How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I think if you don't commit any crimes you should be fine.

As far as letting people loose from detainment centers or prisons that may be hotbeds...why the f8ck would we want to release people into gen pop who A)are criminals B)may be infected with the virus or C)illegal aliens for whom we clearly do not have enough resources for as evidenced by the most sanctuary of cities saying "no mas...were done...depleted...need help..."?
The way the media is covering this is like how they did bush with Katrina it's almost identical. I was not even a teenager but I was smarter than any left wingers I remember. There's nothing trump can do to stop this virus any more than bush could stop Katrina. So more are gonna die it's a bad situation but we gotta do the best we can do. We're doing better than the rest of the world except maybe Germany. But the best won't be good enough for the msm they made up their minds about trump on day 1 it won't change
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The media's talking points on this are so rehearsed it's been done so many times it's just tiring. Every republican president this has gone on and they hate this guy more than any of them. How do you not see the same pattern with everything they throw at him it's so obvious
Yeah but, how you can rehearse it so many times and some one not catch the lies or falseness of their reporting unless, they are genuinely trying to deceive people is mind blowing.

That was actually for the less educated and less observant posters (Liberals) in this thread. They need a big nudge to help them see what's going on.
The democrats have lost their minds to turn This unavoidable disease which the Chinese started into a blame trump for mostly elderly people dying who could die of anything. It's a dirty dirty trick. If you didn't know any better you wouldn't even know China or their dictator had anything to do with this