How will they rule ??!

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Gay men and soy boys watched the movie a lot? Because women are above such a sexist movie.

I’d love if Beshear were swapped out with some 5’8 blonde with DDs and a tiny waist.... I don’t mean for any comparison sake or anything. I just mean that in general.

Think about the woman's day or whatever for basketball. The women jeer and fawn over the men's bball players like some weird object.

Imagine if they had something similar where the women's volleyball team was put on display for similar reasons
so what's everyone's guess on the day we are "ordered" to shelter in place? Wednesday?

How is that different than the current restrictions? He pulled the plug on all so called non-essential businesses so not much else he can get away with given the low numbers we have.
I'm intrigued by this, but what would happen when I am on I75, cruising along through Whitley county on nice smooth asphalt, then get to the Tennessee border only to find they spent all their money and start hitting potholes?

I think the feds would have to retain some control, but I agree the states should have way more say in how money is spent.

We can cross that bridge when we come to it. Pun intended.

I drive across the failing Brent Spence every day of my life, so I have no confidence in the federal government’s ability to maintain critical infrastructure.
The quote below perfectly summarizes Pelosi's problem. She's so far removed from the Average Joe she doesn't even understand the problem.

Idealism increases in direct proportion to one's distance from the problem.
John Galsworthy

John Galsworthy was a fiction writer born into wealth who pursued an adulterous relationship with his brother's wife. He never spent a day concerned about lack of resources. It could just as easily be said: Ideals decrease in direct proportion to ones distance from struggle.
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A bunch of you hoarders are going to jail now. Hope you have to use ALL your toilet paper, masks, and disinfectants before you are let out.
A bunch of you hoarders are going to jail now. Hope you have to use ALL your toilet paper, masks, and disinfectants before you are let out.

Maybe we can bail out all of those assholes from the credit card bills they likely ran up thinking they’d flip the necessities. I’m sure Pelosi has that on the list.
Maybe we can bail out all of those assholes from the credit card bills they likely ran up thinking they’d flip the necessities. I’m sure Pelosi has that on the list.

Heck, she owns a warehouse...think she leases it out???
In WSJ today, what "good" Dims & Deep State Pubs think can come of the China Virus:

Robert Gates: “The fecklessness of the federal response will add to people’s frustrations and anger at Washington even as the standing of governors and local officials is enhanced because of their promptness in acting and decisiveness in using the tools they had.

“Internationally, I think there will be a further decline in multilateral efforts to address problems as each nation looks after itself He sees this as a negative. and—as with Italy—sees no help coming from partners (such as the European Union).

Rahm Emanuel: “The two positives I see are that, rather than view the federal government as a problem, we might start to see it as a solution, as a net plus. And second, we might end this period of not investing in America.” I.e., big Bro tot he rescue.

Douglas Elmendorf, dean, Harvard University’s Kennedy School: “I hope that this crisis restores Americans’ belief in the importance of effective governance. Around the world, governments with professional expertise, appropriate resources, and principled leaders will save lives and maintain prosperity—and governments without those characteristics will cost lives and sacrifice prosperity.” I.e., China great.

Richard Gephardt, former Democratic majority leader in the House: “Change the electoral college to a national popular vote (and) adopt full or leveraged matching public finance of small contributions for congressional campaigns for any candidate who forgoes private fundraising…I understand those two changes sound unrelated to the present pandemic, but my thought is that when we face similar global and national threats in the future, it is essential that citizens trust their leaders enough to follow them. Prez Xi could not have said it better.

"change thinking about national security from being prepared for traditional military conflict with potential adversaries (China, Russia etc.) to thinking about concerns coming from climate change,"

Kenneth Duberstein, White House chief of staff for President Ronald Reagan: “The American people will realize that this is a global village and, while all politics is local, to quote [former House Speaker] Tip O’Neill, the reality now is that all politics is international. What happens in Kalamazoo impacts what happens in Beijing. What happens in San Diego impacts what happens in São Paolo. If Americans understand this as a result of the crisis, it will force our system to develop reality.”
How is that different than the current restrictions? He pulled the plug on all so called non-essential businesses so not much else he can get away with given the low numbers we have.

You do realize medical doctors are advising to "pull the plug" on businesses, right?

It is best to hope, pray, plead, beg and do your part to ensure we can get back to normal sooner rather than later. Moaning about something none of us can control is not helping.

Not to mention many should use this time to watch Sesame Street and learn to wash their hands when they take a dump or piss at their local all is not for not.
Yea, but don’t you have 3 bridges up there?

4 driving (downtown) plus one pedestrian.

However, the one that carries a large percentage of the nations gdp through Kentucky is the one with extreme traffic jams that’s going to collapse into the river one day.

If all else fails, the morons up here who are trying to stop the Brent Spence will probably get their NKY bypass that will do absolutely nothing to benefit the state. But it will be profitable for some developers and politicians, which is all that really matters at the end of the day.
We can cross that bridge when we come to it. Pun intended.

I drive across the failing Brent Spence every day of my life, so I have no confidence in the federal government’s ability to maintain critical infrastructure.
And yet republicans belittle FDR success at building infrastructure more than any President before or forget President Eisenhower's interstate highways need for maintenance. Today's republicans instead of building infrastructure the entire nation benefits, direct our resources mostly for the benefit of the already wealthy predominantly Texas oilmen. Think of all the money poured into the sands of the middle east after the ill-conceived Bush invasions for the non-existent WMD's instead of maintenance of bridges or electrical grid or medical PPE and research.
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This b*tch has no shame. She accuses republicans of trying to make this political... after all the extra, unrelated BS in her bill that have been Dem desires for a decade.

If one bill is ~200 pages and the other is ~1,300 pages, guess which one probably has more political BS in it?

Nancy can go f*** herself.
Think about the woman's day or whatever for basketball. The women jeer and fawn over the men's bball players like some weird object.

Imagine if they had something similar where the women's volleyball team was put on display for similar reasons
Well, Jamal Murray's gf played v-ball at UK and the whole world was able to fawn over her.

This b*tch has no shame. She accuses republicans of trying to make this political... after all the extra, unrelated BS in her bill that have been Dem desires for a decade.

If one bill is ~200 pages and the other is ~1,300 pages, guess which one probably has more political BS in it?

Nancy can go f*** herself.

I called her the C word yesterday and got a warning. I stand by my words and that's not a word I use lightly
So where do we stand right now? Nancy put out a 1500 page bill as a threat to republicans regarding all the pork they’re going to include if the senate republicans don’t cave to Nancy’s demands and include Democrat pork in their bill? But the idea is for the Senate to pass something the House will unanimously push through?
So where do we stand right now? Nancy put out a 1500 page bill as a threat to republicans regarding all the pork they’re going to include if the senate republicans don’t cave to Nancy’s demands and include Democrat pork in their bill? But the idea is for the Senate to pass something the House will unanimously push through?

should just stonewall them it's not like the money is gonna make a difference anyway. Let the blood be on their hands
I did something yesterday I have not before. I watched C-SPAN2 that carries the Senate. All day long. Several senators read portions of Pelosi's 1,000 + page bill and I got so mad I had to calm myself down. One Democrat senator really got me upset and that was the one from West Virginia. He spoke with a smile saying he was friends with all of the republicans and loved everybody then threw the blame on not getting a bill passed on the GOP. He is one who agreed to it then changed his tune when Pelosi came to town and voted NO. Twice he voted NO.

West Virginia you elected a Schumer and Pelosi butt licker and if you end up getting screwed in the end. you asked for it. What were you thinking West Virginia.

Manchin feigned he was on board with Trump policies to get re-elected and then went right back to voting lock step with Shumer. I cannot stand him.
They post this today, even though it has been widely corrected and 2.3m mostly young followers.

What a joke. Although not surprising given their corporate structure/affiliates, which includes the onion btw

should just stonewall them it's not like the money is gonna make a difference anyway. Let the blood be on their hands

Agree. Announce we're opening up shop and everything else will take care of itself. The money was really only needed for confidence when there was no end in sight
Irrelevant. He's a mouthpiece, nothing more...the sign language lady could be doing it and we could have closed captioning and it would be the same. He just needs to show more compassion towards those that are struggling financially thru this instead of being the social distance judge and jury.

I totally get the financial side of this for business owners but you can't look at the way Tennessee has handled it and the way KY has handled it and not see the difference in the number of people infected. Just a couple of weeks ago they had the same number of cases as we did and now they outnumber us 5-1.
Gop-her's are sure upset these days.

Covid only shows any symptoms in 20% of people.

Last week when looking at infected counts on viruses, I was shocked to learn 80% of sexually active people in the USA have hpv.

Talk about potential irony. What if living with one virus provided an unknown immunity to covid?
Covid only shows any symptoms in 20% of people.

Last week when looking at infected counts on viruses, I was shocked to learn 80% of sexually active people in the USA have hpv.

Talk about potential irony. What if living with one virus provided an unknown immunity to covid?

Going to present this data to my SO right now and see if I can get her on board with bringing a couple strippers in to quarantine with us for the next few weeks.

This b*tch has no shame. She accuses republicans of trying to make this political... after all the extra, unrelated BS in her bill that have been Dem desires for a decade.

If one bill is ~200 pages and the other is ~1,300 pages, guess which one probably has more political BS in it?

Nancy can go f*** herself.
The Joe B Hall quote about how he feels about Bobby Knight is mild compared to my feelings about this "woman".
4 driving (downtown) plus one pedestrian.

However, the one that carries a large percentage of the nations gdp through Kentucky is the one with extreme traffic jams that’s going to collapse into the river one day.

If all else fails, the morons up here who are trying to stop the Brent Spence will probably get their NKY bypass that will do absolutely nothing to benefit the state. But it will be profitable for some developers and politicians, which is all that really matters at the end of the day.
Reminds me of when I used to go to New Orleans quite a bit for business. Was told a story a number of times (have no idea if true) of a judge who would constantly get stuck at a RR crossing with a passing train. Supposedly he complained and a new bridge was built that went up and over the RR.
Not hard to believe.
That clown Clyburn "this is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision". Who told you that's what 95 percent of this is about three weeks ago? I did!
In honor of Booty I will post the word of the day. Feel free to add of who this word reminds you;

Ditz -This is Booty
Here is an example of the under-educated conservative intellect hard at work. This poor man is trying to distill humor out of insult after failing to orchestrate his thoughts into a coherent and factual statement. But he does deserve the participation trophy.
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They’re going to pay for housing and food. It’s extremely expensive to live in massive urban areas like NYC, LA, and SF. These payments barely put a dent in a month's expenditures.
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