How will they rule ??!

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Did you actually read the whole article? Like everybody has been saying. The rollout of testing has been a complete shit show. Most of the current tests the CDC has been distributing don't work because they are only shipping partial tests without all the reagents. Testing should have been the top priority. Everybody around Trump was scared to tell him the reality of the disaster because he is a narcissist only worried about his PR. Rapid tests are good but also have a much higher inaccuracy and samples have to be shipped to the lab. Trump has cost himself a shit load of votes for his ineptitude. He could have and should have forced the CDC to use the already developed kits other countries had been using for 2 months.
So man who is not a doctor or a qualified medical practitioner of any kind should tell the center for disease control what tests to use? Seems like the CDC should be far more competent than the government on handling disease outbreaks and knowing how to test for it. If they aren't, why do they exist?
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I really can’t imagine being a Democrat, and foaming at the mouth over Russia collusion, Stormy Daniels, Ukraine bribery, and all the other hoaxes that have been thoroughly debunked as Democrat hoaxes, then still falling for the DNC/Media blaming Trump for the Chinese coronavirus and the exaggeration of its impct.

Take a step back from the ledge, fellas. You’ve been duped repeatedly and consistently, yet keep falling for it. You’re the definition of insane.
On the plus side, if you’re in Cincinnati, you can pretty much get a last minute reservation wherever you want at prime times this weekend. I assume it’s the same in other cities.
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The radical Marxist American hating Democratic Party & criminally corrupt pro-Chinese fake news media have successfully plunged this country into a probable recession by weaponizing the Chinese Wuhan virus. They are cheering & supporting stupid political decisions to close as many activities & events to damage companies & create job loss. Obviously, the end result is to destroy the economy which will erode confidence in our great President & possibly place their favorite puppet in the White House.
Another failed leftist socialist initiative has run its course.

Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy.

The seizures that began in 2000 were ratified by the government, which said they were needed to redress colonial imbalances. A vibrant agricultural industry that exported tobacco and roses and grew most of the food the nation needed collapsed. Periodic food shortages ensued, inflation became the world’s highest and the manufacturing industry was decimated. What was one of Africa’s richest countries became one of its poorest.

Some of you folks who have been around a while may remember Rhodesia as a regional power back in the day.

Yet another prime example of socialism run amok.
President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, President Trump, ...
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Did you actually read the whole article? Like everybody has been saying. The rollout of testing has been a complete shit show. Most of the current tests the CDC has been distributing don't work because they are only shipping partial tests without all the reagents. Testing should have been the top priority. Everybody around Trump was scared to tell him the reality of the disaster because he is a narcissist only worried about his PR. Rapid tests are good but also have a much higher inaccuracy and samples have to be shipped to the lab. Trump has cost himself a shit load of votes for his ineptitude. He could have and should have forced the CDC to use the already developed kits other countries had been using for 2 months.
This is what a virus looks like when weaponized.
The next fantasy in the mind of the media will be portraying Joe Biden as a "moderate". The same Joe Biden that will turn over his "gun policy" to the dumb ass from El Paso, the same Joe that has endorsed the Green New Deal and the same Joe that will give medical coverage to illegals and free education. That moderate Joe.

And will they discuss all of the deals he has made and profited from with foreign nations like China. Of course not.
I'm trying to wrap my head around the backlash if nothing happens.

I'm kinda here. I think the exposure is widespread, like way widespread. I think the number of infected will be very high, and that number will be used to incite even more fear, but then there won't be anywhere near the corresponding deaths as "promised" and shit will hit the fan when folks realized they were duped... yet again.
I'm with ya man.
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This makes zero sense if most people can't even tell they have/had it.

Literally just a story on about how this lady who recovered had none of the listed symptoms then magically got a bad fever. Clear message from CNN, everyone should get tested.
Remember months ago when I started about how the only logical conclusion was the media was being funded by the Chinese?

This is maybe the most compelling proof yet
We know China sends spies and even money to American universities. Probably not a reach to think they are involved in our media as well.

We know Russia does (Fusion GPS) I'm sure theres a similar thing for China.
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My wife gives flu shots for a living and won't take one b/c she can't get anybody in her company or the vaccine manufacturer to tell her why aluminum is the adjuvant of choice in the shots, knowing its effects on the brain.

Whole family off the shot for going on 5 years. No flu. Sorry about your luck. Continue to let fear drive you.
I hope your family stays healthy but I think you're increasing your risk of getting the flu & having a more severe case.

What the CDC says:

"An adjuvant is an ingredient used in some vaccines that helps create a stronger immune response in people receiving the vaccine. In other words, adjuvants help vaccines work better."

"Aluminum salts, such as aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum potassium sulfate have been used safely in vaccines for more than 70 years. Aluminum salts were initially used in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s with diphtheria and tetanus vaccines after it was found they strengthened the body’s immune response to these vaccines.

Newer adjuvants have been developed to target specific components of the body’s immune response, so that protection against disease is stronger and lasts longer.

In all cases, vaccines containing adjuvants are tested for safety and effectiveness in clinical trials before they are licensed for use in the United States, and they are continuously monitored by CDC and FDA once they are approved."

Net, I don't see the problem.

BTW, why would your wife give shots of something she believes is harmful? That seems wrong to me.
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My God we almost had him as our governor. He was the liberals in Florida's Obama. The media Knighted him as a progressive Black man that if anyone voted against him, you were called a racist. Thankfully the majority of Floridians were not fooled. He would have destroyed our state. He did destroy Tallahassee as their mayor but they were on the edge already
Did you actually read the whole article? Like everybody has been saying. The rollout of testing has been a complete shit show. Most of the current tests the CDC has been distributing don't work because they are only shipping partial tests without all the reagents. Testing should have been the top priority. Everybody around Trump was scared to tell him the reality of the disaster because he is a narcissist only worried about his PR. Rapid tests are good but also have a much higher inaccuracy and samples have to be shipped to the lab. Trump has cost himself a shit load of votes for his ineptitude. He could have and should have forced the CDC to use the already developed kits other countries had been using for 2 months.
More testing before now would not mean any fewer deaths than the 41 we have, 29 in Seattle & 14 more in 327M people, DA.
Literally just a story on about how this lady who recovered had none of the listed symptoms then magically got a bad fever. Clear message from CNN, everyone should get tested.
True, but why you quoted me makes no sense.
The next fantasy in the mind of the media will be portraying Joe Biden as a "moderate". The same Joe Biden that will turn over his "gun policy" to the dumb ass from El Paso, the same Joe that has endorsed the Green New Deal and the same Joe that will give medical coverage to illegals and free education. That moderate Joe.

And will they discuss all of the deals he has made and profited from with foreign nations like China. Of course not.
They don’t care about joe Biden. What they care about is the vp choice. Look for it to be a black woman. They’ll let Biden be president for a few months and then they’ll Epstein him.
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I really can’t imagine being a Democrat, and foaming at the mouth over Russia collusion, Stormy Daniels, Ukraine bribery, and all the other hoaxes that have been thoroughly debunked as Democrat hoaxes, then still falling for the DNC/Media blaming Trump for the Chinese coronavirus and the exaggeration of its impct.

Take a step back from the ledge, fellas. You’ve been duped repeatedly and consistently, yet keep falling for it. You’re the definition of insane.

You do realize not all Democrats are "foaming at the mouth" over all of these issues? Blanket statements such as these one of the reasons politics is so toxic right now. People are constantly combing the Internet and reading all the tweets and comments from the far right and far left of the parties and assume everyone else in the party has the same belief. I think more Americans are closer to the center of the political spectrum, but they aren't the ones tweeting every crazy thought that runs thru their head. I have many friends/family that are fairly conservative and it would be extremely unfair to them if I assumed they were all like the crazies that post on this site
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True, but why you quoted me makes no sense.

??? You disagreed with my point that there are going to be a lot more positive tests and that will increase the panic level by saying there won't be more positive tests if people don't get tested because they can't tell they are sick. I'm saying the propaganda has already started that you need to get tested no matter what.