How will they rule ??!

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So he won’t admit he was wrong, at least most of us on the paddock aren’t alone in that.

Updating your assessment when the situation changes is a reasonable thing to do, no? Saying the projections magically went from 500k to 20k is dishonest. Calling bullshit on a model that can accurately forecast people staying 6 feet apart and closing parks is reasonable.
we also have medicine that is light years ahead of them does that count for anything in your mind doctor lefty? Other than nyc which frankly has only themselves and their open borders to blame we're doing a damn good job on this

Nearly spit my drink out at this. Can you further elaborate on NYC's open borders? Or that our medicine is light years ahead of South Korea and Europe?
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Go back and read what I said. I said he said it would be “close to zero” which is exactly what I quoted.

close to zero vs near zero... are you the only idiot in your family?

why do you have to go insulting people?

calling people idiots, or simple, or whatever is not an argument and doesn't do anything to solidify your point, whatever that may be.

it doesn't persuade people to join your side.

What's your point? We're all gonna die cause orange man bad? No, we aren't. Things will be fine, the country will get through this.

ALso, you aren't being honest with your quote, here it is.
And the number one priority from our standpoint is the health and safety of the American people. And that’s the way I viewed it when I made that decision. Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. We have the greatest experts in the world — really, in the world, right here — people that are called upon by other countries when things like this happen.

We — we’re ready to adapt and we’re ready to do whatever we have to as the disease spreads, if it spreads. As most of you know, the — the level that we’ve had in our country is very low, and those people are getting better, or we think that in almost all cases they’re better, or getting. We have a total of 15. We took in some from Japan — you heard about that — because they’re American citizens, and they’re in quarantine. And they’re getting better too.

But we felt we had an obligation to do that. It could have been as many as 42. And we found that we were — it was just an obligation we felt that we had. We could have left them, and that would have been very bad — very bad, I think — of American people. And they’re recovering.

Of the 15 people — the “original 15,” as I call them — 8 of them have returned to their homes, to stay in their homes until fully recovered. One is in the hospital and five have fully recovered. And one is, we think, in pretty good shape and it’s in between hospital and going home.

So again, here we have evidence you are the one that is FOS and simple (unsurprisingly, you project your own inadequacies on others), and even when presented evidence, you will not change your stance and will certainly repeat this lie and others.
ANd yet once again, you are summarily refuted by the evidence no because I say so or in my mind. I run circles around you because I don't need to lie, or rely on half truths... the truth is enough, it stands on it's own.
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Go back and read what I said. I said he said it would be “close to zero” which is exactly what I quoted.

close to zero vs near zero... are you the only idiot in your family?

haha. You are getting clobbered from all sides and are down to name calling because you have nothing. Shameless a-holes blame this on Trump while giving De Blasio a pass when he TOLD New Yorkers to live life to the fullest and showed himself riding on the subway not even 2-3 weeks ago.
Nearly spit my drink out at this. Can you further elaborate on NYC's open borders? Or that our medicine is light years ahead of South Korea and Europe?
Dude saw a lot of brown people on a television show set in New York City and assumed it bordered Mexico.
Like a miracle . . . we’ll all wake up one day and it’d just be gone. In all seriousness, in a month’s time The Cheeto Fuhrer went from “this is all a hoax” to “we need you to accept death so billionaires can keep making money.”

The only people saying that Trump said this was a Hoax are POS sore loser Liberals that know for a fact that what he really said was the media is pushing a hoax by smearing him over his handling of the virus. Are you ever gonna tell he how Trump's approval numbers never being higher than they are now as reported by......gasp.......CNN yesterday tastes? I've asked you three times now how that tastes but you won't tell me? [roll]
Obama could have unleashed a torrid growth rate had he unshackled our economic engine. Instead, he handcuffed business any way he could with his "pen and phone." The economy slowly recovered despite him. In fact, it was the slowest and most anemic recovery from recession on record. But you already knew that.

Trump comes in, reverses all Obama's executive orders and the economy took off like a well oiled machine. The numbers were phenomenal. Unemployment at all time lows. Employment at all time highs. And then the pandemic. It's not his fault, but you and other shills want to blame him. How stupid is that? Thank God he banned incoming travel from China and Europe. Your guy Biden wouldn't have done that.
Please detail out these "phenomenal" numbers showing where the economy "took off". The economy was so "BOOMING" that it completely collapsed from 1 week of quarantine and we are going to spend 5+ trillion trying to put it on life support.
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Trump is awesome, no other politician would go out in such an obvious limb to give people hope... but 0 chance the country is reopened by Easter.
Updating your assessment when the situation changes is a reasonable thing to do, no? Saying the projections magically went from 500k to 20k is dishonest. Calling bullshit on a model that can accurately forecast people staying 6 feet apart and closing parks is reasonable.

Updating an assessment is admitting, without admitting your prior assessment was wrong.
Tomorrow that will be down to day down to 12...

14 states with over 1000 cases, that number will rise daily.

US now with the most cases of any country in the world. Will surpass 100,000 cases tomorrow.
Another prophet of disaster who says the ship is lost. Another prophet of disaster leaving you to count the cost. Taunting us with visions, afflicting us with fear. Predicting war for millions in the hope that one appears.

In the case of Fuzz, substitute "bubonic plague" for "war".
Seeing we are two weeks behind you shouldn’t be so sure. Very few cases in the US have final outcomes.
You were saying that two weeks ago. I'm tired of people of insisting that we're only two weeks away from the Black Plague. I suspect that a lot of it will stop after Election Day, regardless of which way things pan out.
Nearly spit my drink out at this. Can you further elaborate on NYC's open borders? Or that our medicine is light years ahead of South Korea and Europe?

South Korea is actually handling things quite well in the absence of utter hysteria. As for Europe, things are better in some parts of Europe than others and it probably didn't help Italy when some idiot "social democrat" (read- Communist) mayor of Florence virtue signaled and urged Italians to hug people from Wuhan flights at airports. I nearly spit my drink out when I read about that.
Dude saw a lot of brown people on a television show set in New York City and assumed it bordered Mexico.
Speaking of Mexico, the President (and a left-winger, no less, so you will surely appreciate that at least) is taking a practical approach to this hysteria and is not claiming that the sky is falling.

I predict Mexico weathers this storm just fine and comes out the stronger for not submitting to this hysteria.
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Trump is awesome, no other politician would go out in such an obvious limb to give people hope... but 0 chance the country is reopened by Easter.

What exactly are you talking about 80 percent of the country is working and has been. I agree though there's no way businesses are gonna be staying shut down until Easter beginning next week they're gonna open even if they have to say screw you

why is the left suddenly obsessed with not wanting people to work I wonder. Now it can safely be assumed that the Chinese in collusion with the deep state released this virus late last year and many have had it and recovered. Remember this was around but it didn't become a so called news story covered by msm until impeachment was over
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I'd be way beyond shocked if anyone officially has said Europe is only expecting 20k deaths. That would be terribly irresponsible given the continued massive uptick in cases and deaths every day. Whoever said that should never be allowed to speak in public again.
Pretty sure those #'s were for UK only.
Tomorrow that will be down to day down to 12...

14 states with over 1000 cases, that number will rise daily.

US now with the most cases of any country in the world. Will surpass 100,000 cases tomorrow.
Of course. We've done more testing than anyone - about 600K tests (1/500 population) - to seek out & find. Usually find something known to exist already if you look for it. Kinda like water in the Pacific. If you don't run so many tests you don't find.