How will they rule ??!

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China’s numbers should be thrown out the window. Only the most naive would believe them.
Totally agree.

All you lefties out there you're not suspicious of the fact that media and politicians are lecturing you to stay home and not work while they have jobs and they're getting paid
Yeah you know what you’ve convinced me. It’s a massive conspiracy by politicians and reporters all to get a few extra paychecks while all the plebs have to stay home.
One of the problems they need to adjust are the child labor laws for kids ages 14-17. I get the reason for some but they are overly restrictive. The labor department was going around auditing and fining businesses for child labor infractions. Particularly restaurants. Our company got fined over 150K for minor infractions. We thought that was bad then saw Chipotle get fined over 2 million. And another company over 400K. There were several others fined as well. Some of these kids need to work, either to help support at home or to keep them off the streets. There needs to be some sort of parental waiver system or form which a parent or guardian can sign to allow them to work longer hours. These types of laws are why places are short staffed and have trouble finding help.

What are some of the laws that you think are overly restrictive?: geniunely curious about it as I don't know a ton about child labor laws
You can paint it anyway you want to, the experts are saying the dogs&t media making this sound like the Black Plague are as wrong as rain. 2 weeks from now Liberals will be looking for the next "we got him now!" moment. F'ing losers.
“The experts”?

Why is it I know 100% your definition of expert is anyone who attempts to minimize the threat. Meanwhile the daily case and death count are doubling about every 4-5 days.
What are some of the laws that you think are overly restrictive?: geniunely curious about it as I don't know a ton about child labor laws
Does anyone need any more evidence that we live in a Victorian dystopia? A guy complaining about how 14 yr old kids need to work to support their families. The richest country in the history of the world should be putting children in the mines to be able to eat, meanwhile billionaires with five yachts need tax breaks.
“The experts”?

Why is it I know 100% your definition of expert is anyone who attempts to minimize the threat. Meanwhile the daily case and death count are doubling about every 4-5 days.

CA Governor Newsome said about 10 days ago that in two weeks, over 56% of California would have the's almost been two weeks and the entire state has about 3000 cases, lol.
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Ca Governor Newsome said about 10 days ago that in two weeks, over 56% of California would have the's almost been two weeks and the entire state has about 3000 cases, lol.
About 1 month ago Trump said that the number of cases would be near zero by now.
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Because YOU refute something doesn’t invalidate it. You’re just as full of shit as most the others that post in this thread.

I explained (thoroughly) why the conclusions he was making did not follow from the evidence presented, as I have done with you before and am willing to do again.

But that doesn't matter to you, and apparently to him too unsurprisingly, even when presented with insurmountable evidence to the contrary, you will persist in your half-truths and poorly thought out conclusions. It's not ME that makes the refutation, it's the evidence and the argument presented. If I am so FOS, you should be able to use evidence to refute claims that I make, but you never have and never will.

I, unlike you, would welcome such an attempt and would change my stance on something were you able to prove me in error using evidence and a thorough, thoughtful argument. I've never seen you present something even remotely akin to that as long as I've read these boards.

The argument, as presented by him, was summarily refuted.
One was being optimistic while taking actions, the other was trying to scare his constituents.
Being “optimistic” about an infectious disease with no know cure is beyond ignorant as it encourages people to not heed the warnings of public health officials. That optimism has only served to make the problem worse.
I explained (thoroughly) why the conclusions he was making did not follow from the evidence presented, as I have done with you before and am willing to do again.

But that doesn't matter to you, and apparently to him too unsurprisingly, even when presented with insurmountable evidence to the contrary, you will persist in your half-truths and poorly thought out conclusions. It's not ME that makes the refutation, it's the evidence and the argument presented. If I am so FOS, you should be able to use evidence to refute claims that I make, but you never have and never will.

I, unlike you, would welcome such an attempt and would change my stance on something were you able to prove me in error using evidence and a thorough, thoughtful argument. I've never seen you present something even remotely akin to that as long as I've read these boards.

The argument, as presented by him, was summarily refuted.
Only in your own simple mind.
We are about 2 weeks behind most of Europe and S.Korea. Yes, we will always be 2 weeks behind those places where. Cases appeared 2 weeks before cases here.

Wrong. Noone knows when they appeared. Only when the first test was confirmed. That's the main reason the whole concept is flawed.

If we were on their path we'd already be overrun. That's what we were promised would happen by last Wednesday. Then today. Now the next two weeks.

Facts are the cases have a very low probability of being critical, despite their earlier modeling.
We are about 2 weeks behind most of Europe and S.Korea. Yes, we will always be 2 weeks behind those places where. Cases appeared 2 weeks before cases here.

we also have medicine that is light years ahead of them does that count for anything in your mind doctor lefty? Other than nyc which frankly has only themselves and their open borders to blame we're doing a damn good job on this
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What are some of the laws that you think are overly restrictive?: geniunely curious about it as I don't know a ton about child labor laws
14 and 15 year olds can’t work before 7:00 am (not that many do anyway). The restrictive ones are that they can’t work more than 18 hours a week when school is in session. Can’t work past 7:00 pm. On a school night and 9:00pm on non-school nights.

The laws don’t allow any leeway. If a kid clicks out at 7:01 it’s a violation. When you have kids managing kids those things tend to get overlooked or the managers aren’t always aware of the rules, or if they’re busy and keep kids a few minutes longer it can get the business in trouble. I think the 7:00 limit could be pushed to 8:00 and the non school night limit should go later than 9:00 or at least allow a parental waiver to allow those hours to be extended. And the labor department should be able to see intent if they’re showing kids clocking out at 7:05. Kinda like cops giving you an extra 10 MPH on the interstate before they light you up.

Of course there needs to be laws and regulations, but they just need some flexibility built into them.
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Feb. 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

That's not him saying it would be zero right now. By the way, while you're at it, make sure to post all the quotes from the Mayor of New York saying to go out and live life to the fullest. I know you won't, because you are eaten alive with TDS.
Make America Great Again!
#1 in the world for confirmed COVID-19 cases.
#1 in ventilator, medical gloves and mask bumble****ery

Yeah we're prepared and what more could Trump have done sniff sniff
Does anyone need any more evidence that we live in a Victorian dystopia? A guy complaining about how 14 yr old kids need to work to support their families. The richest country in the history of the world should be putting children in the mines to be able to eat, meanwhile billionaires with five yachts need tax breaks.
Good Lawd you stretched what I said. I said HELP support and to keep some off the streets. Trust me, I work in the restaurant industry for a company that owns over 400 restaurants and employs over 18000 people in them. I’m in a lot of these restaurants, I talk to the staff. Kids that age are working for a variety of reasons.
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That's not him saying it would be zero right now. By the way, while you're at it, make sure to post all the quotes from the Mayor of New York saying to go out and live life to the fullest. I know you won't, because you are eaten alive with TDS.
Go back and read what I said. I said he said it would be “close to zero” which is exactly what I quoted.

close to zero vs near zero... are you the only in your family?

About 1 month ago Trump said that the number of cases would be near zero by now.
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