How will they rule ??!

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Something like that. I think I saw the fatality rate at like .004%. This thing will top out at .04% and be even lower because of the vast amount of people that had it but never tested

That would yield about 3,200 traffic deaths per day, or 1.17 million per year. Estimates say about 80 million people drive per day and about 90 people die in an accident. That's .0000112%.

Not to pick nits because I agree with you that the actual fatality rate is lower than we are seeing, but it's substantially more dangerous than driving.
A buddy that I work with just said he would be away indefinitely because his father just had surgery and his immune system is compromised. And here I'm thinking wouldn't it make more sense for him to just stay away from his father or quarantine his father instead of not working? I don't get it

Maybe his father requires care? Otherwise I'd agree with you, would make more sense to just avoid contact for awhile.
Talked with my brother a little while ago whose son is one of top doctors at a very large hospital. Said they have no cases in their hospital system. In fact he said that the hospital is the emptiest he's ever seen it. It's in Ohio and DeWine has his daily pressor going on and on about the coming bad it's going to be....etc. Nephew said that some hospitals are actually starting to lay off people due to the state telling people to cancel elective surgery, don't go to hospitals, etc.
Now maybe the gov is right...but my hope is that he'll have egg all over his face when this is all over and that he overreacted (then a lot fewer people will be getting sick).

The Enquirer reported earlier that TriHealth cut every employee’s pay by 20%. Has now been updated to just say senior leadership.
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You're correct, but that still leaves them on unemployment.

I agree with you 100% on that.

I just think a bunch won’t just be on unemployment.

They will be working under the table AND claiming unemployment.

It happens all the time now in various trades.

Especially through the late fall, winter, and early spring.
In this day and age it is impossible to know what is real vs fake. One can say if this does not turn out as bad as predicted it was because of the steps taken. On the other end many will say it was the biggest con job ever pulled on the USA/World to achieve an agenda. Does not matter because we are living in it right now and will feel serious repercussions for a long time to come.
Obama declared a state of emergency on Oct 24, 2009. This is the NBC Nightly Newscast from Oct 25. If I counted correctly, it's discussed for the first 4 minutes of the newscast. 4 Compare that to the news of the last few weeks. Quite a difference IMO.
Notice at the 6:43 mark they report on Obama's GOLF game that day and how he was joined for the first time by a female in the group. Isn't that sweet. Don't recall Trump hitting the links lately.

I've had a terrible time trying to get a link to work. For some reason the 3 or 4 times I've tried to post this it only shows a 2 minute commercial. ?? So, I'll just type out the web address. You'll have to copy & paste to get there. Sorry.
Just a a periodic reminder that Obama is a POS.
I agree with you 100% on that.

I just think a bunch won’t just be on unemployment.

They will be working under the table AND claiming unemployment.

It happens all the time now in various trades.

Especially through the late fall, winter, and early spring.

Absolutely, I completely agree with you..
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I have a buddy in IT and his salary was cut by 20% and they are deferring variable comp. I'm thinking this could become pretty common. I'd honestly sooner see something like that vs mass layoffs.
My Firm mentioned lessons learned from the 2009 recession was not to cut too deep. So going to have higher capital requirements (maybe even capital call), significantly lower partner comp as an effort to keep more employees. I am all for that to get through this.
My Firm mentioned lessons learned from the 2009 recession was not to cut too deep. So going to have higher capital requirements (maybe even capital call), significantly lower partner comp as an effort to keep more employees. I am all for that to get through this.

Agreed. I would absolutely advocate for a 20% salary cut during this vs 20% layoffs, even if it was certain I wouldn't be part of the 20% laid off.
AOC is the college sophomore know-it-all at the family holiday meals, ...

There is so much free money out there right now (once this goes through the House) it’s tough to think about “rationally” because rationally now needs to account for what essentially amount to grants, and payroll tax credits coming from various directions.
I do find it convenient the imperial college people are like "maybe we were wrong" the morning AFTER trillions of dollars of relief passed 96-0

no freakin shit. This was and is a political shakedown and a damned expensive one. No one should trust the "media" the "scientists" or the "experts" ever again after this

2 trill about to be flushed down the piscadood and it's hmm maybe our analysis was a bit over the top
The article clearly states that 3 more recently designed plans were used instead of this one. Even with that, Trump did exactly what the playbook stated, and you quoted in your post. He has clearly acted much quicker than the Obama admin, did request emergency funding quickly. Declared a health emergency before it was widespread, and then a national emergency right after it was called a pandemic by WHO.

There absolutely should be questions about testing, and why it took so long to get one ready to go. However, we differ on the fault or lack thereof. The govt is wholly consumed with following procedure, there are procedure's on top of procedure's. That's why the national emergency declaration was so important, it eliminates the procedures and allows the govt to act as a private industry does.
"A Republican state lawmaker seeks to restrict Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s power to issue broad executive orders during the coronavirus crisis, and she would let businesses damaged by the shutdown sue the state of Kentucky for relief if they believe Beshear overreached.

Rep. Savannah Maddox, R-Dry Ridge, has filed a floor amendment to her own House Bill 322 that would gut the contents of the bill and replace it with new language adding limitations to the emergency powers of Kentucky’s governor."
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Not political, but today I received my first robocall since 3/12.

I can’t believe I let my auto warranty lapse. They’ve tried multiple times to warn me, but thank goodness that we made contact today. It was my final opportunity.

Somebody’s gone back to work.
Prosperous? Is that why for the first time in American history most people thought their kids would be worse off than them? The idea of the American dream was vanishing in 2016, it's exactly why Trump won.
This is exactly why it is not worth my time talking to you. You cherry pick everything to suit your fabricated reality while ignoring what the article is all about. There absolutely no denying the difference between what Obama was handed and what he handed to Trump. You do not even recognize that, The exact same thing happened with Clinton an Bush. You're just a walking talking sky high mound of denial and out right BS. I've given you Trump's statements on a timeline, now I've given you the answer to the question you asked and you deceitfully act like the article was supportive of Trump. Then you act as if you graduated from Harvard school of political science. Your FOS. I tried talking to you for a second time and now I'm done with your BS lies and omissions period. I'll not fall for your dishonest earnest BS again. There is nothing honest in your responses to me. I don't have time for your deceit. FY
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This is exactly why it is not worth my time talking to you. You cherry pick everything to suit your fabricated reality while ignoring what the article is all about. There absolutely no denying the difference between what Obama was handed and what he handed to Trump. You do not even recognize that, The exact same thing happened with Clinton an Bush. You're just a walking talking sky high mound of denial and out right BS. I've given you Trump's statements on a timeline, now I've given you the answer to the question you asked and you deceitfully act like the article was supportive of Trump. Then you act as if you graduated from havard school of political science. Your FOS. I tried talking to you for a second time and now I'm done with your BS lies and omissions period. I'll not fall for your dishonest earnest BS again. There is nothing honest in your responses to me. I don't have time for your deceit. FY

Wow, completely unhinged.
"A Republican state lawmaker seeks to restrict Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s power to issue broad executive orders during the coronavirus crisis, and she would let businesses damaged by the shutdown sue the state of Kentucky for relief if they believe Beshear overreached.

Rep. Savannah Maddox, R-Dry Ridge, has filed a floor amendment to her own House Bill 322 that would gut the contents of the bill and replace it with new language adding limitations to the emergency powers of Kentucky’s governor."

wish we had someone in jersey to do this and stand up to puke Murphy
350 million for Migration & refugee assistance. People should be arrested for the inclusion of this. All immigration should be suspended for a year or two & all recent refugees should be returned. The damage incurred by the Chinese Wuhan virus is largely due to our non-existent borders. The evil Marxist liberal ruling class is the virus that needs containment.
350 million for Migration & refugee assistance. People should be arrested for the inclusion of this. All immigration should be suspended for a year or two & all recent refugees should be returned. The damage incurred by the Chinese Wuhan virus is largely due to our non-existent borders. The evil Marxist liberal ruling class is the virus that needs containment.
Libs would suck the sweat off a dead man's dick if it would destroy our economy.
That sounds racist to me. Obama was handed a collapsing global economy his first day in office and handed off a expanding recovered and prosperous economy to Trump. So I'll just ignore you.

Obama could have unleashed a torrid growth rate had he unshackled our economic engine. Instead, he handcuffed business any way he could with his "pen and phone." The economy slowly recovered despite him. In fact, it was the slowest and most anemic recovery from recession on record. But you already knew that.

Trump comes in, reverses all Obama's executive orders and the economy took off like a well oiled machine. The numbers were phenomenal. Unemployment at all time lows. Employment at all time highs. And then the pandemic. It's not his fault, but you and other shills want to blame him. How stupid is that? Thank God he banned incoming travel from China and Europe. Your guy Biden wouldn't have done that.