How will they rule ??!

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Yeah but she has really only been number two all her life. [poop]
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Yes. Very much so, and I’ve also noticed how they’re really fast to rail on Trump for anything from his skin tone, the size of his hands, his proclivity to play golf or any other meaningless put down they can muster up or regurgitate from their DNC talking point memo, yet they won’t even defend any of the things Nancy wants to include in this bill. Probably because they can’t and know they’ll look like bafoons if they do.
Looking like bafoons has been a trend of theirs for many years.
Watch the numbers of people moving out of NYC when this is all over. Between high taxes and living on top of each other during an epidemic/pandemic...people won't be able to move fast enough. And it's already a steady flow.

That’s a big catch 22 because they will just be spreading their liberal disease to parts of the country that don’t want it.
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Watch the numbers of people moving out of NYC when this is all over. Between high taxes and living on top of each other during an epidemic/pandemic...people won't be able to move fast enough. And it's already a steady flow.
Good point. All these DA people wanting to live crammed in big cities & then wonder why so many there get infectious diseases vs. elsewhere.
Kentucky Coronavirus Monitoring
Number Tested: 1866
Positive: 124


No wonder Andy's daily storytime hour is all about facebook and how you can donate to the government.
It's also about getting AWFLs and millennials with daddy issues and no masculine peer men horny.

I actually read that in the Herald-Leader today. How horny desperate women are for Andy Beshear and the benefits of jerking off alone. WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE THE MEDIA?!? THEY ARE FIREFIGHTERS!!
Gotta stoke that ego somewhere since he can’t have his weekly taxpayer funded ego boosting rallies.
I doubt Trump reads this board, so your “stroking his ego” post is just liberal BS. I merely pointed out a fact. Show me another president that has done that. Especially, regularly.
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Really hoping Trump comes out and doubles down on his chloroquine statements today. If you are dumb enough to drink fish tank cleaner because the President said some prescription drugs are looking to be effective, you should be removed from the gene pool.
How many confirmed COVID-19 cases will the state have by Beshears 5 PM presser?

I'm going with the over, think we break 30 new cases today.
It's a good bet Nancy will be retired when the Dems lose the House in Nov, but there will just be another one just like her move up the ranks and very likely be even more radical. Have ZERO hope for Congress. It will take a complete collapse in this country where the people have no choice but to take it back before this mess ever gets fixed. As long as the Feds print money for bailouts/entitlements to keep the people at bay the charade will continue. However, anyone with a lick of sense knows the gig is eventually going to boil over.
I know it's hard...we'll get thru this distancing, social distancing, social distancing...your family will be fine even though they don't have any money or food...wash, rinse, repeat.
My wild pipe dream is that Congress proves itself to be so useless an ineffective that we as a people just decide to disband the federal government while we’re shut down and hit the reset button. Stop sending our tax dollars to Washington and let the states handle all functions of government going forward.
I know it's hard...we'll get thru this distancing, social distancing, social distancing...your family will be fine even though they don't have any money or food...wash, rinse, repeat.

Man, can you imagine how absolutely incredible he would be doing if he was the party that you like? Shew, can’t imagine how amazing everything would be.
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Man, can you imagine how absolutely incredible he would be doing if he was the party that you like? Shew, can’t imagine how amazing everything would be.

Dewine is Republican and beshear is just doing everything he is doing, just a few hours or a day later. And most governors are all just doing the same thing. I don’t really think party affiliation plays into this.
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@bushrod1965 sits around in this and weks to Andy daily, ts.
Strong, independent 21st century women: I want considerate men who are also half gay and simp for me constantly. Hopefully they will actually enjoy watching me have sex with other men. If they could talk endlessly about how much they hate themselves and especially white people, even better.

Also strong, independent 21st century women:

Man, can you imagine how absolutely incredible he would be doing if he was the party that you like? Shew, can’t imagine how amazing everything would be.

Irrelevant. He's a mouthpiece, nothing more...the sign language lady could be doing it and we could have closed captioning and it would be the same. He just needs to show more compassion towards those that are struggling financially thru this instead of being the social distance judge and jury.
Strong, independent 21st century women: I want considerate men who are also half gay and simp for me constantly. Hopefully they will actually enjoy watching me have sex with other men. If they could talk endlessly about how much they hate themselves and especially white people, even better.

Also strong, independent 21st century women:


Magic Mike made hundreds of millions at the box office. What does that tell you
I've always said, "If I get deathly sick call a businessman." Everybody knows to do that I mean it's just common sense! LOL
The ksr crew was going on yesterday about the gov and those tee shirts, how cool they are. i think one of them even said he would wear one, calling andy a “rockstar.” [eyeroll] .
The mindset of the soy beta boy liberal. Jones, the KSR gang, and several on here fit right in perfectly
"Kooks and Soy-Boy Radicals".

Good old KSR.
My wild pipe dream is that Congress proves itself to be so useless an ineffective that we as a people just decide to disband the federal government while we’re shut down and hit the reset button. Stop sending our tax dollars to Washington and let the states handle all functions of government going forward.

I'm intrigued by this, but what would happen when I am on I75, cruising along through Whitley county on nice smooth asphalt, then get to the Tennessee border only to find they spent all their money and start hitting potholes?

I think the feds would have to retain some control, but I agree the states should have way more say in how money is spent.
Magic Mike made hundreds of millions at the box office. What does that tell you
Gay men and soy boys watched the movie a lot? Because women are above such a sexist movie.

I’d love if Beshear were swapped out with some 5’8 blonde with DDs and a tiny waist.... I don’t mean for any comparison sake or anything. I just mean that in general.