How will they rule ??!

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I'd say his overarching concern from the minute he decided to run has revolved around America, and protecting it from outside risks that can easily be prevented or at least mitigated with some common sense national security measures. Another pillar of his agenda has been being less involved with China.

From border security to travel bans from the outset of his presidency, to shutting entry down well before this thing blew up into what it is.

He has met resistance along the way from all sides of the political spectrum.

How about a leader who was in charge of the H1N1 mess who criticized the decision to shut things down and "xenophobic..." about that guy leading the country in a time like this? How about an admin who is crises is chiefly concerned about bean counting?!

The butt fumbling of testing being rolled out isn't on trump, that's on the red tape and bureaucracy of past admins.

Not being able to roll out some simple test is why most folks don't want government in complete control of healthcare.

The CDC has one job...disease...them muffing things is about like a punter whiffing a got one damn job...
Yeah That's why Putin is so happy with him. I'm sorry but I see this view as more convenient politically than based on the evidence at hand.
So if I'm an at-risk individual and I attend a public event where I am exposed to people with the Flu virus. Suppose I get real sick and die, can my family sue the event holders for not taking proper precautions to prevent the spread of the Flu? Think that would fly in court? You think the judge would tell my family that I should have known the risks going into such an event during the Flu season? Why would the Coronavirus be any different?
Not sure if it would fly or not but I guarantee you the lawsuits would happen and that corporations are factoring it in.
Exactly. Take a serious situation, grow the fear and then try to capitalize. Business as usual.

Banning public gatherings...suspending student loan payments...forcing companies to pay employees who don’t show up...force manufacturing back from China...

A lot of the suggestions that are being tossed around make me incredibly uncomfortable as an American.

But I guess when half the country is happy the FISA courts were used to illegally target Americans for political purposes, we can’t really expect people to exercise any rational thought or sense when they’re being manipulated to this extent.
this is cognitive dissonance.

you look for justifications to conform to your worldview, rather than accept reality the way it is.

you leftists like to think you understand the data, that you are the only ones and that makes you smarter than the right.

that's simply not true, as evidenced here... you only care about the data when it conforms to your opinion, science is actually unbiased and not left leaning like you think.

you're wrong here like everywhere else.

this is the best country in the world with the best healthcare in the world precisely because we don't do things like the rest of the world.
This is a blatantly ignorant take since the most damning info as to how this administration has handled this pandemic is coming out of the administration itself. Talk about pot yelling at the kettle! LOL It's not even that hard to pop these balloons of BS!
Exactly. Take a serious situation, grow the fear and then try to capitalize. Business as usual.
Both parties are guilty of this everyday because that is how they have written the rules. It is not a partisan problem it is how both parties operate and have as far back as I can remember.
It's so funny people talking about how others are being manipulated and rely on Fox News for their information. LOL
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And there will be no entity, news media, person held to account for creating this mass hysteria. 100% this is a serious situation because people can be infected where the virus will not impact them significantly but they could transmit to people of high risk without really knowing they are carrying the virus. But the level of outright panic--panic in the stock markets, panic driven by consumers hoarding etc. is just ridiculous. The media have driven this fear and there are disingenuous motives involved here.


Now next flu season do we all shut down and isolate? It's highly contagious and a very deadly to vulnerable people. Or will it be like all the other illnesses where we went about our daily business?

Probably depends on who's president.
BTW, you are also the same group wanting to lock up Clinton for being a Clinton I guess.

You mean our enemies didn't respect Obama and the United States? WOW, what a shocker! .

Banning public gatherings...suspending student loan payments...forcing companies to pay employees who don’t show up...force manufacturing back from China...

A lot of the suggestions that are being tossed around make me incredibly uncomfortable as an American.

But I guess when half the country is happy the FISA courts were used to illegally target Americans for political purposes, we can’t really expect people to exercise any rational thought or sense when they’re being manipulated to this extent.
Some suggestions make me uncomfortable and some I think are good. Hopefully this serves as a wake-up call regarding pharma production in China.
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When people do the math and figure out millions of us were probably already exposed to this, they're going to be furious at the sham that was pulled.

Gobert shared a lockeroom and played part of a game with a gr

Does anyone know of ANY other instances of a NBA player making any jokes about the virus? Gobert does it on Monday and two days later is the first NBA player diagnosed and the season is suspended. Within minutes to a few hours the snowball is a boulder.
450 players in the NBA and the one guy that does this is the one with the virus. An individuals(US only) chance of being one of the known persons with the virus is .0004848%.
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This is a blatantly ignorant take since the most damning info as to how this administration has handled this pandemic is coming out of the administration itself. Talk about pot yelling at the kettle! LOL It's not even that hard to pop these balloons of BS!

it's no where near being ignorant.

why do you always have to be so combative, anyway? well, I know actually, but there's no real reason that you have to exhibit the same character flaws as your brethren like epstein , welcome back! [eyeroll]

it doesn't do anything for your cause, but actually strengthens my points against you in a variety ways.

real ignorance is never having the ability to change your mind. when's the last time you changed your mind on something that didn't fit your ideology? never, right?

i have nothing against you, hope you enjoy your day off managing TDS by brainwashing yourself using your google machine
Does anyone know of ANY other instances of a NBA player making any jokes about the virus? Gobert does it on Monday and two days later is the first NBA player diagnosed and the season is suspended. Within minutes to a few hours the snowball is a boulder.
450 players in the NBA and the one guy that does this is the one with the virus. An individuals(US only) chance of being one of the known persons with the virus is .0004848%.

It's convenient for sure. Especially considering they found it out in about 5 minutes time as opposed to the 2-3 days we were told.

The bigger takeaway is he felt and still feels fine. Despite sharing a lockeroom and basketballs with scores of people, only his locker mate was infected

So its clearly not as serious or as contagious as they want us to believe
yet more Americans are going to die TODAY in car wrecks, from obesity, etc. than will ever die from coronavirus.
And we have TV shows glorifying being obese and certain media that encourage people that “big is beautiful” and if you tell someone who is 500 lbs they need to lose weight (because they could die otherwise) you’re a bigot.

Common sense < Co-Vid 19 < bigots!
Everybody is shitting on Trump today. Fox news bashing his disaster of a speech. David Brody tearing into him for the endless lies and lack of any testing. GoP senators berating him and then going home without doing their job. He looks like a complete moron. And now everybody that was visiting him at Mar a Lago are testing positive.
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It's convenient for sure. Especially considering they found it out in about 5 minutes time as opposed to the 2-3 days we were told.

The bigger takeaway is he felt and still feels fine. Despite sharing a lockeroom and basketballs with scores of people, only his locker mate was infected

So its clearly not as serious or as contagious as they want us to believe

I feel like I read he was going to play in the game,at least was feeling well enough to play? Crazy . That event snapped all normies into "oh shit now it is real" mode.
  • Judy Woodruff:

    But are you concerned where we will get to a point where people will — who should be tested, who desperately need to be diagnosed one way or another, won't be, and this virus will go on for longer than it should, and people will die as a result of that?

  • Ashish Jha:

    I think there is reason to be concerned that's already happening now.

    If today, I, as a physician, wanted to test somebody that I was worried might have coronavirus, I can't, generally, largely. Most Americans can't get that test who need it.

    And, you know, the doubling time of this disease is six days. And another way of thinking about it is, my guess is, about 10,000 Americans probably have the infection today. Officially, it's only about 1,400, but my best guess is 5,000 to 10,000 Americans. That number is going to double in six days. It's going to double again in another six days.

    And until we get widespread testing available, we're not going to be able to wrap our arms around this. And I think all of us in the public health community are baffled that we, the most sort of innovative, ingenious country, with all this scientific capacity, have not been able to do this. It's really a failing of federal leadership.
** Breaking News **​

Roche coronavirus test gets emergency FDA approval.

** Film at Eleven **​
Funny you should ask dipsnot - we HAVE fostered kids, we have helped my brother with a place to stay and getting him into rehab, we have helped another friend with a place to live TWICE over the past couple of years. My wife donates her time to families with Huntington's disease. I've built and maintained websites for local Alzheimer's association groups for a couple of years. We actually do invest time vs. money which is what most people do. We've talked about fostering older kids because those are the ones who generally need the most help and people don't want them. Selfishly I don't know if I want to take in kids that old but luckily my wife has opened my heart and I'm willing to be uncomfortable for a little while to help a kid maybe have a chance in this life. Before I met her I would have donated money and patted myself on the back. But I don't go to church so I guess that automatically makes me worse than the 'christian' who goes to church a couple times a year and misquotes bible verses.

It always cracks me up when people compare letting immigrants into the country to letting them in your house. Really bad analogy. Never did I advocate taking in everyone. But you can't actually make any relevant points so you have to exaggerate. You act like we're just giving these people everything in the world and it's costing us soo much money. If I remember, immigrants are a net positive on the economy according to recent studies (the study the WH tried to hide btw). Immigrants in general work pretty hard and provide for multiple family members. They don't come here to get a bunch of free stuff. They come for the opportunity to better their life and get their family away from gang violence.

Hollywood, Trump and the religious leaders in this country all have this problem you speak of. Melanie is preaching about bullying while her husband tweets insults and hate to his followers.

But sorry, I didn't realize advocating we not rip kids away from their parents is lecturing you [roll]
Lots of virtue signalling there, you're such a great guy, unassailable really.

Nobody objects to legal immigration, it's illegal immigration, and in that respect welcoming invaders into your home is a very appropriate analogy.
I feel like I read he was going to play in the game,at least was feeling well enough to play? Crazy . That event snapped all normies into "oh shit now it is real" mode.

Yep. Even said after how surprised he was because he felt plenty good enough to play. Still feels fine. They both do.

That gets into the media driven panic. Had the media not drummed up panic, many people would've caught a bad cold and life goes on. Instead to "flatten the curve" they ginned up tons of panic that will create a rush on supplies and services where there otherwise wouldn't have even been one.

You wouldn't need to flatten the curve if you don't generate the curve out of fear mongering
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Everybody is shitting on Trump today. Fox news bashing his disaster of a speech. David Brody tearing into him for the endless lies and lack of any testing. GoP senators berating him and then going home without doing their job. He looks like a complete moron. And now everybody that was visiting him at Mar a Lago are testing positive.
If only Trump had sent the Chinese pallets of cash... this would be over... amirite?
** Breaking News **​

Roche coronavirus test gets emergency FDA approval.

** Film at Eleven **​
Did you actually read the whole article? Like everybody has been saying. The rollout of testing has been a complete shit show. Most of the current tests the CDC has been distributing don't work because they are only shipping partial tests without all the reagents. Testing should have been the top priority. Everybody around Trump was scared to tell him the reality of the disaster because he is a narcissist only worried about his PR. Rapid tests are good but also have a much higher inaccuracy and samples have to be shipped to the lab. Trump has cost himself a shit load of votes for his ineptitude. He could have and should have forced the CDC to use the already developed kits other countries had been using for 2 months.

Trumps Europe travel ban is a win.
The guy can’t get a win. Everything he does or doesn’t do is met with backlash. He is the anti-Obama. When Trump does something bad, dumb, or without thought, it should get called out.

For example he had a tweet about putting politics aside and everyone coming together... only to be followed by one slamming Biden. Looked pretty silly and sent a mixed message.

But the guy gets 0 credit. Everything he does is either spun to be dumb, insensitive or racist/xenophobic. If they are wanting to slow the spread down then a travel ban was the absolute right call. Can’t believe we have morons suggesting otherwise.