How will they rule ??!

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You don't get to define common sense. What was common sense was to get on with the bill ASAP. What was common sense was to not force people back to town and vote in a gathered setting. It's a theory not backed by data. That's the trolling. That you buy it HL&S doesn't make it true. You Massie's campaign manager?

Then why didn’t the House move the bill immediately? Why did they let it sit a day?
That isn’t a theory, it actually happened, it also isn’t a theory that not one member of the House voted on it.
It also isn’t a theory that numerous democrats got emotionally upset in their arguments against the bill, so a vote would’ve put them in a hard place.
I’m not even in Massies district, but to act like what he did was ridiculous is dumb. He was trying to make the House have ownership in it as well.

Youre entire argument is that he would’ve delayed the bill, yet the leadership of the House sat on it a day. They did not want to vote on it.
Nyt breaks a big story. MISSION FAILED. It's about evil corporations acquisition of an innovative ventilator company, who then shut said company down to protect the profits from their overpriced ventilators.


Except an early nyt headline, now removed, correctly identified the time of the acquisition approval as January 2015. Hopefully someone caught that initial headline/tweet because that was absolutely changed.


To make it even more incompetent, the Obama administration approved this acquisition AFTER initially approving a contract with the smaller company to cheaply build vents after the h1n1 breakout. So they saw the need, addressed it, then approved an acquisition and shut down in the midst of the solution
So the faux outrage and leaving out important dates basically makes this another kids in cages situation huh?
Levi, please pick your favorite to replace Trump.

Then why didn’t the House move the bill immediately? Why did they let it sit a day?
That isn’t a theory, it actually happened, it also isn’t a theory that not one member of the House voted on it.
It also isn’t a theory that numerous democrats got emotionally upset in their arguments against the bill, so a vote would’ve put them in a hard place.
I’m not even in Massies district, but to act like what he did was ridiculous is dumb. He was trying to make the House have ownership in it as well.

Youre entire argument is that he would’ve delayed the bill, yet the leadership of the House sat on it a day. They did not want to vote on it.

Facts do not matter to these goddam people.
Well, Dr. Fauci also said "it's a moving target" and he could "easily be wrong".

Let's hope he's wrong, but I fear his estimate might come closer than not..
It may well come close to that, but even those numbers, bad as they are, pale in comparison to some of the hysterical numbers (millions and millions of billions) that the doom prophets have been spreading over Internet message boards.
The first US death from the coronavirus was February 29. The 1000th death was Thursday. The 2000th death was yesterday.

What happened to: “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”


“We have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. And those people are all recuperating successfully.”


“We had 12, at one point. And now they’ve gotten very much better. Many of them are fully recovered.”


"I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."

He's certainly has revealed the fools and the even bigger fools who still defend his performance here.
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It may well come close to that, but even those numbers, bad as they are, pale in comparison to some of the hysterical numbers (millions and millions of billions) that the doom prophets have been spreading over Internet message boards.
And the 5%+ death rate I read on this thread and others a few weeks ago. Last I saw it was about 1.4%
Still too many, but much, much better than 5%
The Senate passed a 1.7 trillion dollar bill. Once Pelosi got her greedy hands on it, the felonious bill turned into 2.2 trillion. That is an extra 500,000,000,000. Did you see the glee in Stretch’s eyes when she signed the bill? Imagine the bribes that can now be paid.

We are witnessing government of the politicians, for the politicians, by the politicians.
n 2019, an estimated 38,800 people lost their lives to car crashes – a 2% decline from 2018 (39,404 deaths) and a 4% decline from 2017 (40,231 deaths). About 4.4 million people were injured seriously enough to require medical attention in crashes last year – also a 2% decrease over 2018 figures.

Oh the humanity! Based upon our reaction to corono, shouldn't cars be outlawed for safety? Maybe have their top speed governed to 15 mph? Help me save the planet.
n 2019, an estimated 38,800 people lost their lives to car crashes – a 2% decline from 2018 (39,404 deaths) and a 4% decline from 2017 (40,231 deaths). About 4.4 million people were injured seriously enough to require medical attention in crashes last year – also a 2% decrease over 2018 figures.

Oh the humanity! Based upon our reaction to corono, shouldn't cars be outlawed for safety? Maybe have their top speed governed to 15 mph? Help me save the planet.

I used to think the same about terrorism but we still dump hundreds of billions into preventing that.
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I had totally forgotten about him. That was really funny at the time.

Simplicity in comedy seems to be lost in agendas. It's a shame too as it is GREAT to laugh. When we as American's quit being able to laugh we have serious issues. Who is trying to take the laughter away...
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And the 5%+ death rate I read on this thread and others a few weeks ago. Last I saw it was about 1.4%
Still too many, but much, much better than 5%
It's hard to know the actual death rate given the number of cases without symptoms, which are unknown cases. I will say this- if Dr. Acton's assessment over two weeks ago, in which she estimated a probable 100,000 cases in Ohio, was accurate, the death rate of this may be much lower than otherwise thought. There have only 25 deaths in Ohio at this point, which is not a death rate of 2.5 percent, but a death rate of 2.5 per TEN THOUSAND. No doubt there will be more deaths from that group that had it at the time the estimate of 100,000 cases was given, but at some point in the near future, the deaths will begin to reflect the additional cases that came after that point.

Something I also noticed about some of the doom prophets- they like to cite a 86% asymptomatic rate to stress the high transmission of the disease, but, then on other discussions, talk about the absolute deadliness of it, apparently forgetting that the death rate is gutted if 86% of cases are actually asymptomatic.
America's actual army was never in the army. From the wireman who keeps the lights on and the motors running to the nurses who keep us alive, we are in this together. You're either hands on deck or you're slacking.
Well, Dr. Fauci also said "it's a moving target" and he could "easily be wrong".

Let's hope he's wrong, but I fear his estimate might come closer than not..
Who was the genius who said they would be surprised if it went over 1500 total three days ago? Think it was AirRaid but too lazy to back and look for it
Then why didn’t the House move the bill immediately? Why did they let it sit a day?
That isn’t a theory, it actually happened, it also isn’t a theory that not one member of the House voted on it.
It also isn’t a theory that numerous democrats got emotionally upset in their arguments against the bill, so a vote would’ve put them in a hard place.
I’m not even in Massies district, but to act like what he did was ridiculous is dumb. He was trying to make the House have ownership in it as well.

Youre entire argument is that he would’ve delayed the bill, yet the leadership of the House sat on it a day. They did not want to vote on it.
It's theory that it was done to protect people's voting record. I don't accept it. Trump didn't stand with Massie, so Trump by your logic is dumb too. I stand with Trump. Go for it.
Remove NYC from the equation and the nation is doing well.

Almost every hot spot coincides with a liberal stronghold that's both been under Dem leadership forever and full of people with impulse control issues as evidenced by the crime rate. The impulse control is so poor because there are generations of lib policies which absolved people of personal responsibility.
Remove NYC from the equation and the nation is doing well.

Almost every hot spot coincides with a liberal stronghold that's both been under Dem leadership forever and full of people with impulse control issues as evidenced by the crime rate.

And the population density of NYC has nothing to do with it I suppose? Not everything has to be political.
In fact, there 525 new deaths yesterday. If there is any positive to come from the latest figures- the rate of new cases (even with presumable increased testing) is becoming less alarming over the last few days.
Is the second derivative of the curve of deaths/day positive or negative? If it's neg, things will get better sooner rather than later.
And the 5%+ death rate I read on this thread and others a few weeks ago. Last I saw it was about 1.4%
Still too many, but much, much better than 5%
That number is meaningless since it's based only on known cases. If you want it to go down further, just test way more people.
And the population density of NYC has nothing to do with it I suppose? Not everything has to be political.
Bergamo doesn't have near the population density of NYC. Regardless, NYC's DA Lib politicians had an a whole lot to do with it.
I know for sure everything but the last part is true. But there was a reason Dems fought so hard to get them in the bill. Given that they fired their musicians, I found it at least likely true
I wouldn’t doubt its true either. It was probably why they fought so hard to get Planned Parenthood funding in there too. They take millions from the federal government, then turn around and donate a portion back to the DNC. Not sure how that is or should be legal in any way shape or form. Can anyone point me to similar scenarios on the republican side? They should be condemned as well if that happens. Does the NRA for example take federal dollars then donate to The RNC?