How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Maybe this should have been a separate post and not a reply, but I liked what fishercatfan said and just hit the reply.
Somewhat long, but last post for a while.

FACT: He has been principled before. This was not grandstanding. He does not represent my district, but I've known about Thomas Massie for some time.

To me it doesn't matter whether or not someone(yes me included) agrees with his votes or not (on this or any other matter) we should respect anyone who truly stands up for their convictions.

For anyone who wants to call Massie out for grandstanding (Trump included), prove it. When someone is grandstanding they are doing it for their benefit. This was political suicide for Massie. You're going to have a hard time making the case that it was grandstanding or that Massie didn't know that it would kill his political career.

536 individuals in positions of power inside of Washington DC had an opportunity, make that duty, to in good conscience cast a vote on what I personally think was a piece of trash legislation. Was Thomas Massie the only that felt the way that he did? Not according to what I've heard.

He was the only one though that had enough backbone to stand up for his convictions. We live in a society now that not only wants to be able to rewrite history, we want to create history in the presence that those living in the future will be unable to look back to see just who actually voted for this monstrosity. Action without accountability is what we have.

Right or wrong, at least Massie took a stance. Now he will live with it and sadly be punished for it. If there were any others who had the same convictions and failed to stand up, they too will have to live with that. I personally would rather be in Massie's shoes in that situation.

Many on here (myself included) has probably made the statement that I wish we had people in DC with some integrity and backbone. Now someone actually displays those characteristics and they are crucified.

I believe I too will probably be attacked(woohoo on a message board, big deal I know) for stating my support for what Massie did and also for the statement that I'm about to make. I have been a staunch supporter of Trump, (still best President in my lifetime imo) but I was so disgusted by his need to join the ranks of John Kerry in the attack on Massie and even stating he should be thrown out, that Trump will not get my vote in November. I definitely won't be voting for a democrat either and I am confident that Trump will win KY regardless.

I am truly disappointed in where we are as a nation. There is a bad virus, other than Covid-19, that has overcome our country.
I think I've had enough of it all for awhile.

I'm not going to go back and forth with anyone over these comments, but I'll continue to read the board today and maybe tomorrow and give the one's who wish to attack me their opportunity.(except the few who are on ignore, I guess I won't see your posts) I said my peace and I'll let them do the same.

Everyone stay safe and may we get life back to some semblance of normalcy soon.
I agree Massie was right, and if he loses, so be it. Politics should not be a career
Maybe this should have been a separate post and not a reply, but I liked what fishercatfan said and just hit the reply.
Somewhat long, but last post for a while.

FACT: He has been principled before. This was not grandstanding. He does not represent my district, but I've known about Thomas Massie for some time.

To me it doesn't matter whether or not someone(yes me included) agrees with his votes or not (on this or any other matter) we should respect anyone who truly stands up for their convictions.

For anyone who wants to call Massie out for grandstanding (Trump included), prove it. When someone is grandstanding they are doing it for their benefit. This was political suicide for Massie. You're going to have a hard time making the case that it was grandstanding or that Massie didn't know that it would kill his political career.

536 individuals in positions of power inside of Washington DC had an opportunity, make that duty, to in good conscience cast a vote on what I personally think was a piece of trash legislation. Was Thomas Massie the only that felt the way that he did? Not according to what I've heard.

He was the only one though that had enough backbone to stand up for his convictions. We live in a society now that not only wants to be able to rewrite history, we want to create history in the presence that those living in the future will be unable to look back to see just who actually voted for this monstrosity. Action without accountability is what we have.

Right or wrong, at least Massie took a stance. Now he will live with it and sadly be punished for it. If there were any others who had the same convictions and failed to stand up, they too will have to live with that. I personally would rather be in Massie's shoes in that situation.

Many on here (myself included) has probably made the statement that I wish we had people in DC with some integrity and backbone. Now someone actually displays those characteristics and they are crucified.

I believe I too will probably be attacked(woohoo on a message board, big deal I know) for stating my support for what Massie did and also for the statement that I'm about to make. I have been a staunch supporter of Trump, (still best President in my lifetime imo) but I was so disgusted by his need to join the ranks of John Kerry in the attack on Massie and even stating he should be thrown out, that Trump will not get my vote in November. I definitely won't be voting for a democrat either and I am confident that Trump will win KY regardless.

I am truly disappointed in where we are as a nation. There is a bad virus, other than Covid-19, that has overcome our country.
I think I've had enough of it all for awhile.

I'm not going to go back and forth with anyone over these comments, but I'll continue to read the board today and maybe tomorrow and give the one's who wish to attack me their opportunity.(except the few who are on ignore, I guess I won't see your posts) I said my peace and I'll let them do the same.

Everyone stay safe and may we get life back to some semblance of normalcy soon.

I agree with you 100%.
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Maybe this should have been a separate post and not a reply, but I liked what fishercatfan said and just hit the reply.
Somewhat long, but last post for a while.

FACT: He has been principled before. This was not grandstanding. He does not represent my district, but I've known about Thomas Massie for some time.

To me it doesn't matter whether or not someone(yes me included) agrees with his votes or not (on this or any other matter) we should respect anyone who truly stands up for their convictions.

For anyone who wants to call Massie out for grandstanding (Trump included), prove it. When someone is grandstanding they are doing it for their benefit. This was political suicide for Massie. You're going to have a hard time making the case that it was grandstanding or that Massie didn't know that it would kill his political career.

536 individuals in positions of power inside of Washington DC had an opportunity, make that duty, to in good conscience cast a vote on what I personally think was a piece of trash legislation. Was Thomas Massie the only that felt the way that he did? Not according to what I've heard.

He was the only one though that had enough backbone to stand up for his convictions. We live in a society now that not only wants to be able to rewrite history, we want to create history in the presence that those living in the future will be unable to look back to see just who actually voted for this monstrosity. Action without accountability is what we have.

Right or wrong, at least Massie took a stance. Now he will live with it and sadly be punished for it. If there were any others who had the same convictions and failed to stand up, they too will have to live with that. I personally would rather be in Massie's shoes in that situation.

Many on here (myself included) has probably made the statement that I wish we had people in DC with some integrity and backbone. Now someone actually displays those characteristics and they are crucified.

I believe I too will probably be attacked(woohoo on a message board, big deal I know) for stating my support for what Massie did and also for the statement that I'm about to make. I have been a staunch supporter of Trump, (still best President in my lifetime imo) but I was so disgusted by his need to join the ranks of John Kerry in the attack on Massie and even stating he should be thrown out, that Trump will not get my vote in November. I definitely won't be voting for a democrat either and I am confident that Trump will win KY regardless.

I am truly disappointed in where we are as a nation. There is a bad virus, other than Covid-19, that has overcome our country.
I think I've had enough of it all for awhile.

I'm not going to go back and forth with anyone over these comments, but I'll continue to read the board today and maybe tomorrow and give the one's who wish to attack me their opportunity.(except the few who are on ignore, I guess I won't see your posts) I said my peace and I'll let them do the same.

Everyone stay safe and may we get life back to some semblance of normalcy soon.
"At least he took a stance". What BS. His backbone screwed over 100+/200+ other people by forcing them back to DC for this vote when he damn well knew he would change nothing and put others' health at risk. He didn't give an ish for anyone but TM. He could have well made his stance without, yes, this grandstanding. #1 A-hole.
We all really need soe
Exactly. This isn't some permanent business decision. This was temporarily offloading a portion of their payroll onto taxpayers for the very short term.

Combined with the fact we were supposed to be overrun two weeks ago, then last week, and now this week - it seems like the signal from those with boots on the ground suggests otherwise
It is kind of odd we keep getting told "next week will tell us all we need to know" when "next week" keeps getting pushed back.
Yea, if screwing over others is right, good for him. And he's still running, so his career isn't over. Without my vote this time, I think he still wins. Too many sheep around here.

How did he screw over anyone? By not voting it lets them off the hook. Anything bad in it will be blamed on the senate and Trump.
They could’ve voted Thursday before they all bolted, it’s a f*cking joke, and I’m not even against it.
He takes all the hit for the hitshow, all the unnecessary delay of everyone else delaying to get their own pet pork projects in.

Didn’t accomplish anything, and people don’t even understand what he was trying to accomplish except whatever minority of those who pay close attention.
I presume within a couple weeks the SIP will be just for older people and people with underlying conditions and everyone else will be able to go back to work.

I hope but that makes too much sense. That's how it should've been from day 1.

I see no reason bar/restaurant seating can't be opened to outside areas right away.

Should have ordered the shutdown of every major coastal and port city back in December. When the first rumblings of something going on in China started up.

No travel in, no travel out

Look at the heat he took with the travel ban on China. Also at the time the experts were stupidly believing China's first case was in November when that was obviously a lie.

It is kind of odd we keep getting told "next week will tell us all we need to know" when "next week" keeps getting pushed back.

Yep. Next week never gets here. That's why we keep hearing about Spain and Italy.

I hope but that makes too much sense. That's how it should've been from day 1.

I see no reason bar/restaurant seating can't be opened to outside areas right away.

Look at the heat he took with the travel ban on China. Also at the time the experts were stupidly believing China's first case was in November when that was obviously a lie.

Yep. Next week never gets here. That's why we keep hearing about Spain and Italy.


Next week you're in deep shit buddy just wait. It's the same thing as al gore and climate change. The year I was born which is 1992 he was spouting off that the earth would not be habitable by now. Fast forward to 2020 and we need the green new deal to save the planet people are still buying these lies

wait till mid April the hospitals are gonna be overrun ! For the amount of cases we've got we have by far the least death
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I’m personally a BIG FAN of putting tRump in front of a microphone for a daily briefing. There is no censor switch between his tiny brain and his huge mouth. ..

How did he screw over anyone? By not voting it lets them off the hook. Anything bad in it will be blamed on the senate and Trump.
They could’ve voted Thursday before they all bolted, it’s a f*cking joke, and I’m not even against it.
Nonsense. He didn't keep anyone on the hook. Their effective votes would be the same. What a waste over "principle".
I don't really want it. I've been working and the money is frankly worthless. Keep it for toilet paper that's what they did under the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Seriously though I would donate it to someone in need gladly
This from the boy who has all of the solutions but still has to work two jobs
Nonsense. He didn't keep anyone on the hook. Their effective votes would be the same. What a waste over "principle".

He was trying to have each member vote on it, you know go on record. So now they can bitch about it without their vote being accountable, because they didn’t freaking vote!!
Instead of meeting for 5 minutes Thursday, they could’ve voted, but didn’t. Why do you think that is?
On one of the few remaining golf courses that were open today. Some dude on the practice green ask me, “If you went camping, and woke up in the middle of the night with a used condom in your ass, would you tell anyone?” I said, “Hell no!” He whispered, “Do you want to go camping?” Just trying to lighten the mood in here.
Maybe this should have been a separate post and not a reply, but I liked what fishercatfan said and just hit the reply.
Somewhat long, but last post for a while.

FACT: He has been principled before. This was not grandstanding. He does not represent my district, but I've known about Thomas Massie for some time.

To me it doesn't matter whether or not someone(yes me included) agrees with his votes or not (on this or any other matter) we should respect anyone who truly stands up for their convictions.

For anyone who wants to call Massie out for grandstanding (Trump included), prove it. When someone is grandstanding they are doing it for their benefit. This was political suicide for Massie. You're going to have a hard time making the case that it was grandstanding or that Massie didn't know that it would kill his political career.

536 individuals in positions of power inside of Washington DC had an opportunity, make that duty, to in good conscience cast a vote on what I personally think was a piece of trash legislation. Was Thomas Massie the only that felt the way that he did? Not according to what I've heard.

He was the only one though that had enough backbone to stand up for his convictions. We live in a society now that not only wants to be able to rewrite history, we want to create history in the presence that those living in the future will be unable to look back to see just who actually voted for this monstrosity. Action without accountability is what we have.

Right or wrong, at least Massie took a stance. Now he will live with it and sadly be punished for it. If there were any others who had the same convictions and failed to stand up, they too will have to live with that. I personally would rather be in Massie's shoes in that situation.

Many on here (myself included) has probably made the statement that I wish we had people in DC with some integrity and backbone. Now someone actually displays those characteristics and they are crucified.

I believe I too will probably be attacked(woohoo on a message board, big deal I know) for stating my support for what Massie did and also for the statement that I'm about to make. I have been a staunch supporter of Trump, (still best President in my lifetime imo) but I was so disgusted by his need to join the ranks of John Kerry in the attack on Massie and even stating he should be thrown out, that Trump will not get my vote in November. I definitely won't be voting for a democrat either and I am confident that Trump will win KY regardless.

I am truly disappointed in where we are as a nation. There is a bad virus, other than Covid-19, that has overcome our country.
I think I've had enough of it all for awhile.

I'm not going to go back and forth with anyone over these comments, but I'll continue to read the board today and maybe tomorrow and give the one's who wish to attack me their opportunity.(except the few who are on ignore, I guess I won't see your posts) I said my peace and I'll let them do the same.

Everyone stay safe and may we get life back to some semblance of normalcy soon.
Agree 100% (except the part about not voting for Trump)
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