How will they rule ??!

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Is Trump in a no win situation?

Keep closing everything down, economy goes to crap. Demotards/Media pounce.
Open things back up, more Americans die. Demotards/Media pounce.

Doesn't matter that there wasn't a blueprint for this type of event, hopefully most Americans will understand that.
More people aren't gonna die because you opened shit back up it's the other way around. What's the point of health if you're economically ruined
Is Trump in a no win situation?

Keep closing everything down, economy goes to crap. Demotards/Media pounce.
Open things back up, more Americans die. Demotards/Media pounce.

Doesn't matter that there wasn't a blueprint for this type of event, hopefully most Americans will understand that.

When your opponent is Joe Biden, there's definitely a winning situation.
How much money did the DNC cough up to Klobuchar and Buttgieg in order for them to drop out?

All the dnc had to do was funnel them some of their own campaign donations from foreign donors. Heck all they needed to do was a little "laundering"... No biggie, they are NEVER prosecuted....
Over half the cases now are in NY. Put the national guard around the perimeter of that state. Let NOBODY In or Out. Shut down everything. Wall Street included. Mandatory two week quarantine for every person in the state. Let the rest of the US, especially middle and rural America where we’re spread out go about life.

I usually lurk this thread, but this post is too stupid to not comment on.

Do you want TN and IN to have the same crisis as NY? What you just said is exactly how that happens. It may not happen as fast, but it would happen.

Are you okay with people dying in the midwest? What you just said is exactly how that happens.

NY is aggressively testing because their gov is on top of it. This virus is already across the entire country. Just wait another two weeks once the all the people the dumb spring breakers infected start to need hospitalization.

This isn't an east or west coast or FL problem. That ship has already sailed. You get lax on restrictions anywhere now, and you can kiss any of the good those restrictions did in the first place goodbye.

Think before you post, man.
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I usually lurk this thread, but this post is too stupid to not comment on.

Do you want TN and IN to have the same crisis as NY? What you just said is exactly how that happens. It may not happen as fast, but it would happen.

Are you okay with people dying in the midwest? What you just said is exactly how that happens.

NY is aggressively testing because their gov is on top of it. This virus is already across the entire country. Just wait another two weeks once the all the people the dumb spring breakers infected start to need hospitalization.

This isn't an east or west coast or FL problem. That ship has already sailed. You get lax on restrictions anywhere now, and you can kiss any of the good those restrictions did in the first place goodbye.

Think before you post, man.

so zero good in other words. A million cases and not many dead it's gonna continue that way--for the overwhelming majority of people it's not even as bad as a cold
We called this last week. We knew they'd push for more vote by any method that doesn't limit you to one vote.
In fairness, that’s not a big call. Anyone with a functioning brain cell could see that was coming. They’re just horribly predictable and have never been more extremely desperate than now.
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More people aren't gonna die because you opened shit back up it's the other way around. What's the point of health if you're economically ruined
I think you are right. There will probably be more suicides than death from flu in some areas of the country. When people have their bank accounts and savings wiped out they jump off bridges like UL fans.

Where I live life has not changed much. Our restaurants are open, all of them. It is take out or delivery but they are in business. I just returned from Home Depot and the parking lot was as full as normal and contractors were buying construction material as normal. People are building. I went in bought what I needed and left. Same as normal. But that is not true of big cities and other places. I really feel for them and think the Democrats are doing them a disservice by playing games. The bill should have been passed yesterday but they are led by people who do not care. Not a bit.
I usually lurk this thread, but this post is too stupid to not comment on.

Do you want TN and IN to have the same crisis as NY? What you just said is exactly how that happens. It may not happen as fast, but it would happen.

Are you okay with people dying in the midwest? What you just said is exactly how that happens.

NY is aggressively testing because their gov is on top of it. This virus is already across the entire country. Just wait another two weeks once the all the people the dumb spring breakers infected start to need hospitalization.

This isn't an east or west coast or FL problem. That ship has already sailed. You get lax on restrictions anywhere now, and you can kiss any of the good those restrictions did in the first place goodbye.

Think before you post, man.
Please don't tout Cuomo as doing a good job. He stands up there and acts like he is in tears because FEMA doesn't have enough vents for everyone and screams you tell them which ones die. How about he at least be an effing man and admit he had an opportunity to buy vents and chose to spend tax dollars elsewhere is 2015? If he is going to get sanctimonious as least be man enough to admit he screwed up if measured by the same standards.
Another idiot here. So you would accept one of your family members dying if it meant your 401k didn't take a hit? Seriously?

I wouldn't. These aren't just numbers. These are actual people with family and friends who now have to grieve their loved ones. The greatest generation is rolling over in their graves.
That is a false proposition unless you want to shut the country down for the flu every year as well. Of course nobody wants anyone to die.
Have suggested this before but bears repeating. Go to YouTube and search for Andrew Klavan Show. He always has a satirical opening which is hilarious. Well worth it.
I'd rather copulate with your wife. I'd say you ain't hurting nothing.
(a) Not married. (b) My invitation to copulate with yourself was strategic, as it is in the best interest of the gene pool. (c) That last sentence is cryptic. Are you speculating that my penis is small? Was that the joke? Did we regress back to 3rd grade insults? Thanks for demonstrating your lack of moral and intellectual superiority and proving my point.
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(a) Not married. (b) My invitation to copulate with yourself was strategic, as it is in the best interest of the gene pool. (c) That last sentence is cryptic. Are you speculating that my penis is small? Was that the joke? Did we regress back to 3rd grade insults? Thanks for demonstrating your lack of moral and intellectual superiority and proving my point.
Have a good day
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That is a false proposition unless you want to shut the country down for the flu every year as well. Of course nobody wants anyone to die.
You are absolutely clueless. Do you know what R0 is? Do you know what the R0 is of this virus vs the seasonal flu? My guess is no.

Mindsets like yours is why people that don't need to die are absolutely going to die.

No, this won't be deaths on par with WWII or anything, but most of these are preventable deaths if we just put a pause on the "f you, I got mine" mentality that so many people have these days.
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You are absolutely clueless. Do you know what R0 is? Do you know what the R0 is of this virus vs the seasonal flu? My guess is no.

Mindsets like yours is why people that don't need to die are absolutely going to die.

No, this won't be deaths on par with WWII or anything, but most of these are preventable deaths if we just put a pause on the "f you, I got mine" mentality that so many people have these days.

we have. How long do you want places to stay closed ? All of 2020 while we collect government cheese. Sounds like the point of the entire thing
we have. How long do you want places to stay closed ? All of 2020 while we collect government cheese. Sounds like the point of the entire thing
However long it takes. We are just at the beginning of this in the U.S. I would say at least until the end of April. The economy will recover.
However long it takes. We are just at the beginning of this in the U.S. I would say at least until the end of April. The economy will recover.

yeah forget about that. As pandemics go this is a major dud. 60 million people got swine flu here and 18K died. Really just goes to show how the msm has gone completely off the deep end in 10 years
yeah forget about that. As pandemics go this is a major dud. 60 million people got swine flu here and 18K died. Really just goes to show how the msm has gone completely off the deep end in 10 years
We're at the beginning of this pandemic. You can't compare the two until we're through this one.

This would be like me judging an entire game by the first 5 minutes. Oh wait, the game threads are full of that type of talk.

Look, man, we won't know if either of us is right or wrong for many months. I just err on the side of not losing lives unnecessarily.
We're at the beginning of this pandemic. You can't compare the two until we're through this one.

This would be like me judging an entire game by the first 5 minutes. Oh wait, the game threads are full of that type of talk.

Look, man, we won't know if either of us is right or wrong for many months. I just err on the side of not losing lives unnecessarily.

sorry I don't buy it. This things been here for months. We have more cases than Italy and we won't even have anything approaching how many deaths they had. The media lied to us again. They were busy hoping to impeach the president when this thing began
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You are absolutely clueless. Do you know what R0 is? Do you know what the R0 is of this virus vs the seasonal flu? My guess is no.

Mindsets like yours is why people that don't need to die are absolutely going to die.

No, this won't be deaths on par with WWII or anything, but most of these are preventable deaths if we just put a pause on the "f you, I got mine" mentality that so many people have these days.
You have no idea about me but you assume. You throw ridiculous propositions out there like you are enlightened far more than others. Continue believing you are the smartest one in the room always.
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You have no idea about me but you assume. You throw ridiculous propositions out there like you are enlightened far more than others. Continue believing you are the smartest one in the room always.

Fishers and I don't always agree but he seems like a rational dude. Here is the only thing we know for sure - we don't know. We won't know for a long time. We could possibly go back to normal tomorrow and not see a catastrophic amount of deaths, or we could stay cooped up for 2 months, boomerang in the fall, and have millions die.
Already see the blue check marks encouraging people to strike in important logistical/supply chain positions. Pretty clear they're just trying to tank however they can.

Dow (DJIA) just posted biggest one-day point gain in history, and best one-day % gain since 1933.

All the market needed was a target date and the feeling that this will be over sooner rather than later.
Nothing is going to happen, and I am fully aware of what R naught means and am perfectly capable of understanding the data.

I've outlined in more detail why I make that claim in other threads, but we aren't ITaly or Spain for a host of reasons, like I don't know 2/3 of our kids aged 18-35 don't live with their parents still.

There will not be millions of deaths after 70% of Americans get infected with this; these draconian measures that threaten a real depression will prove to be overblown which is another separate issue, what happens when a more serious contagion gets loose and people don't take it seriously?

There's a decent chance NYC and others are going to have a significant problem, so these measures are warranted, but you're not going to be sitting there in Elizabethtown worried that your grandma isn't going to get an incubator like they are in Bergamo because they chose to give it to a 30 year old dude instead.

People are taking it seriuosly enough, enough people and enough seriousness (you can't control everyone unless you are totalitarian govt.)... We will get through this relatively unscathed and come out stronger for it, but noone in the media will give the administration any credit for it just point fingers and blame where it could've been better...things can always be better. This 15 day "quarantine" is going to be enough, we'll get back to work and moving soon and worst case scenario may have to do more 15 day quarantines here or there (hopefully limited to specific areas not nationwide)
Fishers and I don't always agree but he seems like a rational dude. Here is the only thing we know for sure - we don't know. We won't know for a long time. We could possibly go back to normal tomorrow and not see a catastrophic amount of deaths, or we could stay cooped up for 2 months, boomerang in the fall, and have millions die.

Thanks. I despise when people speak in absolutes and act like they have every answer. Not directed to you KRJ, but If AND THAT IS A BIG IF, the forecasts are true that we could see levels of unemployment at 30% that level exceeds the Great Depression. The St. Louis Fed put that out. There is no flipping the switch and turning it back on. Why are those forecasts any less credible to Cat? How many will die from that?

My point being if we were to hit that level of unemployment there are far more dire consequences than many believe.
We're at the beginning of this pandemic. You can't compare the two until we're through this one.

This would be like me judging an entire game by the first 5 minutes. Oh wait, the game threads are full of that type of talk.

Look, man, we won't know if either of us is right or wrong for many months. I just err on the side of not losing lives unnecessarily.

We can't reduce the risk to 0 for this or any other thing. The clever strawman most here swallowed is that we need to all stay indoors to not get sick. We are all getting this thing. Millions already have. That's a fact.

The real issue is how many would have severe symptoms at one time. That concern is now gone considering only a sliver have severe enough symptoms requiring treatment. That would be even less if everyone wasn't scared to death. You can tell the fear because only 10% of those tested are positive.