How will they rule ??!

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R's just need to fight fire with fire. Throw in some of their wish list items. Make sure the funds and oversight get to the Right people.

Add gazillions for 1st-time NRA member gun purchase BOGO coupons and Conceal Carry/Gun Training programs.

A couple bajillion for abstinence programs, and Catholic adoption efforts.

Direct deductions from public schools/teacher funds for home-schooling families... and exemptions from city/county school taxes.

5 trillion for the mental health of people attacked for wearing MAGA hats... and new protective programs for Conservatives on Campus.

Just be like lib-dums and throw a bunch of shit out there.

I love this post.
This war-time president has been working hard for ‘Murica. He knew it was a pandemic long before it was called one.

I doubt this will help posters here understand but there is always hope I guess.
Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety
As bigots blame them for the coronavirus and President Trump labels it the “Chinese virus,” many Chinese-Americans say they are terrified of what could come next.
Your savior AOC said that was physically impossible.
That's the joke warrior. Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is a physical paradox making fun of your impossible attitude. Y'all use the nonsense proudly now like it's Yankee Doodle.
I love this post.

Thanks, man. Feel free to add some more. Like:

5 trillion for homes and mortgage subsidies in posh Hollywood/San Fran subdivisions... for the homeless and large border-crossing illegal families. Start building multi-units right next to Nancy and Adam Schittf.

A trillion for free tasers and utility knives for conservatives attending rallies where Antifa might show up. Trillions for ANTI-Antifa studies and oversight.

3 trillion for scholarships and conservative studies at Hillsdale College and Bob Jones University.

10 trillion to reopen Trump University and fund Professor Don jr. (since it's OK for sons to get big buck$) to find the cause of AOC's brain damage.
That's the joke warrior. Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is a physical paradox making fun of your impossible attitude. Y'all use the nonsense proudly now like it's Yankee Doodle.

This is my favorite “well ackshually” from the left.

The phrase has been used for like a hundred years meaning to work hard and improve oneself, but AOC and her band of nitwit followers now run around “well ackshuallying” every time it’s used.
Is this really that big an issue outside of New York City and seattle? I mean everywhere else it's under control. Even here in jersey and in Cali the death rate is low. I am telling you the left is so evil this is gonna go down in history as the most rotten thing they've ever tried

Still support open borders de commio? 20,000 cases mostly in nyc no other state has more than 2,000
That's the joke warrior. Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is a physical paradox making fun of your impossible attitude. Y'all use the nonsense proudly now like it's Yankee Doodle.
No, the joke was your new savior actually believed that's what was meant. Your ignorance to her not really knowing is telling.
Could somebody please explain to me why the narrative has been that this is so much more dangerous than swine flu and more contagious but the numbers are not even gonna approach how bad that was ?

Either I'm missing something or this is gonna go down as one of the biggest lies in American history and I'm leaning toward the latter more every day
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This is my favorite “well ackshually” from the left.

The phrase has been used for like a hundred years meaning to work hard and improve oneself, but AOC and her band of nitwit followers now run around “well ackshuallying” every time it’s used.

Someone ackshually parroting AOC and thinking they have the high ground.

Ackshually, you can't really have the high ground...

Could somebody please explain to me why the narrative has been that this is so much more dangerous than swine flu and more contagious but the numbers are not even gonna approach how bad that was ?

Either I'm missing something or this is gonna go down as one of the biggest lies in American history and I'm leaning toward the latter more every day

Yes. You left out that a democrat was in office with the other pandemics.
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Social media is upset Fauci isn't there. Good. Hope he punted that worthless tw@t to the moon.

I already didn't like him. Then his theatrics last time was way overboard
He doesn't bother me. What does and has bothered me is how the media try to always pit him against Trump. He's a scientist and Trump is the practical, common sense businessman.
One of the problems I see in all this...he and others like him in the medical field are all about the medical side of it. More test. More data. Then more tests and more data. Don't know about him, but I'm sure there are many like him who would shut down the country 100% for the tests and data. Sort of like a large scale test case. No to little consideration of practical matters such as business.
Kind of like the people who are so smart they aren't smart enough to come in out of the rain.
Yes. You left out that a democrat was in office with the other pandemics.

so much of it for me reeks of the bush Katrina saga where it was unavoidable that some people were gonna die but every minute they danced on their graves to point the finger at W. Bush is hitler. Bush is uncaring. Bush brought the hurricane there because he wanted to kill black people. Bush only cares about the rich etc
He doesn't bother me. What does and has bothered me is how the media try to always pit him against Trump. He's a scientist and Trump is the practical, common sense businessman.
One of the problems I see in all this...he and others like him in the medical field are all about the medical side of it. More test. More data. Then more tests and more data. Don't know about him, but I'm sure there are many like him who would shut down the country 100% for the tests and data. Sort of like a large scale test case. No to little consideration of practical matters such as business.
Kind of like the people who are so smart they aren't smart enough to come in out of the rain.
Bingo, this situation in a nutshell. Keep going and let the chips fall where they may. The Dems are using this to bring down this country.
He doesn't bother me. What does and has bothered me is how the media try to always pit him against Trump. He's a scientist and Trump is the practical, common sense businessman.
One of the problems I see in all this...he and others like him in the medical field are all about the medical side of it. More test. More data. Then more tests and more data. Don't know about him, but I'm sure there are many like him who would shut down the country 100% for the tests and data. Sort of like a large scale test case. No to little consideration of practical matters such as business.
Kind of like the people who are so smart they aren't smart enough to come in out of the rain.

Agree. He almost seems like a giddy mad scientist that's getting off on this.