How will they rule ??!

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In the midst of a global pandemic, tRump says send’m back to work in a week because my reelection depends upon an economic recovery between now and November.

Don't know that he said exactly a week.

He said weeks possibly.

At the end of the day, the country didn't shut down for aids and we still have over a million people with it, we've all lived our lives and the economy was never brought to a screeching halt because of it.

The same goes for STDs. They're out there folks. As far as I know, the world population has ballooned. People haven't stopped raw dogging it.

F'ing drugs kill a lot of people. Haven't shut down the border nor life as a result.

Flu kills a bunch of people every year, do we stop the economy?

Alcohol destroys the liver. Have we shut down that industry?

Sugar causes heart disease which afflicts and kills millions. Have we shut down fast food, sugary processed foods?

Once in a while a bad case of salmonella will rip through a state/region. Ain't nobody giving up going out to eat.

Hell, chipotle has had their issues...that stock was about $800 bucks a pop about a month ago.

Cigs have killed no telling how many people...economy and life chugs a long...

Life will kill ya man...
Don't know that he said exactly a week.

He said weeks possibly.

At the end of the day, the country didn't shut down for aids and we still have over a million people with it, we've all lived our lives and the economy was never brought to a screeching halt because of it.

The same goes for STDs. They're out there folks. As far as I know, the world population has ballooned. People haven't stopped raw dogging it.

F'ing drugs kill a lot of people. Haven't shut down the border nor life as a result.

Flu kills a bunch of people every year, do we stop the economy?

Alcohol destroys the liver. Have we shut down that industry?

Sugar causes heart disease which afflicts and kills millions. Have we shut down fast food, sugary processed foods?

Once in a while a bad case of salmonella will rip through a state/region. Ain't nobody giving up going out to eat.

Hell, chipotle has had their issues...that stock was about $800 bucks a pop about a month ago.

Cigs have killed no telling how many people...economy and life chugs a long...

Life will kill ya man...

That's what I find so ironic about this "safer at home" message.

Of course it's safer at home. It always was and always will be. Every day leaving your home is a risk of one sort or another.

We've really gone from Lewis and Clark to the first on the moon to now....safer at home.
Rand Paul had the scary coronavirus and didn’t even know it! Had zero symptoms, was in the gym working out the day his results came back. Terrifying!!!!

How many more people must die from this horrible virus?????!

No idea if already posted tbh did not even read the last almost 10 pages.

But if not just know that its Trumps fault someone tried to use FISH TANK CLEANER.

No really

Saw this. Took her 8 tweets to mention it was fish tank cleaner, while the other 7 are dedicated to Trump prying open their mouth’s, placing a funnel and pouring fish tank cleaner down their throats.
Don't know that he said exactly a week.

He said weeks possibly.

At the end of the day, the country didn't shut down for aids and we still have over a million people with it, we've all lived our lives and the economy was never brought to a screeching halt because of it.

The same goes for STDs. They're out there folks. As far as I know, the world population has ballooned. People haven't stopped raw dogging it.

F'ing drugs kill a lot of people. Haven't shut down the border nor life as a result.

Flu kills a bunch of people every year, do we stop the economy?

Alcohol destroys the liver. Have we shut down that industry?

Sugar causes heart disease which afflicts and kills millions. Have we shut down fast food, sugary processed foods?

Once in a while a bad case of salmonella will rip through a state/region. Ain't nobody giving up going out to eat.

Hell, chipotle has had their issues...that stock was about $800 bucks a pop about a month ago.

Cigs have killed no telling how many people...economy and life chugs a long...

Life will kill ya man...

There is nothing trump can do in order to get people working. He doesn’t have a magic wand to make air carriers begin operating at normal capacity. It’s a supply/demand thing and for the next several months there will be no demand. If the virus is still increasing in numbers you can’t force restaraunts to open and people to go out to eat, theaters to operate. The nba is not going to resume games if players can continue to get sick. If they did they and all sporting events will still have zero fans.

Trump has put this all in the hands of individual states and as long as they have growing numbers of cases they will determine how and when their economy resumes. The issue is much more complex than comparing other maladies or things that kill you. It’s not like ERs are overflowing with people in insulin shock or hoards of people sickin the hallways of hospitals from eating too many gummy worms.

An overloaded healthcare system that cannot attend to the needs of the massive number of sick much less those who have cancer, accidents, heart disease, ODs, blah blah blah. That is not a recipe of economic stability.

The entirety of this from an economic standpoint is as daunting as it comes. I would say this is a worst case scenario for the type of economy we have in the US. Once there is a vaccine or effective treatments hopefully then things will begin to change but they will never be the same. There will probably have to be multiple trillion dollar stimulus plans to sustain the USA economically. I’m talking 7 to 10 trillion fiscal stimulus over the period of 6 mos to keep the country from fracturing and states and regions developing their own economic systems. At this point Americans have to decide if they want a unified nation or not bc what it’s going to take to kick start the economy will be unpalatable for many.
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Kevin Higgs

R's: No
D's: We'd like to prevent companies from using the money to buy back stock
R's: No
D's: Money for all families?
R's: No
D's: Focus on hospitals and healthcare workers?
R's: No
D's: Some kind of oversight?
R's: No
D's: ...
R's: Ok. The bill is done. Vote for it now mkay?
D's: No
R's: The Democrats have irresponsibly obstructed our attempts to provide relief to the American people!!!
Saw this. Took her 8 tweets to mention it was fish tank cleaner, while the other 7 are dedicated to Trump prying open their mouth’s, placing a funnel and pouring fish tank cleaner down their throats.
When you put it that way it sounds awesome. I could think of a few people who Trump should force fish tank cleaner into.
There’s not going to be a vaccine.
Based on what? Not saying you're wrong but just asking.

Hopefully there won't be a need for a vaccine. A buddy of mine told me he heard Hannity say on his radio show that some doctor in NY tested out that chloroquine drug (no not fish tank cleaner) on 300 patients and every single one was cured.
Kevin Higgs

R's: No
D's: We'd like to prevent companies from using the money to buy back stock
R's: No
D's: Money for all families?
R's: No
D's: Focus on hospitals and healthcare workers?
R's: No
D's: Some kind of oversight?
R's: No
D's: ...
R's: Ok. The bill is done. Vote for it now mkay?
D's: No
R's: The Democrats have irresponsibly obstructed our attempts to provide relief to the American people!!!
Do one about all the piglosi whacko leftist shit in her insane 1400 page "bill".

Democrats are gonna get destroyed in November over this stunt.

Piglosi wants unlimited ballot harvesting NATIONWIDE in the coronavirus bill! That's how the Californians stuffed the ballot box for Cankles and stole 7 congressional seats in 2016. Demented evil fvcking cvnt.
Pelosi wants to inflict as much pain on Americans as possible and then try to blame Trump for it. She deserves the gallows, honestly. Her behavior is seditious in this time of crisis. The whole Democrat party has been hijacked by marxist commies who will do ANYTHING to achieve power and hold it forever unilaterally as they destroy the Republic piece by piece.

How can we coexist with these people? They would give us zero quarter in return.
No idea if already posted tbh did not even read the last almost 10 pages.

But if not just know that its Trumps fault someone tried to use FISH TANK CLEANER.

No really

Fret not little silver medals will be given out during the coronavirus house arrests...there are too many pages per day for anyone to read through properly. Once the virus is defeated and happy days are here again...your copycat ways will be dealt with harshly.
In the midst of a global pandemic, tRump says send’m back to work in a week because my reelection depends upon an economic recovery between now and November.
False, Trump is for the stimulus. Lie much? Yes, yes you do. Trump had also tried to get ahead of this before most of us knew. Who called him a racist for it and tried to stop it? The left. Lie much? Yes, yes you do. Explain to me how you on the left care for the people when you are for the destruction of an economy that was helping minorities more than anyone else. Keeping the minorities down and voting for the left is what you guys do.
Don't know that he said exactly a week.

He said weeks possibly.

At the end of the day, the country didn't shut down for aids and we still have over a million people with it, we've all lived our lives and the economy was never brought to a screeching halt because of it.

The same goes for STDs. They're out there folks. As far as I know, the world population has ballooned. People haven't stopped raw dogging it.

F'ing drugs kill a lot of people. Haven't shut down the border nor life as a result.

Flu kills a bunch of people every year, do we stop the economy?

Alcohol destroys the liver. Have we shut down that industry?

Sugar causes heart disease which afflicts and kills millions. Have we shut down fast food, sugary processed foods?

Once in a while a bad case of salmonella will rip through a state/region. Ain't nobody giving up going out to eat.

Hell, chipotle has had their issues...that stock was about $800 bucks a pop about a month ago.

Cigs have killed no telling how many people...economy and life chugs a long...

Life will kill ya man...
Proof that the Dims are using this virus to destroy Trumps economy, more importantly, hurting those who supported him. Also, accepting the collateral damage of a very high percentage of their base understanding that they will believe Trump did it because the news media said he did. Proof? Look at the lefties in this thread. Completely in bed with Pelosi, goose stepping all the way.
Kevin Higgs

R's: No
D's: We'd like to prevent companies from using the money to buy back stock
R's: No
D's: Money for all families?
R's: No
D's: Focus on hospitals and healthcare workers?
R's: No
D's: Some kind of oversight?
R's: No
D's: ...
R's: Ok. The bill is done. Vote for it now mkay?
D's: No
R's: The Democrats have irresponsibly obstructed our attempts to provide relief to the American people!!!
Do one about all the piglosi whacko leftist shit in her insane 1400 page "bill".

Democrats are gonna get destroyed in November over this stunt.

Piglosi wants unlimited ballot harvesting NATIONWIDE in the coronavirus bill! That's how the Californians stuffed the ballot box for Cankles and stole 7 congressional seats in 2016. Demented evil fvcking cvnt.
This doesn't even qualify as relevant. You are a simpleton that thinks because I can see what is happening in front of me now I can't see anything else. You're a fool who can't comprehend, handle what is in front of you first.