How will they rule ??!

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All democrats are criminals & should be treated as such.
For the profoundly stupid:
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This board reflects the far right extremists views on a daily basis, they expose a life spent consuming a steady diet of perceived grievances and conspiracy theories by others. There is so little original thinking here it is a testament to those men and women who graduated from school by lack of effort so ingrained, one can assume by evidence a heavy routine of plagiarism was their daily routine. When original thinking is presented here at times it is profoundly reminiscent of teenage drunk college kids with not a wit of real life experience who appeared in bars and commenced to tell everybody within earshot how much they have figured out the worlds problems.
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This board reflects the far right extremists views on a daily basis they expose a life spent consuming a steady diet of perceived grievances and conspiracy theories by others. There is so little original thinking here it is a testament to those men and women who graduated from school by lack of effort so ingrained one can assume by evidence a heavy routine of plagiarism was their daily routine. When original thinking is presented here at times it is profoundly reminiscent of teenage drunk college kids with not a wit of real life experience who appeared in bars and commenced to tell everybody within earshot how much they have figured out the worlds problems.
I'd give this 2 likes if I was able.
This board reflects the far right extremists views on a daily basis they expose a life spent consuming a steady diet of perceived grievances and conspiracy theories by others. There is so little original thinking here it is a testament to those men and women who graduated from school by lack of effort so ingrained one can assume by evidence a heavy routine of plagiarism was their daily routine. When original thinking is presented here at times it is profoundly reminiscent of teenage drunk college kids with not a wit of real life experience who appeared in bars and commenced to tell everybody within earshot how much they have figured out the worlds problems.

In other words...look at 2008-2016, then look at of these is unlike the other. One was filled with corruptness and drove our country into what many perceived as an unrecoverable hell (inc. the ringmaster himself re *magic wand* needed)

Then you take the next era, that, up until a month ago, was filled with prosperity and more living the American Dream than ever before, despite the efforts of the vile holdovers from the prior term, who would rather slither around in pond scum than have an American citizen achieve success. It is refreshing to know that this will again be the norm once this virus runs its course, and we have 4 more years of success awaiting.

You're a troll of the worst sort...and your misery index must off the charts.
So where do we stand right now? Nancy put out a 1500 page bill as a threat to republicans regarding all the pork they’re going to include if the senate republicans don’t cave to Nancy’s demands and include Democrat pork in their bill? But the idea is for the Senate to pass something the House will unanimously push through?
Pres Trump said today he will not sign any bill similar to what Pelosi threw at them. I think he means it. He wants America back to work ASAP. The surgeon general says over 90% of those tested did not have corona. 98 to 99% of those that do have it RECOVER. It it worth crashing our economy over figures like this? Maybe most can work and we can treat and prevent too. We will see I suppose
This board reflects the far right extremists views on a daily basis they expose a life spent consuming a steady diet of perceived grievances and conspiracy theories by others. There is so little original thinking here it is a testament to those men and women who graduated from school by lack of effort so ingrained one can assume by evidence a heavy routine of plagiarism was their daily routine. When original thinking is presented here at times it is profoundly reminiscent of teenage drunk college kids with not a wit of real life experience who appeared in bars and commenced to tell everybody within earshot how much they have figured out the worlds problems.

Your folks are using a pandemic to ram through policy that the people have rejected. STFU.
Austin City Council live on local TV right now explaining upcoming shelter-in-place. A councilman praised President Trump for imposing travel restrictions so quickly. Ha ha, you could almost hear libs losing their minds over that comment.
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Austin City Council live on local TV right now explaining upcoming shelter-in-place. A councilman praised President Trump for imposing travel restrictions so quickly. Ha ha, you could almost hear libs losing their minds over that comment.

Overall, I don't have many complaints about how this has been handled by Trump, even if he sounds like an overwhelmed, over matched person when up there at the podium. The one thing I think should have been done was to enforce domestic travel restrictions. I was on planes up until a week and a half ago with a lot of other people and I'm sure that didn't help.

ETA - hindsight is 20/20 so I'm not saying this was some grievous error. This is an unprecedented situation. We all have to do our part as well.
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It's the same logic Chicoms use, the logic that justifies firing squads.

You don't have intellectual superiority for parroting arrogant experts who are wrong more often than not, particularly when those so called experts apply themselves outside of their specific narrow domain of knowledge.

And you cannot have moral superiority outside of a religious framework, non-Islamic... because the Humanist philosophical one is riddled with too many inconsistencies.
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Overall, I don't have many complaints about how this has been handled by Trump, even if he sounds like an overwhelmed, over matched person when up there at the podium. The one thing I think should have been done was to enforce domestic travel restrictions. I was on planes up until a week and a half ago with a lot of other people and I'm sure that didn't help.
Over half the cases now are in NY. Put the national guard around the perimeter of that state. Let NOBODY In or Out. Shut down everything. Wall Street included. Mandatory two week quarantine for every person in the state. Let the rest of the US, especially middle and rural America where we’re spread out go about life.
Still can’t get over the fish tank cleaner. Lefties outraged at Trump because they think it’s reasonable someone would drink fish tank cleaner because the President said a prescription drug may work for coronavirus.

It takes an incomprehensible level of stupidity to be the person who drank the fish tank cleaner. But holy shit it’s on another level to find that moron reasonable, and attack Trump because you think it’s reasonable to drink fish tank chemicals.

We really just need to divide the country in two. If you are upset Trump mentioned a prescription drug and people drank cleaning chemicals, you can go to one side. Then we’ll have Trump tell you guys nuclear waste and arsenic are miracle drugs.
Can debate screwups and all by Trump and many many others including past administrations. Fact is this country simply was not prepared for a pandemic virus like we have encountered. What is crucial moving forward is that we get our act together and stockpile medical supplies and all moving forward and have a very well defined plan in place so when it happens again we are ready. I have confidence that is happening now but it has to continue to happen when this is out of the media limelight.
Still can’t get over the fish tank cleaner. Lefties outraged at Trump because they think it’s reasonable someone would drink fish tank cleaner because the President said a prescription drug may work for coronavirus.

It takes an incomprehensible level of stupidity to be the person who drank the fish tank cleaner. But holy shit it’s on another level to find that moron reasonable, and attack Trump because you think it’s reasonable to drink fish tank chemicals.

We really just need to divide the country in two. If you are upset Trump mentioned a prescription drug and people drank cleaning chemicals, you can go to one side. Then we’ll have Trump tell you guys nuclear waste and arsenic are miracle drugs.
Just wait until tmro, they will outdo it.
Over half the cases now are in NY. Put the national guard around the perimeter of that state. Let NOBODY In or Out. Shut down everything. Wall Street included. Mandatory two week quarantine for every person in the state. Let the rest of the US, especially middle and rural America where we’re spread out go about life.

They are close to having an I Am Legend scenario....maybe one of the freaks will eat de Blasio.
Over half the cases now are in NY. Put the national guard around the perimeter of that state. Let NOBODY In or Out. Shut down everything. Wall Street included. Mandatory two week quarantine for every person in the state. Let the rest of the US, especially middle and rural America where we’re spread out go about life.

The city would do just fine the whole state doesn't need to be
Can't imagine more than 20-25 percent of the country is gonna be voting democrat in November. They're in for a really rude awakening

I'll take over 25.5 if you want to bet. I don't think the dems will win or should win but they'll blow that number out of the water :)
Just watched tapper interview Biden. Asks Biden if he’s been tested Biden says no he has no symptoms. 10 seconds later he coughs. A min later he coughs again and tapper educates Biden not to cough into his hand but into his elbow. Then to top it off Biden touches his face. Lol