- Is it just me or are female athletes as a whole getting much hotter? Used to be news when one was dope (Kornikova, Jennie Finch) but now it seems about 20% or so are legit.

- Oh shout out to my baby daughter for giving me the dreaded summer cold. ☹️

- Get me to September. 🙏🏻
- Is it just me or are female athletes as a whole getting much hotter? Used to be news when one was dope (Kornikova, Jennie Finch) but now it seems about 20% or so are legit.

You’re just getting old, the amount of females I find attractive now compared to when I was in my mid 20s is staggering. The only way to not find a world class fit female in her 20s not attractive at this point is if she has some weird freakish build like a gymnast or shot put thrower or if she’s very manly.
Lass got an upper respiratory infection and I told her we were shipping her to her parents house until she gets better. She told me to eff off and leave her alone. The 6 year old comes in and tells her she can’t stay here if she’s sick and will help her get her things packed. It was the little ones idea. I was just relaying the message.
Needless to say I’m now the bad guy and she’s not leaving. Mumbled something about the little one being around me too much as I retreated to the man cave.

Trump giving money to Kamala more than once and his daughter doing the same makes them both a RINO. Wonder how he’ll spin that one now that he’s called everyone else that term that’s gone against him. Just thought the karma was funny, not trying to be political.
magically, Kamala already has enough votes to secure democratic nomination. Amazing how all that came together 😉. other democrats with hopes of running basically just got told to stand down..don’t even think about another democrat running. They picked your nominee for you.

Really enjoying this new political thread seeing people’s opinions who don’t post on actual political thread. ( I am being serious here, no matter which side you are on).
Trump giving money to Kamala more than once and his daughter doing the same makes them both a RINO. Wonder how he’ll spin that one now that he’s called everyone else that term that’s gone against him. Just thought the karma was funny, not trying to be political.
Well Trump also donated a lot to the Clinton's over the years and apparently some porn stars as well. So I'm sure he's got this covered already. He does have a history of giving money to women in exchange for one favor or another. Hell that's what we all do in some capacity. Just most of us aren't billionaires.
magically, Kamala already has enough votes to secure democratic nomination. Amazing how all that came together 😉. other democrats with hopes of running basically just got told to stand down..don’t even think about another democrat running. They picked your nominee for you.

Really enjoying this new political thread seeing people’s opinions who don’t post on actual political thread. ( I am being serious here, no matter which side you are on).
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