How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Seriously GSchool?!?! People? Couldn't find something from Rolling Stone or Salon? The View is not a source FYI.
I watched it all go down live with my own eyes. Hours of our nation being embarrassed on world wide tv as Trump's cult trashed our Capitol and stopped our democracy from functioning based on a lie and an unnecessary rally telling Pence to wipe our Constitution and electoral process with his ass.
Hours passed before Dear Leader said a word to the country.
That is a fact.
I don't need a website, tv station or anyone else to interpret what I saw with my own eyes happen that day.
And it wasn't a GD sightseeing tour.

Also, nice to add the “genital” qualifier. What about mastectomies? A sane person would consider that mutilation, but breasts aren’t genitals so that conveniently gets left out.

And more doublespeak where the article uses adolescents to seemingly mean teenagers, but then later applies that to children as young as 8 when referring to hormone therapy (which is absolutely a type of mutilation).
Are you also opposed to ANY breast reduction or enlargement procedures in minors as well?
What about nose jobs or ear flap surgery? Any permanent plastic surgery?
Are you also opposed to ANY breast reduction or enlargement procedures in minors as well?
What about nose jobs or ear flap surgery? Any permanent plastic surgery?
Mr. Exception Proves the Rule again. What a dummy. Minors aren't carving off their tits en masse because they have cancer. It's because their teachers are convincing them that they are dudes. It's the same stupid logic that says "ZOMG somebody got raped, we have to murder millions of babies"
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Are you also opposed to ANY breast reduction or enlargement procedures in minors as well?
What about nose jobs or ear flap surgery? Any permanent plastic surgery?
Yes. Elective cosmetic surgery on minors is insane. But fully removing a healthy part of the body would be worse than something approaching “augmentation”. Quite obviously, shaving cartilage off the nose is less insane than removing the nose entirely.

The fact that you included breast enlargement surgery for a minor on the list of procedures you imply it would be odd for me to be opposed to is somewhat troubling, to say the least. But here you are carrying water for giving puberty blockers to 8 year olds, so can’t say I’m shocked
Are you also opposed to ANY breast reduction or enlargement procedures in minors as well?
What about nose jobs or ear flap surgery? Any permanent plastic surgery?
The rest of the developed world has banned gender surgeries on children. Either you believe science or you don't. All of their studies show it does not reduce suicide. They also show that some children end up gay...and some of them end up straight. You know, bc they are children who can't make informed decisions. Ppl can do whatever they want to themselves when they are an adult.
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Has anyone here ever been required to show/recall showing an ID to register? Or to show proof of citizenship - birth certificate/naturalization/passport - to register? It's been 50+ years since I last registered & don't recall a thing about the process here in Kenton Cty, Ky. Certainly didn't have a passport then & don't recall needing a birth certificate.
I have never voted with out showing my id
The Chicago Mayor said that witch was about to roll out her border plan. How disgusting, but par for the course. She'll now give the appearance of fixing it for votes. These people repulse me with their only lifting a finger to stop human sufferring if it polls well.
Only the liberal clapping seals will buy into the blatant attempt to secure votes. Knowing full well the gates will flood back open as soon as she wins.

Also, nice to add the “genital” qualifier. What about mastectomies? A sane person would consider that mutilation, but breasts aren’t genitals so that conveniently gets left out.

And more doublespeak where the article uses adolescents to seemingly mean teenagers, but then later applies that to children as young as 8 when referring to hormone therapy (which is absolutely a type of mutilation).

He is absolutely The Village Idiot.

He posts links constantly that contradict the point He thinks he is succinctly making.

It's hilarious. I'll never put that fool on ignore. No way.

Unvaxxed unmasked Rapist step-dads of 10 year olds shooting fridges in fields with their AR-15 wearing their gold Maga sneakers and such. Screaming 'this is MAGA country!'

Feel free to add anything i may have missed, fellow normal people.
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