How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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You may want to sit this one out for a while given how your party fubar'd the recovery this weekend. You really don't have a dog in this fight.
The pandemic is what it is and nobody could have completely stopped it. What could have been done and wasn't is a leader who didn't think he was the smartest person on earth, about everything, someone who listened to the people who knew about this subject instead of firing them, a person that ramped up manufacturing of medical PPE before it was needed but instead of bragged about himself. A person humble enough to be of service to the country instead of himself. Anybody who has watched Calipari try to teach his kids about servant leadership knows what I am talking about.
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I hate abortion too and feel similar to how you do. But they’re literally turning people away who could have organs rupture (my cousin was one). We could have “what if” scenarios all day, but if you’re going to consider an organ functioning at 3% on the verge of rupturing “nonessential” then I have no clue how you argue abortion (not just in extreme cases like you mention, but all abortion) is essential.
I hate to hear that about your cousin. That's a bad deal. I hope all ends well for your cousin and anyone else in a similar situation.
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For the record, I think the economic cost of this shutdown is far worse than a few people dying same as I feel the costs of forcing people to give birth and raise children who don’t want them is worse than if those kids weren’t brought into this world.
What happens when it doesn't work? 1929 where the dollar is toilet paper.
From a monetary perspective, there are several ways to look at this. The object is making this work. I believe Fed continues throwing everything it can at the problem. Later on, we might be looking at nationalized corporations and higher taxes. We can expect major changes after this crisis ends. But the bottom line is it's all about confidence. Currently, confidence is lacking.
I hate abortion in general. Having said that, I have a little autistic niece who is 12 years old. Let's say the unimaginable happened, and she got raped . Are you telling me she should have to give birth in a situation like this? Would you want your daughter, niece, sister, friend etc., giving birth in a similar situation? I won't get into instances of incest, mother's health and stuff. Aborting babies just to be aborting them is wrong and shouldn't happen, but each circumstance is different.
Truth! I would counsel against abortion in most cases. However I would not ordain myself as the authority over somebody's body claiming dominion past the envelope of their skin. That IMO is self-deification.
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The pandemic is what it is and nobody could have completely stopped it. What could have been done and wasn't is a leader who didn't think he was the smartest person on earth, about everything, someone who listened to the people who knew about this subject instead of firing them, a person that ramped up manufacturing of medical PPE before it was needed but instead of bragged about himself. A person humble enough to be of service to the country instead of himself. Anybody who has watched Calipari try to teach his kids about servant leadership knows what I am talking about.
He didn’t fire them. How many times do you have to be told that before it finally sinks in?
From a monetary perspective, there are several ways to look at this. The object is making this work. I believe Fed continues throwing everything it can at the problem. Later on, we might be looking at nationalized corporations and higher taxes. We can expect major changes after this crisis ends. But the bottom line is it's all about confidence. Currently, confidence is lacking.

Because people are in their houses not participating in the economy. No amount of intervention will change that. Trying to prop up the stock market while there is no economy will kill confidence in everything.
Truth! I would counsel against abortion in most cases. However I would not ordain myself as the authority over somebody's body claiming dominion past the envelope of their skin. That IMO is self-deification.
Not to mention, babies are expected to be born but then some want to starve them to death when their sorry ass parents won't work. The kids can't help that.
I'd love to get the logic behind what is essential to life and what isn't.

Yes: abortion, liquor (which I love), pet stores.

No: optical retail. So I guess seeing isn't essential.

Also love the rationale behind closing all other retail but leaving groceries open. Why close everything else when they will only get a fraction of visitors there vs the grocery?
They’re keeping things like hardware and lawn and garden stores open. That’s pretty understandable, but it begs a lot of questions. Appliance and electronic stores are on the closure list but big box stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot aren’t. They sell appliances as well which gives them an unfair market advantage and takes sales away from places like Best Buy or smaller local stores like Chenoweth appliances here in the Louisville area.
He didn’t fire them. How many times do you have to be told that before it finally sinks in?
I don't make it a habit to believe political spin and outright liars so I guess the answer to your question is never. Now my question is why do you think I would believe you rather than all the news outlets and fact checking services who are in agreement on this? Oh you're from TN never mind. LOL
They’re keeping things like hardware and lawn and garden stores open. That’s pretty understandable, but it begs a lot of questions. Appliance and electronic stores are on the closure list but big box stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot aren’t. They sell appliances as well which gives them an unfair market advantage and takes sales away from places like Best Buy or smaller local stores like Chenoweth appliances here in the Louisville area.
You don't seem to understand the health of the market, although important most times, is a tertiary concern at this very moment.
Oh, but there are folks still in the economy. Problem is that it's not at the previous scale.

What is the scale? And what is the scale of value being provided by our service economy when there is no demand for services? What the hell are for instance marketing departments doing right now? It's as shutdown as I can imagine.
Can you imagine the narrative we’d be hearing in the media if McConnell had told republicans to stand strong and refuse to pass the Democrat legislation the House sent over rather than literally telling republicans to compromise and vote for it?

Contrast that with the Democrats flat out refusing to compromise on additional legislation simply because Republicans are giving them all the Keynesian bullshit they could ever want, but they can’t compromise with anything carrying a Republican label.
I don't make it a habit to believe political spin and outright liars so I guess the answer to your question is never. Now my question is why do you think I would believe you rather than all the news outlets and fact checking services who are in agreement on this? Oh you're from TN never mind. LOL
Didn’t ask you to believe me. I posted this yesterday. Here is a fact checking service. Do you disagree with them?
They’re keeping things like hardware and lawn and garden stores open. That’s pretty understandable, but it begs a lot of questions. Appliance and electronic stores are on the closure list but big box stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot aren’t. They sell appliances as well which gives them an unfair market advantage and takes sales away from places like Best Buy or smaller local stores like Chenoweth appliances here in the Louisville area.

Yes that's the legal problem if anyone challenges this. The government here is arbitrarily picking and choosing winners/losers.

That Floyd county flea market is no different than Walmart. Both sell fruits and vegetables and other goods. It's actually better because it's open air and in the sunlight. Yet it's told to close while Walmart stays open
Just for fun here is a question for some of you. How much concern for the market do you think Winston Churchill had during the bombing of London?
A follow-up question: How many Americans when hearing the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor first thought was: How can I play the market with this?
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What is the scale? And what is the scale of value being provided by our service economy when there is no demand for services? What the hell are for instance marketing departments doing right now? It's as shutdown as I can imagine.
No, not completely.

Microsoft and most of Silicon Valley are working from home right now. I'm working from home. Many posters on this forum are working from home. Commerce is happening, but we simply can't see it.
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Fed is attempting to extinguish a fire. What happens when investors lose confidence in the markets? If no intervention occurs, we might very well experience market collapse ala 1929.
For all of the complaining about the Fed (and I am one of them), thankfully, they're doing something positive... unlike Pelosi and Schumer.
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Going to be a long quarantine if people keep responding to Levi. Just let him post his pictures. If you feel they need to respond to one of his sad attempts at a meme, pound your head on your desk a couple times and realizes that accomplishes the same thing as presenting a lefty like Levi/fuzz/dion with all of the facts and logic in the world.
Yes that's the legal problem if anyone challenges this. The government here is arbitrarily picking and choosing winners/losers.

That Floyd county flea market is no different than Walmart. Both sell fruits and vegetables and other goods. It's actually better because it's open air and in the sunlight. Yet it's told to close while Walmart stays open
Just like in times of war wouldn't you agree.
We’re working at basically half scale right now in SV. Move the projects forward as much as you can from home. Catch up on continuing education. Do what you can to stay active.
Democrats already know this but for the rest of us please try it. We are at war

I'm okay, you're okay..we can all do what we want to do and will end up the same some day.[eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll][eyeroll]
Going to be a long quarantine if people keep responding to Levi. Just let him post his pictures. If you feel they need to respond to one of his sad attempts at a meme, pound your head on your desk a couple times and realizes that accomplishes the same thing as presenting a lefty like Levi/fuzz/dion with all of the facts and logic in the world.
It's funny to watch the people here who are losing the argument to finally declare in tears, "I'm taking my ball and going home."
A family member is being buried today. There will only be 10 family members allowed at the funeral. I'm staying home.
Learn the "Ignore" button folks.
Agree but the problem has now become society does not have an ignore button.

The shit that Pelosi and the Ds pulled this weekend has the support of the left with many of them having no idea what is about to unfold. No amount of stimulus, no form of Socialism, Capitalism etc will unwind the effects of 30% unemployment in a hurry. Pent up demand my ass. History serves a purpose and if people think "this time will be different" then heaven help us.

People seem to believe what brought America out of the Great Depression was some FDR "New Deal". That is ignorance on full display. The government cannot produce an economy but it can sure as hell can destroy it.