How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I don't think there is anything wrong with people investing in stocks during this time. It's their money to lose. It may be a sign of greed or it may be simply protecting your interests. There is risk and they should fully understand that.

It is obvious though that this President has hurt every-bodies interests by the extremely poor management and bungled approach to this pandemic. Obama was handed a horrible economic mess when he took office and when his terms came to an end he handed Trump a revived and solid economy. Obama was handed a catastrophic challenge by Bush. Trump took that economy pumped it for all it was worth to the point of firing the people we needed in place when his first challenge hit. His term to this point, three years on is now below what Obama handed him and headed in the wrong direction. The pandemic is not of his making, the disregard for the protections against this pandemic that were in place for this country when he took office are singularly his incompetence on display. The governmental instrument meant to protect Americans from the pandemic today were done away with on his watch. PERIOD

The historical fact is the GOP has not been capable of building a good economy or even sustaining a good economy when it is handed to them ever since Reagan. Now the GOP is trying to raid the treasury again. It is quite obvious Trump is far more concerned about protecting his interests than protecting Americans. According to the Moscow Mitch we shouldn't tax them in good times but we should give them revenue from taxes in bad times. Graft and corruption thy name is Trump, thy servants are the GOP.
Probably because the majority of new cases are still active. This is an exponential/compounding issue. We will have a better idea at the end of next week.
Majority still active doesn't mean recovered number shouldn't be increasing - the point of the question.
I'd love to get the logic behind what is essential to life and what isn't.

Yes: abortion, liquor (which I love), pet stores.

No: optical retail. So I guess seeing isn't essential.

Also love the rationale behind closing all other retail but leaving groceries open. Why close everything else when they will only get a fraction of visitors there vs the grocery?
This feels like a "FrontLine" moment, where a couple of years from now we'll have a documentary featuring Mnuchin et al speaking about how close we came to the system imploding and stock market freefall behind the scenes without the government intervening and propping it up.
Texans are ready. Turn them loose

I'd love to get the logic behind what is essential to life and what isn't.

Yes: abortion, liquor (which I love), pet stores.

No: optical retail. So I guess seeing isn't essential.

Also love the rationale behind closing all other retail but leaving groceries open. Why close everything else when they will only get a fraction of visitors there vs the grocery?
Abortion. That’s just stupid.

I’ve heard the liquor is considered essential because alcoholics could have withdrawals and they don’t want them taking up hospital space.

But if that is the case, I ask what about the heroine addict? Or methhead?

Again, I don’t trust the people making decisions on what is and isn’t essential.
People will get lost in the weeds discussing this, but the fact remains the pandemic is driving this downturn and Trump totally bungled facing it from before it even got here. The loudest complaint we are hearing from healthcare workers today is they do not have the facilities or even the PPE to fight this pandemic. Doing away with the very protections and people we need now was like firing all the firefighters in the firehouse because they weren't as busy as he liked. That was ignorance personified. People who say he is doing a good job now are simply cowards to face the truth. The Pandemic didn't give two cents about the fiasco known as the Trump wall and it crossed two oceans getting here.
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I'd love to get the logic behind what is essential to life and what isn't.

Yes: abortion, liquor (which I love), pet stores.

No: optical retail. So I guess seeing isn't essential.

Also love the rationale behind closing all other retail but leaving groceries open. Why close everything else when they will only get a fraction of visitors there vs the grocery?
Since Costco is open, can they sell their prescription glasses or not?
People will get lost in the weeds discussing this, but the fact remains the pandemic is driving this downturn and Trump totally bungled facing it from before it even got here. The loudest complaint we are hearing from healthcare workers today is they do not have the facilities or even the PPE to fight this pandemic. Doing away with the very protections and people we need now was like firing all the firefighters in the firehouse because they weren't as busy as he liked. That was ignorance personified. People who say he is doing a good job now are simply cowards to face the truth. The Pandemic didn't give two cents about the fiasco known as the Trump wall and it crossed two oceans getting here.

You may want to sit this one out for a while given how your party fubar'd the recovery this weekend. You really don't have a dog in this fight.
Sounds like more in the Senate test positive. Will this preface a move away from in person attendance?

Since Costco is open, can they sell their prescription glasses or not?

Great question and one not clearly answered. If I had to guess, the order is intentionally ambiguous to allow all sides flexibility
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Another thing to think about. What if this is discovered to be a Chinese lab virus and one or more members of our government die from it? I actually don't have an idea as to what would happen, but I would have to think it wouldn't be good.
People will get lost in the weeds discussing this, but the fact remains the pandemic is driving this downturn and Trump totally bungled facing it from before it even got here. ..

Trump's major error thus far: Not closing borders quickly enough. Those same borders YOU and your leftist buddies bitched and cried and screamed about for the past 3 f*cking years.

Levi, shut up. Just shut the hell up.
People will get lost in the weeds discussing this, but the fact remains the pandemic is driving this downturn and Trump totally bungled facing it from before it even got here. The loudest complaint we are hearing from healthcare workers today is they do not have the facilities or even the PPE to fight this pandemic. Doing away with the very protections and people we need now was like firing all the firefighters in the firehouse because they weren't as busy as he liked. That was ignorance personified. People who say he is doing a good job now are simply cowards to face the truth. The Pandemic didn't give two cents about the fiasco known as the Trump wall and it crossed two oceans getting here.
The stunt your leadership, Pelosi and Schumer, pulled negates any opinion you may have on this issue. Your party does not care one bit for the welfare of the United States of America. You might want to take a break and let adults handle this.
This feels like a "FrontLine" moment, where a couple of years from now we'll have a documentary featuring Mnuchin et al speaking about how close we came to the system imploding and stock market freefall behind the scenes without the government intervening and propping it up.

I bet the documentary will not focus on how quickly Americans were willing to give up even more freedoms when the media and government whipped them into another frenzy.
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Abortion. That’s just stupid.

I’ve heard the liquor is considered essential because alcoholics could have withdrawals and they don’t want them taking up hospital space.

But if that is the case, I ask what about the heroine addict? Or methhead?

Again, I don’t trust the people making decisions on what is and isn’t essential.

Exactly. Talk about some mental gymnastics. Even assuming that's true, If they need alcohol they can beer at the grocery or to go cocktails at restaurants. Trust me I'm all for it but let's not seem it essential to life.

Even better is the push to let prisoners out of jail. Think about that absurdity. In jail they are as isolated as anyone can ever be. They have free healthcare, food, and shelter. Kick those people out, they have none of those and worse probably go live with a grandparent.
Fed is attempting to extinguish a fire. What happens when investors lose confidence in the markets? If no intervention occurs, we might very well experience market collapse ala 1929.

What happens when it doesn't work? 1929 where the dollar is toilet paper.
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Trump's major error thus far: Not closing borders quickly enough. Those same borders YOU and your leftist buddies bitched and cried and screamed about for the past 3 f*cking years.

Levi, shut up. Just shut the hell up.

I'll take that as you disagree with me. Wait maybe you've lost your pacifier. LOL
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The stunt your leadership, Pelosi and Schumer, pulled negates any opinion you may have on this issue. Your party does not care one bit for the welfare of the United States of America. You might want to take a break and let adults handle this.
Oh look another disappointed Trumpster lost in the muck.
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I hate abortion in general. Having said that, I have a little autistic niece who is 12 years old. Let's say the unimaginable happened, and she got raped . Are you telling me she should have to give birth in a situation like this? Would you want your daughter, niece, sister, friend etc., giving birth in a similar situation? I won't get into instances of incest, mother's health and stuff. Aborting babies just to be aborting them is wrong and shouldn't happen, but each circumstance is different.
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Even better is the push to let prisoners out of jail. Think about that absurdity. In jail they are as isolated as anyone can ever be.
My thoughts exactly. All of these proposals are at best half baked ideas that make no sense.

At first I thought this pandemic would result in some common sense. But the further it goes along, the more I see the powers that be taking advantage and trying to push agendas.
I hate abortion in general. Having said that, I have a little autistic niece who is 12 years old. Let's say the unimaginable happened, and she got raped . Are you telling me she should have to give birth in a situation like this? Would you want your daughter, niece, sister, friend etc., giving birth in a similar situation? I won't get into instances of incest, mother's health and stuff. Aborting babies just to be aborting them is wrong and shouldn't happen, but each circumstance is different.
I hate abortion too and feel similar to how you do. But they’re literally turning people away who could have organs rupture (my cousin was one). We could have “what if” scenarios all day, but if you’re going to consider an organ functioning at 3% on the verge of rupturing “nonessential” then I have no clue how you argue abortion (not just in extreme cases like you mention, but all abortion) is essential.