How will they rule ??!

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Screw Democrats. Screw Pelosi. None of them give 2 shits about you and me. They only care about stretching this out to make Trump weaker and get control. And I’m not even a Trump voter. And I wasn’t thrilled with the current plan but at least they did something.

Americans will lose jobs and money tomorrow and the Dems will celebrate because it gives them political clout when our economy dies.

Eff all of them. Every one. They are as bad as the virus.
Lol, no economy for 2 months... Buy buy buy! I don't mean to make light of the situation, but that's an absurd take. If you want to gamble that the stimulus will work, I guess that's worth it?
Definitely hold. I'd say revised earning estimates should appear in a few weeks for many major issues.

Oh for sure. I never plan on selling my dividend stocks, just adding to them. I do have a fat check coming tomorrow from RDS.B and I'm plowing it right back into more shares, so the market tanking tomorrow won't hurt!
Usually people aren't locked into their homes for an indefinite period of time. Nobody knows how to account for this.
Well, I agree. However, in the cases of 6 states under SIP orders, it's important we remember the other 44 are not. At least not yet. TX Governor Abbott came out today taking a "wait-and-see" approach. Our infection levels are presently low.

More data comes out next week. Markets will react accordingly.
Well, I agree. However, in the cases of 6 states under SIP orders, it's important we remember the other 44 are not. At least not yet. TX Governor Abbott came out today taking a "wait-and-see" approach. Our infection levels are presently low.

More data comes out next week. Markets will react accordingly.

We will see. I don't think it's possible for the market to react well to jarring unemployment claims while we overtake Italy in virus cases. Like I said the only chance at market going up is obvious inflation, which will potentially bring more serious problems.
The democrats must be the must well oiled and connected organization in the world to get all these doctors and disease experts on board with their fake messaging.

How many doctors and disease specialists are you hearing from?

This isn’t worth shutting the economy down, and I don’t even think it’s a Democrat ploy to get rid of Trump. If anything it’s gonna end up getting Trump the infrastructure plan he’s wanted, and to loosen our dependence on China. It gives the Democrats cover to work with Trump.
Coincidentally 4 republican Senators are in quarantine tonight, right before a key vote.

The Chinese got worked, and they are just realizing it.

I wasn’t trying to be a smart ass, or claiming Trump is playing 4d chess. It’s all members of govt getting what they can in a moment of orchestrated chaos.
Never seen Mitch that pissed. Everyone feeling the heat here in terms of trying to do something to salve the situation. Problem is there really isn't any until the virus runs its course.

The democrats must be the must well oiled and connected organization in the world to get all these doctors and disease experts on board with their fake messaging.

The Drs are doing what the Drs need to do. Their job is to manage contagion and deaths. I don't blame them for giving their input. The real issue is our leaders not forcing them to rerun models including Germany and balancing THAT information with the rest of the nations needs.
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Why the ire over Rand being tested with no symptoms? It's not like he's some rich celebrity. He's a United States congressman for God's sake. I hope every single one of them are tested so they can be quarantined if needed. Same with the house and any direct presidential report.

Not everything has to be politics
obama has his wife’s penis in his mouth. bush is doing paint by numbers while shitting his diaper. bill is raping kids. jimmy carter is still a loser. I don’t blame Trump, because the former presidents alive are f***** morons
Yeah, and tRump, the current president, was golfing every weekend and paying off pornstars the first six weeks of the “Chinese Virus”, so what’s your point . . . next.
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Governor Andy just closed ALL non-essential businesses in Kentucky as of tomorrow evening, thus destroying more lives. This guy is awful beyond words and you Democraps/liberals/left-wing jackasses who support this shit are lunatics
What's worse is he's shutting them down without giving the slightest indication of when they can reopen. If he would give some type of time line, businesses and people could at least make some preparations to maybe help get through this. I'm amazed at how people, even some Republicans, are gushing over how well Andy is handling this. It's pretty damn easy to just follow lock step with what the governor up above you is doing. Just shutting everything down isn't showing any innovation at all towards resolving this problem and will lead to millions of people unemployed and the loss of God knows how many businesses. Andy doesn't make me feel better about this situation at all!