth with better progressive ideals.

It's where the dismissive ageist Ok Boomer! comes from (remember, it's ok for them to be bigoted) and complete nonsense for a myriad of reasons.
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Glad to know you think UBI isn’t socialism. Will archive this post for future use.
Again, I love these

"You like this one thing, well then, youd love full blown socialism"

@Dionysus444 is a nazi yall. He likes roads. Hitler built the autobahn, so dion cant admit he supports the third reich.

It's one thing to implement something in a global pandemic, it's another to implement full time that leads to a budget crisis. You know, like Sweden, which bernie misleads you on all the time. They tried gos fairy tales in the 70s and it lead to low productivity and a budget they have free trade, low corporate tax, more billionaires per capita, little to no immigration, hell all of europe abandoned the wealth tax. Why doesnt the bern out talk about this, none of that is in his platform.

You like the things you own? Well then you love capitalism.
It certainly rings true, but obviously they're not going to turn around and just cut the DNC a check.

They show $560 million in assets on their 2018 Form 990. About $130 million of which is cash and securities. Definitely needed $25 million from taxpayers. But that's why you add certain people to your board, including Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.
Mike Huckabee and Jon Voight are on the board of directors at the KC,appointed by Trump.

Everyone involved needs blame. Same with planned Parenthood or any other 501c3 that makes political donations.

Iirc they can only participate in grass roots political efforts. Donations must qualify otherwise they wouldn't risk it. @Bill Cosby obviously knows more about the tax code than (I just have a working knowledge).
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Rumor starting to circulate here in ohio that dewine will ban alcohol sales this week.

Sounds like "big alcohol" is trying to start a run on booze to rival the toilet paper boom. Throw some dollars at a gov to say he's thinking about it and VIOLA, empty liquor shelves, full pockets for big alcohol.
You think his point was to get people in close proximity to transmit the virus?

They didn’t vote because it’s an election year, and it would have put certain members in a weakened position to cast a vote for or against. That’s the reason.
You don’t seem to understand that no representative will have actually voted on it, on record. In an election year that type of vote can sway the House one way or the other, only no one voted.
Why didn’t they move it Thursday? What was the reason they sat on it an entire day? I’ll tell you why, because it gave members time to get the hell out of dodge before they moved it Friday.
You conspiracy theorists are way out to lunch.
While we're at it we should just get rid of Social Security, Medicare/caid, Libraries, the Post Office, Fire Departments & Police Departments across the land.
You using this argument that has been debunked numerous times in this thread tells me
Glad to know you think UBI isn’t socialism. Will archive this post for future use.
Tell you what. Give everybody their one time check and you can believe it's socialism all you want! You win Dion! You've got socialism. Congrats! So yeah, no need to change anything else. And if anyone tries to convince you a one time check to get you through the world's biggest calamity in history isn't socialism, well you put that a$$hole on ignore! You don't need that kind of negativity in your life my friend.
You using this argument that has been debunked numerous times in this thread tells me

Tell you what. Give everybody their one time check and you can believe it's socialism all you want! You win Dion! You've got socialism. Congrats! So yeah, no need to change anything else. And if anyone tries to convince you a one time check to get you through the world's biggest calamity in history isn't socialism, well you put that a$$hole on ignore! You don't need that kind of negativity in your life my friend.

Negativity IS his life Phil. He thrives on it and requires it to deal with his f'd up life. He needs you to be as miserable as he is, you know, for the sake of equality.
There’s no conspiracy theory there, it’s common sense.
Stop the trolling, this version portrays reason most of the time.
You don't get to define common sense. What was common sense was to get on with the bill ASAP. What was common sense was to not force people back to town and vote in a gathered setting. It's a theory not backed by data. That's the trolling. That you buy it HL&S doesn't make it true. You Massie's campaign manager?
Curious if anybody personally knows anybody who has or has had CV?
Personally? No. Both my manager's parents have it. They had just returned from a vacation to Israel via Germany before international flights stopped. As I understand, the father is having it rough. He's 71 and has not eaten in a few days, but sheltered in place at home with his wife.
Nyt breaks a big story. MISSION FAILED. It's about evil corporations acquisition of an innovative ventilator company, who then shut said company down to protect the profits from their overpriced ventilators.


Except an early nyt headline, now removed, correctly identified the time of the acquisition approval as January 2015. Hopefully someone caught that initial headline/tweet because that was absolutely changed.


To make it even more incompetent, the Obama administration approved this acquisition AFTER initially approving a contract with the smaller company to cheaply build vents after the h1n1 breakout. So they saw the need, addressed it, then approved an acquisition and shut down in the midst of the solution
Yeah, and tRump, the current president, was golfing every weekend and paying off pornstars the first six weeks of the “Chinese Virus”, so what’s your point . . . next.

Nyt breaks a big story. MISSION FAILED. It's about evil corporations acquisition of an innovative ventilator company, who then shut said company down to protect the profits from their overpriced ventilators.


Except an early nyt headline, now removed, correctly identified the time of the acquisition approval as January 2015. Hopefully someone caught that initial headline/tweet because that was absolutely changed.


To make it even more incompetent, the Obama administration approved this acquisition AFTER initially approving a contract with the smaller company to cheaply build vents after the h1n1 breakout. So they saw the need, addressed it, then approved an acquisition and shut down in the midst of the solution

I’m gonna need a string of Levi adjectives on this. What say you Levi? Whose fault is this?
"Indonesia has only conducted 4,336 tests, a fraction of those done by many other nations. One model by infectious disease experts suggests there are as many as 50,000 cases. Indonesia has a total population of more than 260 million."

Just talked to a cousin in FL. He spends a lot of time listening to political radio shows. 3 weeks ago, I told him he should stock up of some supplies and food, especially since he and his wife would be very susceptible. After the 1st few cases hit down there, I offered to come get them and drive them back to stay at their main home a cabin on 10 acres in B.F.E. He said it's a Chinese hoax, Rush Limbaugh said it's no worse than a cold. Now he's freaking out there's no toilet paper, limits of 1 case of water etc.
Assuming 50,000 actual cases in Indonesia, that's a rate of one infection per 5200 residents. Such a rate would still be lower than the USA which is turn lower with a lower rate than most European nations. Yet Indonesia only has 114 deaths.. Unless that number dramatically rises and soon, it becomes apparent that this virus is not quite as deadly as thought, or that there are not as many unknown cases as thought, or some combination thereof. By the way, there is no reason to believe that this virus just disappears in warmer weather- just that it may not retain its transmission rate.
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