How will they rule ??!

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People here blah blah blah


For those that may remotely understand what the words depraved, egoist, or narcissist means. Nero did actually sing while Rome burned folks. The fire lasted six days. In my readings recently I came across this: "Rome was now victim to the arbitrary desires of a mad tyrant: there was only one solution." Nero was not assassinated, his death was by his own hand. I do not foresee Trump caring enough about anything other than himself for such drama, but this virus is one week ahead of everybody but the doctors and they are being muted in favor of Jared Kushner. Like the Roman fire the Corona virus is spreading.
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AustinTxCat thinks giving our taxes away to foreign cruise lines whose ships don't even fly the American flag or pay taxes here in this country is a good idea. I don't. Why should we give away money we have borrowed to foreign companies who rake in billions from Americans already simply because Trump wants to?
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AustinTxCat thinks giving our taxes away to foreign cruise lines whose ships don't even fly the American flag or pay taxes here in this country is a good idea. I don't. Why should we give away money we have borrowed to foreign companies who rake in billions from Americans already simply because Trump wants to?
@AustinTXCat has no opinion on the matter.

Nice reach, though. You are once again dismissed, Levi.
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When this is all over and hopefully soon.
We really need to look at our health care services and supply chain and decide if it's the best for all Americans.
I think Trump flipped the emphasis without changing the situation. Instead of "who knows this could last months" yesterday was "we will reevaluate at the end of the 15 day period" the latter sounds so much better and gives everyone a week of confidence, even though the result could be the same. The madman spoke the stock market limit up, what a boss.
I think Trump flipped the emphasis without changing the situation. Instead of "who knows this could last months" yesterday was "we will reevaluate at the end of the 15 day period" the latter sounds so much better and gives everyone a week of confidence, even though the result could be the same. The madman spoke the stock market limit up, what a boss.
Oh boy, lefties gonna be furious
Yet one more campaign promise already welched on...and he hasn't even taken the oath yet. Republicans are about to destroy healthcare, Medicare, Social Security, and balloon the deficit back up after it's finally gotten more respectable. I'm just afraid that Trump can barely read a bill and will just sign stuff without even knowing what it is. While he's tweeting about some celebrity beef, Obama is writing a 50 page law review.

I’ve not read Pelosi’s bill, but seeing reports it introduces a digital dollar? They just had some digital US cryptocurrency language sitting around waiting for the right bill to sneak it into? I’m sure that’s not nefarious at all.

Maybe I’ll start drinking fish tank cleaner so I can kill enough brain cells that the Democrat policies start to seem like they’re in my best interest.
Also, do we get another joe Biden unmitigated disaster of a press conference today, or was that one and done since it went so poorly?

The one single thing Joe Biden could do to act Presidential would be to call the congressional democrats out on their bullshit tactics of trying to use a “stimulus” bill as another pork package Democrat slush fund. Obviously if Joe Biden has the free will or mental capacity to do that, the DNC wouldn’t have picked him as the candidate.
California won’t even release total numbers of unemployment applications because the numbers are staggering. They just say it has increased dramatically and is averaging over 100k per day right now.

But for the record, over 700k people have filed for unemployment since last Sunday, and 140k people filed yesterday.

Numbers like that are unfathomable.
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I’ve not read Pelosi’s bill, but seeing reports it introduces a digital dollar? They just had some digital US cryptocurrency language sitting around waiting for the right bill to sneak it into? I’m sure that’s not nefarious at all.

Maybe I’ll start drinking fish tank cleaner so I can kill enough brain cells that the Democrat policies start to seem like they’re in my best interest.
I did something yesterday I have not before. I watched C-SPAN2 that carries the Senate. All day long. Several senators read portions of Pelosi's 1,000 + page bill and I got so mad I had to calm myself down. One Democrat senator really got me upset and that was the one from West Virginia. He spoke with a smile saying he was friends with all of the republicans and loved everybody then threw the blame on not getting a bill passed on the GOP. He is one who agreed to it then changed his tune when Pelosi came to town and voted NO. Twice he voted NO.

West Virginia you elected a Schumer and Pelosi butt licker and if you end up getting screwed in the end. you asked for it. What were you thinking West Virginia.

Nancy’s plan is a forced loan for a lot of people. The moment you cash the check your in debt. And if you’re unemployed after this mess... we’ll, tough shit.

Sadly that’s the least concerning part of the entire forest of trees that were cut down so that her 1,000+ page bill could be made. All of the non-CoVid related Dems wish list is just too much BS to stomach.

I hope republicans have sense and don’t push this through. Long term effects of this Dem wish list will destroy the country.
Seeing a subtle shift in social media messaging this morning. Now the cries are for more diagnostics and increased social distancing to stop people from getting it. This is phoney and setting up for Trump's eventual back to work declaration.

Diagnostics really don't matter. The experts assumed everyone is getting this virus. That was the whole point of flatten the curve: that we're all getting it but it can't be at once. The key is treating the symptoms. So what causes them is a red herring.

With this virus all but a miniscule amount of cases are asymptomatic. Last night I saw now you need to be wary of you notice s change to taste or smell because it might be a sign you have it.

This shutdown was sold on assumption of severe life threatening symptoms that just aren't presenting themselves. Turns out, the fatal fallout was because Italy just wasn't treating anyone over 60.

It's a different ballgame now. By end of this week we need to be back to work and whomever based such a drastic move on data from China and Italy while excluding Germany should have some very serious questions to answer.
This woman may be the most evil woman in congress in it's history. She is not a nice person and takes advantage of people hurting to get her agenda. She can't even allow a bill to assist people in dire need without throwing in her extreme left wing agenda. A total POS from the POS city of San Francisco

She’s a power hungry POS. They can mask everything with “we want more for the people” but if you pay even the slightest bit of attention, you know that’s nothing but BS.

If you really cared about people suffering during a crisis RIGHT NOW, you wouldn’t try to force your agenda down everyone’s throats at the same time. She’s an evil b*tch.

Nancy’s plan is a forced loan for a lot of people. The moment you cash the check your in debt. And if you’re unemployed after this mess... we’ll, tough shit.

Sadly that’s the least concerning part of the entire forest of trees that were cut down so that her 1,000+ page bill could be made. All of the non-CoVid related Dems wish list is just too much BS to stomach.

I hope republicans have sense and don’t push this through. Long term effects of this Dem wish list will destroy the country.

Of course they want to send cash to everyone with an ITIN, not just Americans.
This story is a prime example of ignorance. At no time has President Trump told anyone to take any medicine without it being prescribed by a doctor.

The fact that any news organization would report this like they did is irresponsible to say the least. But it was NBC and they are not a news organization any longer. Just a liberal mouth piece for Democrats.
This story is a prime example of ignorance. At no time has President Trump told anyone to take any medicine without it being prescribed by a doctor.

The fact that any news organization would report this like they did is irresponsible to say the least. But it was NBC and they are not a news organization any longer. Just a liberal mouth piece for Democrats.

I wonder why on earth Trump would say the Democrat media’s coverage of the coronavirus response would be their new Russian hoax.
This woman may be the most evil woman in congress in it's history. She is not a nice person and takes advantage of people hurting to get her agenda. She can't even allow a bill to assist people in dire need without throwing in her extreme left wing agenda. A total POS from the POS city of San Francisco


Awe SC, she prays...
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Watch the numbers of people moving out of NYC when this is all over. Between high taxes and living on top of each other during an epidemic/pandemic...people won't be able to move fast enough. And it's already a steady flow.
Our governor issued an executive order that passengers on all flights from New York to Florida have a mandatory two week quarantine when they arrive. I wish that can be made into a permanent law. History has shown us the New Yorkers who flock down here bring their liberal voting habits with them. That is how we end up with a Debbie Wasserman Schultz representing South Florida. It sucks to have them coming by the droves. So New Yorkers stay home.
I know and she even had ashes on her head and the priest blessed her. But even a priest can not reach a persons soul. That takes a higher being. She is evil

I'd definitely carry a cross and some garlic if I was around her. Seriously.