You do realize not all Democrats are "foaming at the mouth" over all of these issues? Blanket statements such as these one of the reasons politics is so toxic right now. People are constantly combing the Internet and reading all the tweets and comments from the far right and far left of the parties and assume everyone else in the party has the same belief. I think more Americans are closer to the center of the political spectrum, but they aren't the ones tweeting every crazy thought that runs thru their head. I have many friends/family that are fairly conservative and it would be extremely unfair to them if I assumed they were all like the crazies that post on this site
Nope. Not one single Democrat stood up and said, hey guys, you know what, there’s literally zero evidence of Russia collusion and the Obama administration was severely abusing the privacy rights of private citizens. Still calling yourself a Democrat after everything those lunatics have done is an endorsement.