How will they rule ??!

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My understanding the bill contained a giant giveaway to corporations, far more to corporations than citizens. McConnell called for the vote when he knew it would not pass. This is political drama and game playing by a McConnell. They were still hammering out details and he is just trying a power move.
What's worse is he's shutting them down without giving the slightest indication of when they can reopen. If he would give some type of time line, businesses and people could at least make some preparations to maybe help get through this. I'm amazed at how people, even some Republicans, are gushing over how well Andy is handling this. It's pretty damn easy to just follow lock step with what the governor up above you is doing. Just shutting everything down isn't showing any innovation at all towards resolving this problem and will lead to millions of people unemployed and the loss of God knows how many businesses. Andy doesn't make me feel better about this situation at all!

You are aware he is trying to manage a major health crisis aren't you? You do understand why that has to come first don't you? You are aware that what he is doing is the approach that has shown to be the only effective way of handling the virus aren't you? There is not even a proven medicine for this virus much less a vaccine, you know that right?Are you saying he should be discarding what works and thereby risking thousands of lives so you would feel better about him just playing craps with the lives of so many?
Way to call it. Mr. Levin.

I think the problem arises when it is called the "Chinese" virus. It's not the Washingtonian Post
That's unfortunate because next to rush he's the best in the business. Yeah it takes some getting used to he's a Jew from philly he has an interesting dialect
He’s also one who has actually spent his career researching history and studying the constitution the way a theologian studied the Bible. He’s not just out there spouting off nonsensical talking points, he uses facts and historical data to back his comments.

Something tells me not to be happy about any bailout. Help the citizen but a bailout never seems to get to the citizen...

That is what churches and other private concerns have always been about... The government never seems to really help the average Joe UNLESS they get THERE CUT!....Find the fine print and then see where this leads...
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We will see. I don't think it's possible for the market to react well to jarring unemployment claims while we overtake Italy in virus cases. Like I said the only chance at market going up is obvious inflation, which will potentially bring more serious problems.
Are you worried about us passing Italy in cases? We have about 6 times the population they do, I fully expect us to pass them up. We are the third most populous country in the world, it’s inevitable. However, when we reach the same number of cases they have, we will have about 6 times fewer deaths than them. That’s the way it’s trending. But the media won’t report that. I’ve seen nothing regarding that statistic anywhere in the news. They choose to only point out the worst case scenarios, not that America is doing very well at keeping people who get it alive.
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Are you worried about us passing Italy in cases? We have about 6 times the population they do, I fully expect us to pass them up. We are the third most populous country in the world, it’s inevitable. However, when we reach the same number of cases they have, we will have about 6 times fewer deaths than them. That’s the way it’s trending. But the media won’t report that. I’ve seen nothing regarding that statistic anywhere in the news. They choose to only point out the worst case scenarios, not that America is doing very well at keeping people who get it alive.

Nope, not worried, we're clearly going to pass China. That's just some news that the market isn't going to appreciate.
Something tells me not to be happy about any bailout. Help the citizen but a bailout never seems to get to the citizen...

That is what churches and other private concerns have always been about... The government never seems to really help the average Joe UNLESS tehy get THERE CUT!....Find the fine print and then see where this leads...
I think it depends. If the bailouts keep people employed then it helps the average Joe. I do think there needs to be restrictions on executive Comp (although this is not on any individual this time) to ensure this is about the economy.

As I think about the whole situation, I can’t help but think about how critical maintaining manufacturing on US soil is to the country. As manufacturing plants are retooled for building respirators and other medical supplies it is critical to keep manufacturing on US soil. It is critical to bring the manufacturing of medicine here and not China.

So some of this may be necessary for reasons beyond the obvious. Just thinking as I lay here watching bad movie after bad movie today.

what is truly disappointing to me is this is quickly devolving into a really critical situation and we have a media that just wants to play gotcha and political parties that are looking to score a victory for a team.
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Why the ire over Rand being tested with no symptoms? It's not like he's some rich celebrity. He's a United States congressman for God's sake. I hope every single one of them are tested so they can be quarantined if needed. Same with the house and any direct presidential report.

Not everything has to be politics
Because he’s a politician working for the American people. He happened to attend a function where people tested positive. He’s also a doctor, with doctor friends, and likely access to tests. There are a lot more tests being conducted now as well.
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F**k Schumer. F**k Pelosi. Some of us are HURTING because of this shit.

Eff the democrat party to hell. I hope you asswipes never regain the Presidency. You sick f**ks couldn't give a GD about helping Americans. Pathetic low life losers.

Theres not a seat in hell hot enough for you f**kwits.

I wouldn't piss on a democrat if they were on fire. Not even worthy of a piss.
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My understanding the bill contained a giant giveaway to corporations, far more to corporations than citizens. McConnell called for the vote when he knew it would not pass. This is political drama and game playing by a McConnell. They were still hammering out details and he is just trying a power move.
False, your understanding is what the lying left told you, not reality.
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You are aware he is trying to manage a major health crisis aren't you? You do understand why that has to come first don't you? You are aware that what he is doing is the approach that has shown to be the only effective way of handling the virus aren't you? There is not even a proven medicine for this virus much less a vaccine, you know that right?Are you saying he should be discarding what works and thereby risking thousands of lives so you would feel better about him just playing craps with the lives of so many?
False, he's following what other liberal morons are doing and hurting the economy and the people.
I think it depends. If the bailouts keep people employed then it helps the average Joe. I do think there needs to be restrictions on executive Comp (although this is not on any individual this time) to ensure this is about the economy.

As I think about the whole situation, I can’t help but think about how critical maintaining manufacturing on US soil is to the country. As manufacturing plants are retooled for building respirators and other medical supplies it is critical to keep manufacturing on US soil. It is critical to bring the manufacturing of medicine here and not China.

So some of this may be necessary for reasons beyond the obvious. Just thinking as I lay here watching bad movie after bad movie today.

what is truly disappointing to me is this is quickly devolving into a really critical situation and we have a media that just wants to play gotcha and political parties that are looking to score a victory for a team.

Good read but my concerns are political pilfering of taxpayer dollars. Politicians NEVER send ALL the money where it is intended to be used. They NEVER do. They steal it for other purposes. Many times they earmark it for their "pet" projects where they get part of it back in the form of "donations".

The manufacturing part is an ENORMOUS benefit to America as there is nothing more satisfying than seeing what you produce whether it be children, ingenuity, or the sweat of the brow. The American citizen lost much self-esteem solely due to losing manufacturing. There are other areas that caused the loss of American self-esteem but that is a major part.

Let the American people loose and they will provide for themselves...
I got bashed pretty hard for calling you intelligent once. You just proved they were in the right. Nice job man.
You really think this covid market tank is nothing but a buying opportunity? Excuse me for thinking it's a little more complicated than that.
I’m still curious as to why the recovered number for the US is remaining stagnant. Recoveries are not being reported, tested for or they’re being suppressed.

Probably because the majority of new cases are still active. This is an exponential/compounding issue. We will have a better idea at the end of next week.
F**k Schumer. F**k Pelosi. Some of us are HURTING because of this shit.

Eff the democrat party to hell. I hope you asswipes never regain the Presidency. You sick f**ks couldn't give a GD about helping Americans. Pathetic low life losers.

Theres not a seat in hell hot enough for you f**kwits.

I wouldn't piss on a democrat if they were on fire. Not even worthy of a piss.
This might have to be settled in the streets. .