How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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In other words I'm hoping we can drag this out four to nine months to crush the economy as long as we possibly can...because when people are hurting and there's panic that's the only way Dems can win. The left is so transparent you would think they'd learn to shut their mouths and they might be able to fool more people but they just can't help themselves

This is no different than when they tried to delay the kavanuagh confirmation until after the mid terms. Remember that campaign ? Whatever happened to that lying bitch
Daily new deaths in US, 3/18-21, are pretty flat: 41; 57; 49; 46. Maybe the curve is bending?

New cases discovered dropped for first time yesterday from ~5700 on 3.20 to ~4700 despite much wider testing now.
Well, if I'm reading the charts for today right, that's blown all to hell & it's worst day yet by far.
Not necessarily. More than likely means there are fewer diagnosed which means few died. That cause is more likely to be because there are just fewer people in that age group generally. My guess is they also practice social distancing in general because they aren't very mobile.

Or it could be if they lived that long, they're just tough to begin with.
Oh. :rolleyes:
The conspiracy nuts are out today. They posit that a political party is so organized and control the levers of power so much it can decide the course of world history, the health of hundreds of thousand across the entire globe and sacrifice billions of dollars in treasure, just to decide an election in America. What a bunch of fruitcakes.
The conspiracy nuts are out today. They posit that a political party is so organized and control the levers of power so much it can decide the course of world history, the health of hundreds of thousand across the entire globe and sacrifice billions of dollars in treasure, just to decide an election in America. What a bunch of fruitcakes.
Nope, we are saying they are trying to distort the facts to blame Trump (You did) for this situation to affect the upcoming election instead of blaming the Chinese for allowing this to get loose.

LOL... I was out walking this morning and decided to call my brother after he texted me. During our conversation he asked me “Have you seen the graph comparing Kentucky and Tennessee’s Coronvavirus cases?”

His politics are much closer to Levi’s than to mine, and I knew where he was going with his question. I didn’t take the bait, but he took great pains to praise Bershear and got in his usual cheap shot against Bevin and Trump.

Then I get home and saw this post. Obviously making the rounds amongst our liberal friends.
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Well, if I'm reading the charts for today right, that's blown all to hell & it's worst day yet by far.

You and I both know that using these numbers to determine a real mortality rate is useless, but I have been interested in paying close attention to the numbers that are posted. I like to look for any obvious anomalies such as a few that I have previously mentioned. I have now come to the conclusion that someone is doing a poor job in reporting and/or processing this data. Errors are definitely occurring. For sure in the last 24-48 hrs. Without sounding too conspiratorial the numbers are incorrect either by mistake or are being manipulated. I've seen enough evidence of that to convince me of that. Just my opinion of course.
This is stupid. What makes thing bad, is stupid people saying things like, "This is all a hoax" or "This is just politics" It's stupid to not recognize that Italy was hit with this before us. It is stupid to ignore what has happened to Italy and not take measures so that we are better prepared for it. It was stupid to fired the very people we need to protect us from this virus. I haven't seen anything about Italy getting rid of their experts! That's what is stupid.
Ahem, political correctness caused the current Italian shitshow.