How will they rule ??!

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Being “optimistic” about an infectious disease with no know cure is beyond ignorant as it encourages people to not heed the warnings of public health officials. That optimism has only served to make the problem worse.
He wasn't the one telling New Yorkers to get out & party like mad for lunar new year in Feb, was he? Who were those people? He wasn't the one encouraging folks to go to Mardi Gras, was he? He wasn't the one telling people to go on Spring Break, was he?

To answer the question "Who's the shithole country now?"

Probably the country where they're eating bat soup and dogs containing god knows what diseases including but not limited to the disease that started this global pandemic...

You can say a lot about this country...our homeless and hungry don't even eat bats...
He wasn't the one telling New Yorkers to get out & party like mad for lunar new year in Feb, was he? Who were those people? He wasn't the one encouraging folks to go to Mardi Gras, was he? He wasn't the one telling people to go on Spring Break, was he?
He also wasn't the one, like some idiot mayor of Florence, Italy, virtue signaling and urging people to hug random Chinese immigrants. But he was the one who shut down incoming flights from China in January- which the Fuzzes of this world called racist. I wonder how bad this whole thing would be had he not done so. I wonder if Fuzz/RQ would like to evaluate that decision in light of current events.
Like a miracle . . . we’ll all wake up one day and it’d just be gone. In all seriousness, in a month’s time The Cheeto Fuhrer went from “this is all a hoax” to “we need you to accept death so billionaires can keep making money.”
Lol look at dipshit bushrod spreading a well known lie. Trump never called the virus a hoax.
14 and 15 year olds can’t work before 7:00 am (not that many do anyway). The restrictive ones are that they can’t work more than 18 hours a week when school is in session. Can’t work past 7:00 pm. On a school night and 9:00pm on non-school nights.

The laws don’t allow any leeway. If a kid clicks out at 7:01 it’s a violation. When you have kids managing kids those things tend to get overlooked or the managers aren’t always aware of the rules, or if they’re busy and keep kids a few minutes longer it can get the business in trouble. I think the 7:00 limit could be pushed to 8:00 and the non school night limit should go later than 9:00 or at least allow a parental waiver to allow those hours to be extended. And the labor department should be able to see intent if they’re showing kids clocking out at 7:05. Kinda like cops giving you an extra 10 MPH on the interstate before they light you up.

Of course there needs to be laws and regulations, but they just need some flexibility built into them.

I agree with most of what you said. When I was in high school, I often worked till 10. Have no idea if those laws were in place, or if my employer just ignored them. Honestly I don’t think a high school kid should be working much more than 20, but that’s justme
I posted this the other day but it's worth the re-post. All of this arguing when we should be worried about what is going on in the present is childish.

From the other day

Before I post a retort to your statement above, I'd like to say that while we all share differing political views & opinions, we all have one thing in common, and that is the love of Kentucky basketball. I grew up a UK fan and graduated from Kentucky in 2010 with a degree in Business Administration & Finance.

Unlike Levibooty, who has posted some stuff that I technically agree with, I cannot agree with the way he's presenting his argument. Saying something is true without positing evidence is just as bad as people on the right (or left) posting stuff as if it's 100% factual.

Let's dive into the 2008-2016 era that you, Cole854, say was an "unrecoverable hell" and 2017 to present period, which was "filled with prosperity" that is until the virus came.

Now I won't be like many people on the left who blame DT for the downturn in the markets. Sure, I think he could've acted sooner, but the market crash was going to happen regardless of who was in the office. I'm not going to place the blame on DT for the market falling from 29,500 to 20,700 points. Actually, let's pretend the market is still at 29,500.

Stock Market - DJIA

When Trump took office, the market was at 19,827, and 3 years later, it sat around 29,500, for a whopping 14% rate of return/year. To put that into perspective, the average returns since the Great Depression range from 7-10ish percent depending on which market index you use.

When Obama took office, the market was already in a downward spiral, a crash that started in October 2007 and would become known as the Great Recession. When Obama took office, the market was around 8,077 and continued to fall for the next six weeks or so to 6,500 in March 2009. This was the start of the bull market that lasted from March 2009 to March 2020. Essentially, we were in a bull run for all but six weeks of Obama's tenure. Three years into 44's tenure, the market was around 12,600 points, equating to a 16% return/year. After four years in office, the market was about 13,895 or 14.5%/year over the first 4 years. During his 8 years in office, the DJIA roughly returned 11.9%, going from 8,077 points to 19,827 points.

Now, I am only using these numbers because it's what DT likes to tout when touting the economy, saying the previous administration had numbers that couldn't touch what has occurred over the past three years.

Do I believe the president has any substantial impact on the market as a whole? Normally, I'd have to say they do not; however, I'm just attempting to us the arguments DT uses as a means to fight against it.

One could argue that DT was just continuing where the market left off once Obama left. Another person could say that 44's numbers were good only because he started from the bottom. While I can see both sides, I tend to lean towards the administration of 44, actually pulling us out of the Great Recession.

We can infer this by looking at two things that Trump likes to point out, and that is the stock market performance, jobs created, and unemployment.

Unemployment Rate

When the DJIA hit its peak before the market started to crash in Oct 2007, the unemployment rate was equal to 4.7%. When 44 took over, it was 7.8%, and when he left it was back to 4.7%. Yes, the first four years of his tenure didn't change much with regards to this number, going from 7.8 to 8.3, but the Great Recession wasn't your typical recessionary period.

2000 to Present


When DT took over, the unemployment rate was 4.7% (see above), and as of February 2020, it sits at 3.5%. Again, one could argue that this is just a continuation of the previous administration, but I'd give the current administration some credit at least.

If you want to mess around with the graph above, please click the link below.

Job Creation

Job creation is another topic that is frequently discussed by Trump and his administration. They tout that they're bringing back jobs to the U.S. and creating more jobs than we've seen ever before. But again, this is not true.

Utilizing the link below and making your range from 2009 to 2020, one can see the number of jobs created each month. To make this information useful, I'd recommend downloading the .xlsx file and doing a summation of the number of jobs created each year and then sorting the number of jobs created by year from highest to lowest.

2009 is by far the worse year on this data set, with over 5 million jobs lost. However, a rational person would see that we were in the Great Recession, and that's not something one can get out of overnight.

Now, if you take the past 11 calendar years and order them, you'll see that DT is only in the top 5 in terms of jobs created in a year, just a single time. 5 of the top 6 were all under Obama.

2014 - 3 million jobs
2015 - 2.72 million
2016 - 2.345 million
2018 - 2.314 million
2013 - 2.301 million
2012 - 2.176 million
2019 - 2.133 million
2017 - 2.109 million
2011 - 2.074 million
2010 - 1.034 million
2009 - (5.051 million)

From looking at these numbers, one can see as to why the unemployment rate basically remained the same over 44's first term but fell drastically over his second term. Yes, the market kicked ass during the entire eight years, but most of that wealth went to the wealthy of this country, just like what has happened over the past three years.

I used the link below, which is also where Trump and his administration get their job numbers. Again I recommend viewing all three links and messing around with the data to see that I'm posting what is reflected in the data.

In closing, while I'm not really a fan of 45, I can give his administration some credit for the markets from 2017 through the end of 2019. But to say that we were in hell before 2017 is completely foolish, especially when the numbers presented show otherwise. While I do my best to visit news sites of differing leanings, from Fox to MSNBC, I believe we all have to stop investing so much time into the news as all that does is promote fear of the other side and just fear in general. I do my best to avoid the news on television as it can be a dangerous thing for our minds to absorb.

With that being said, I hope everyone can start having a friendly discourse with one another and not resort to unwarranted and/or immature attacks.

Go Cats!


you are wasting your breathe w most of the folks on this board. They will never, ever acknowledge that Obama did anything good for the country. Was he perfect? Absolutely not, but he did help grow the country out of the recession

unfortunately, they will say it wasn’t enough or it wasn’t quick enough or he had low interest rates. People often argue about how much the president really “controls” or affects the economy. Bottom line is if you are you going to credit the the president w economic growth, you have to be consistent w it from president to president. You won’t see this on this board.

I am not the biggest Trump fan out there, but objectively he has done well w the economy for the past three years. It has continued to grow up until the virus hit

I have posted this a few times on this board, but many are absolutely blinded by partisan politics. As evidenced on this board, you will see it on a daily basis. It definitely sucks, but that is the way politics is today. It happens on both sides.
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I didn’t say we were in hell, I stated that for the first time Americans thought their kids wouldn’t be better off than them.

That is exactly why Trump was elected, we were tired of shipping jobs out of country, and TPP would’ve furthered that. As this pandemic has further proven is that we need to depend less on foreign manufacture on many items.

The economy was anemic under Obama, imagine if this has happened under his watch and the fed interest was at zero as it was for 90% of his presidency?

As you’ll see in the coming months and years after this huge jobs drop, jobs exponentially grow after a huge drop. It’s going to completely turn Trumps job numbers out the roof.

what a BS post. You talk as if the nation was in such an awful state that the overwhelming majority thought we needed drastic change to make the world a better place for our kids. It came down to three states and 100k votes. Don’t act as if this was a landslide victory where most Americans shared the sentiment of your post. Bottom line is the DNC had put up anyone else not named Hilary ( she was an awful candidate btw) that individual would have been the president
what a BS post. You talk as if the nation was in such an awful state that the overwhelming majority thought we needed drastic change to make the world a better place for our kids. It came down to three states and 100k votes. Don’t act as if this was a landslide victory where most Americans shared the sentiment of your post. Bottom line is the DNC had put up anyone else not named Hilary ( she was an awful candidate btw) that individual would have been the president
You are correct insofar that 100K votes made the difference for Trump, but, if you give Clinton all three of those states where those votes made the difference, and she wins, we could just as easily talk about a few hundred votes in Nevada and New Hampshire and Minnesota would have given Trump the win. It's ultimately irrelevant.
As for your other point, had the DNC put up another candidate other than Hillary, who knows what would have happened? I have no doubt that a reasonable candidate could have won. But there is some bad news as well. Had they placed Bernie up there, it would have a lot worse for your team We're not electing a USSR/Castro bro. Not in a million years.
He wasn't the one telling New Yorkers to get out & party like mad for lunar new year in Feb, was he? Who were those people? He wasn't the one encouraging folks to go to Mardi Gras, was he? He wasn't the one telling people to go on Spring Break, was he?
By minimizing the problem it encouraged the status quo. At the time of the statement no protective measures were being taken. No businesses or schools had closed, nobody was discussing social distancing. It’s the exact reason that it is only MAGAets on this board and everywhere that continue to minimize. It was very much an implicit call to carry on as normal because this thing is under control and going away.

It really amazes me in the year 2020, where we all have access to all the information in the world, why someone would come on to a political discussion board and still claim Trump called the virus a hoax, which we all know is a lie, and is in fact proving Trump correct in what he actually said.

Just an astounding level of willful ignorance.

Yet those people also get to vote. That’s exactly why one Democrat front runner is a communist and the leader of the pack has full blown dementia.

If you’re a person who believes Trump called the virus a hoax, watching Biden drool on himself as he can’t remember his own name is probably like looking in the mirror.

I know I’ve engaged with those morons a whole hell of a lot over the years, but it’s like they’re just proud to be ignorant. Bushrod, fuzz, dion, I assume Levi still but couldn’t tell you, do everything they can to ignore facts.

You don’t like Trumps handling of the crisis? Fine. Talk facts. “Muh Trump called it a hoax” is literally what Trump said you morons were going to do. Lie about what he said and did because your other hoaxes failed.
you are wasting your breathe w most of the folks on this board. They will never, ever acknowledge that Obama did anything good for the country. Was he perfect? Absolutely not, but he did help grow the country out of the recession

unfortunately, they will say it wasn’t enough or it wasn’t quick enough or he had low interest rates. People often argue about how much the president really “controls” or affects the economy. Bottom line is if you are you going to credit the the president w economic growth, you have to be consistent w it from president to president. You won’t see this on this board.

I am not the biggest Trump fan out there, but objectively he has done well w the economy for the past three years. It has continued to grow up until the virus hit

I have posted this a few times on this board, but many are absolutely blinded by partisan politics. As evidenced on this board, you will see it on a daily basis. It definitely sucks, but that is the way politics is today. It happens on both sides.

The post you were referencing was naive and simplistic and didn't provide evidence to support the claims that it made... I detailed why in a previous post.

A president certainly has significant impact on the economy, but no two presidents are directly comparable because they aren't dealing with the same circumstances because they aren't (can't) be president at the same time. Any doubt or debate on how significant a president is to the economy would be removed immediately were Bernie Sanders to become president, which thankfully should be an impossibility. When comparing presidents, you have to look directly at policies enacted and their subsequent results with respect to their own unique environments.

It's way easier to see blind partisanship in people that don't share your views than it is to see your own. Levi is clearly the biggest ideologue on this board, for instance, but to him it's not him that is deluded but everyone else. The simplistic idea that if only people were less tribal, they could dispassionately look at the facts and come to the same conclusion as you is wrong and arrogant.

Obama's economy, as described in Bill Derrington's post iirc, was certainly anemic. There is no excuse to continue to peddle lies/distortions; you have the internet, you can go read what was being said at the time if you don't remember how bad things were. I could talk all day about why I "liked" Obama (I voted for him) or his policies he enacted, but today that's neither here nor there. He will go down as perhaps the worst president in this nation's illustrious history and the real benefit, if nothing else, of Trump is that we prevented the continuation of his disastrous policies through Clinton and presumably again this fall through Biden.
By minimizing the problem it encouraged the status quo. At the time of the statement no protective measures were being taken. No businesses or schools had closed, nobody was discussing social distancing. It’s the exact reason that it is only MAGAets on this board and everywhere that continue to minimize. It was very much an implicit call to carry on as normal because this thing is under control and going away.
Not really. He put a task force together in criee it wasnt diverse enough. He banned travel in jan and every publication from the wapo to vox claimed it was nothing more than the flu, bc they had to pretend it was racist to do so. Now the media is cheering we have more cases, bc they believe communist China. They are also cheering that china is supposedly helping italy...even tho it turns out they gave them faulty tests. We now have a democrat party that's spending 100 million in a stimulus bill for the performing arts as opposed to buying tests, ventilators, or to the workers they claim to care about. But hey, corporation = billionaire or something. Not millions of workers
The lefties seem to really wish the president would have declared martial law and shut down businesses sooner.

Honestly, if we’re giving him the powers of a dictator, my preference would be he just shuts down the for profit news media (since the lefties are so comfortable sacrificing rights to a federal executive in a crisis).

I know “fake news” is thrown around a lot these days. But I really just ignore most of what’s reported. I was in Napa in November of 2017, weeks after the wildfires. Yes, some small portions were devastated, but if you watched the news, Napa and Sonoma counties had burned to the ground. Everyone just kept thanking us for not canceling our trip, because so many others had based on what the media was saying.

So that’s my frame of reference for this coronavirus shit. There’s no way I can independently gather all facts, but one fact I do know for sure is the media in this country are a bunch of shameless biased hacks looking to make a profit, not report factual information.
Like a miracle . . . we’ll all wake up one day and it’d just be gone. In all seriousness, in a month’s time The Cheeto Fuhrer went from “this is all a hoax” to “we need you to accept death so billionaires can keep making money.”
Guess who just crapped in somebody's cereal?

On the one hand, I would like Massie to throw a wrench into this based on principle.

On the other hand, this $2 trillion is all fake money and my wife’s commissions paid off market value at the end of the month is real money.

Let’s just keep pumping the fake money. I want mine at this point.
He wasn't the one telling New Yorkers to get out & party like mad for lunar new year in Feb, was he? Who were those people? He wasn't the one encouraging folks to go to Mardi Gras, was he? He wasn't the one telling people to go on Spring Break, was he?

Like Liberals always do, he has two sets of have to live by what he preaches.......... unless you’re a Liberal.
what a BS post. You talk as if the nation was in such an awful state that the overwhelming majority thought we needed drastic change to make the world a better place for our kids. It came down to three states and 100k votes. Don’t act as if this was a landslide victory where most Americans shared the sentiment of your post. Bottom line is the DNC had put up anyone else not named Hilary ( she was an awful candidate btw) that individual would have been the president
I didn’t say any such thing. Have you completely forgotten the state of the nation in 2016? Those weren’t my opinion Joe, the Nation was in a funk, the economy was stagnant.
Trump won Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. It doesn’t matter if it was by one vote or a million, those states hadn’t gone for a Rep in 30 years. The reason wasn’t Hillary alone. People were sick and tired of seeing jobs disappear and hear they weren’t ever coming back.
you are wasting your breathe w most of the folks on this board. They will never, ever acknowledge that Obama did anything good for the country. Was he perfect? Absolutely not, but he did help grow the country out of the recession

unfortunately, they will say it wasn’t enough or it wasn’t quick enough or he had low interest rates. People often argue about how much the president really “controls” or affects the economy. Bottom line is if you are you going to credit the the president w economic growth, you have to be consistent w it from president to president. You won’t see this on this board.

I am not the biggest Trump fan out there, but objectively he has done well w the economy for the past three years. It has continued to grow up until the virus hit

I have posted this a few times on this board, but many are absolutely blinded by partisan politics. As evidenced on this board, you will see it on a daily basis. It definitely sucks, but that is the way politics is today. It happens on both sides.
Credit Obama for giving the order to take out Bin Laden and a few other Mooslims. That said he did more to divide this nation since LBJ, put too many restrictive regulations on industry, screwed up everyone’s health insurance, went on a world wide apology tour blaming America for all the worlds ills, placated and kowtowed to Iran to get a terrible deal. In other words, his negatives out weigh his positives.