How will they rule ??!

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When people do the math and figure out millions of us were probably already exposed to this, they're going to be furious at the sham that was pulled.

Gobert shared a lockeroom and played part of a game with a group of people and only his locker mate got it.

The person who flew in the JetBlue flight exposed hundreds who each in turn each exposed hundreds more.

The guy in LA who came to a church event in Louisville exposed 1000s himself, who in turn each exposed 100s at least. Same thing with the person at Humana.

This is either not nearly as contagious as we're told or not nearly as deadly. There are no other options
I’ve tried to wrap my head around the math as well, and you are right. Ohio officials came out today and estimated 100k Ohioans have it at the moment - they said anywhere you have 2 cases of community spread, you can assume 1% of the population has it.

Community spread is basically across the nation - 1% =3,300,000...yet we have 41 deaths, 20-25 from nursing homes and of the 1690 outstanding reported cases, 1680 are mild and 10 are serious/critical.

we either have about 10x of the total worldwide deaths at the moment gonna hit us in the next week or some weird math is going on. Fully understand there will be more, quite a bit more and that this is very serious stuff - but the math is missing something.

(Maybe we are taking better care of our elderly than other places had the chance to maybe the strain is weakening as it travels across the globe - hopefully)
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But when those new diagnosis’ show up without all the deaths, and those numbers start to fall in line with the common flu, will the panic and hysteria subside?

Yeah but it's not going to happen at the same time. Survival rate lags survival which lags a case which lags a test. There's definitely going to be a period of holy shit everyone is sick. Best case scenario, those people share their experience with the internet and it's just a cold.
Wheres the borders dont matter crowd?

Oh they're still doing their thing.

Walls don't stop viruses! - biden

Now that yesterday's shock theater made the lack of testing such a huge deal, I expect a lot more testing and as a result US cases will go through the roof over the next week or so. The response to the spike will be peak panic, political finger pointing, and probably more enforced quarantines. Still a lot more meat on this bone.

Which is the point. If you have mild symptoms and are doing fine - what does it matter what it is? Save the tests for vulnerable people.

But it's meant to incite panic and be victim porn.

But when those new diagnosis’ show up without all the deaths, and those numbers start to fall in line with the common flu, will the panic and hysteria subside?

Probably but by then the damage from panic is done. And that's the real goal
I’ve tried to wrap my head around the math as well, and you are right. Ohio officials came out today and estimated 100k Ohioans have it at the moment - they said anywhere you have 2 cases of community spread, you can assume 1% of the population has it.

Community spread is basically across the nation - 1% =3,300,000...yet we have 41 deaths, 20-25 from nursing homes and of the 1690 outstanding reported cases, 1680 are mild and 10 are serious/critical.

we either have about 10x of the total worldwide deaths at the moment gonna hit us in the next week or some weird math is going on. Fully understand there will be more, quite a bit more and that this is very serious stuff - but the math is missing something.

(Maybe we are taking better care of our elderly than other places had the chance to maybe the strain is weakening as it travels across the globe - hopefully)

I think we have much better medicine especially geriatrics. But I also think this virus was here well before now.

We put the travel ban on China in December. Our first confirmed case was late January. No way that was the first actual case. Everyone just thought it was a bad cold or some weird funk that comes around every year or so. So they went about their life and are fine.

Every year everyone comes down with some weird virus that's hard to shake. Last December and January included (which I think was likely this virus) and no national panic. But this time, the Dems needed a hail Mary so here we are
I think four out of five people who contract Convid-19 will suffer very little from the virus. It is the other 20% who have a more serious experience risk, and death being a big part of that risk. People are prone to hysteria when there is mass confusion from mixed messages about a deadly sickness. That is not new and more than anything is a prime example of Donald Trump's incompetence as a leader. His quick dismissal of a national concern, his obvious confusion and inconsistent messaging with many missing facts, and his over-arching concern about his image rather than public health are blatant examples of how poor he is as a leader.
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I'm trying to wrap my head around the backlash if nothing happens.
But finding way more will be a good thing as it doesn't increase the deaths number & thus would show it to be way less lethal.
I'm kinda here. I think the exposure is widespread, like way widespread. I think the number of infected will be very high, and that number will be used to incite even more fear, but then there won't be anywhere near the corresponding deaths as "promised" and shit will hit the fan when folks realized they were duped... yet again.
I think four out of five people who contract Convid-19 will suffer very little from the virus. It is the other 20% who have a more serious experience risk, and death being a big part of that risk. People are prone to hysteria when there is mass confusion from mixed messages about a deadly sickness. That is not new and more than anything is a prime example of Donald Trump's incompetence as a leader. His quick dismissal of a national concern, his obvious confusion and inconsistent messaging with many missing facts, and his over-arching concern about his image rather than public health are blatant examples of how poor he is as a leader.

The President cannot stop covid 19.

A room full of bureaucrats can't either.

Thank you. Drive through.
I’ve tried to wrap my head around the math as well, and you are right. Ohio officials came out today and estimated 100k Ohioans have it at the moment - they said anywhere you have 2 cases of community spread, you can assume 1% of the population has it.

Community spread is basically across the nation - 1% =3,300,000...yet we have 41 deaths, 20-25 from nursing homes and of the 1690 outstanding reported cases, 1680 are mild and 10 are serious/critical.

we either have about 10x of the total worldwide deaths at the moment gonna hit us in the next week or some weird math is going on. Fully understand there will be more, quite a bit more and that this is very serious stuff - but the math is missing something.

(Maybe we are taking better care of our elderly than other places had the chance to maybe the strain is weakening as it travels across the globe - hopefully)
This...and I've stated my opinions a few times on here that once all testing is expanded and more and more people are discovered to have it, the percentage of people dying from it is going to drop sharply as well down to Flu like percentages.

I still don't understand why 10's of thousands of Flu deaths in America is just "Meh, shit happens" but 41 corona virus deaths is an end of times pandemic requiring basically the country to shut down.
This...and I've stated my opinions a few times on here that once all testing is expanded and more and more people are discovered to have it, the percentage of people dying from it is going to drop sharply as well down to Flu like percentages.

I still don't understand why 10's of thousands of Flu deaths in America is just "Meh, shit happens" but 41 corona virus deaths is an end of times pandemic requiring basically the country to shut down.
Maybe this will help:
From a media briefing on March 3, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus outlined important differences between the two viruses. “First, COVID-19 does not transmit as efficiently as influenza, from the data we have so far,” he says. “With influenza, people who are infected but not yet sick are major drivers of transmission, which does not appear to be the case for COVID-19.”

The second major difference is that COVID-19 has caused more severe cases of the disease than seasonal influenza, he says. “While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.”

Third, we have vaccines and therapeutics for seasonal flu, but at the moment there is no vaccine and no specific treatment for COVID-19, he says.
This...and I've stated my opinions a few times on here that once all testing is expanded and more and more people are discovered to have it, the percentage of people dying from it is going to drop sharply as well down to Flu like percentages.

I still don't understand why 10's of thousands of Flu deaths in America is just "Meh, shit happens" but 41 corona virus deaths is an end of times pandemic requiring basically the country to shut down.
Their main argument is the lack of a vaccine vs. flu, even though the flu vac is hit or miss m ost of the time.

But, again, this is under the premise of Asians falling out into convulsions and cardiac arrest on videos... no hard proof of that stuff A) actually happening and B) happening anywhere other than Asia. They have whipped people into a frenzy with a bait and switch tactic. There is a virus, yes. It is dangerous to elderly and health-compromised, yes. They used theater and fear to sell the idea that the virus is far, far worse than it is... yes. People will be pissed off when they realize what they've had to sacrifice all for a hoax... yes.
I take flu shots and I haven't had the flu for many years. I think listening to doctors and following their advice rather than seeking a cure online is a better strategy.
"The American response has been deeply disappointing. In almost every way, our response has been far less effective than every other major country in the world. It's baffling," says Dr. Ashish Jha, who runs the Harvard Global Health Institute.
I take flu shots and I haven't had the flu for many years. I think listening to doctors and following their advice rather than seeking a cure online is a better strategy.
My wife gives flu shots for a living and won't take one b/c she can't get anybody in her company or the vaccine manufacturer to tell her why aluminum is the adjuvant of choice in the shots, knowing its effects on the brain.

Whole family off the shot for going on 5 years. No flu. Sorry about your luck. Continue to let fear drive you.
Well, of course, Dr. Tony Fauci is right. It has been a failing.

And what your viewers need to understand is, if you get sick tomorrow with coronavirus, and you reach out to your doctor or you talk to your doctor, and your doctor wants to test you for coronavirus, he or she can't.

Most doctors today cannot test people for coronavirus, because we just don't have the tests. Every other major country has figured out how to do it. South Korea is testing 15,000 people a day.

Across the European Union, people are getting tests. Even Iran and Vietnam are testing more regularly than we are. We have just managed to bungle this so incredibly badly that most Americans cannot get the test they need. And, as Dr. Fauci said, it's a failing.
  • Judy Woodruff:

    Who has dropped the ball here?

  • Ashish Jha:

    You know, it's very hard to sort out. The World Health Organization put together a test kit; 60 countries accepted it. America decide to go its own way and not follow the WHO test kit.

    That's OK, because America has a strong track record of developing its own test. And then it's been one kind of debacle after another. My best sense is that the administration has not prioritized this. They have no sense of urgency over this.

    And when you look at what's happening across the country, with school closures, the NBA, and March Madness, all that being shut down, it's basically because we can't test anybody. We have lost the most powerful tool we have for fighting this disease. And so we're having to resort to a whole lot of other things.
  • Judy Woodruff:

    But are you concerned where we will get to a point where people will — who should be tested, who desperately need to be diagnosed one way or another, won't be, and this virus will go on for longer than it should, and people will die as a result of that?

  • Ashish Jha:

    I think there is reason to be concerned that's already happening now.

    If today, I, as a physician, wanted to test somebody that I was worried might have coronavirus, I can't, generally, largely. Most Americans can't get that test who need it.

    And, you know, the doubling time of this disease is six days. And another way of thinking about it is, my guess is, about 10,000 Americans probably have the infection today. Officially, it's only about 1,400, but my best guess is 5,000 to 10,000 Americans. That number is going to double in six days. It's going to double again in another six days.

    And until we get widespread testing available, we're not going to be able to wrap our arms around this. And I think all of us in the public health community are baffled that we, the most sort of innovative, ingenious country, with all this scientific capacity, have not been able to do this. It's really a failing of federal leadership.
Well, of course, Dr. Tony Fauci is right. It has been a failing.

And what your viewers need to understand is, if you get sick tomorrow with coronavirus, and you reach out to your doctor or you talk to your doctor, and your doctor wants to test you for coronavirus, he or she can't.

Most doctors today cannot test people for coronavirus, because we just don't have the tests. Every other major country has figured out how to do it. South Korea is testing 15,000 people a day.

Across the European Union, people are getting tests. Even Iran and Vietnam are testing more regularly than we are. We have just managed to bungle this so incredibly badly that most Americans cannot get the test they need. And, as Dr. Fauci said, it's a failing.
Levi, I hope you understand that if you get Coronavirus- the test does nothing to help any doctor do his or her job. They treat symptoms of this, not the virus itself. So whether or not you get tested isn’t much of a deal to doctors as far as treatment.

The testing delay was a flop from the cdc, but they now have a surplus of tests - but many testing facilities around the country are higher tech and lower volume.
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Levi, I hope you understand that if you get Coronavirus- the test does nothing to help any doctor do his or her job. They treat symptoms of this, not the virus itself. So whether or not you get tested isn’t much of a deal to doctors as far as treatment.

The testing delay was a flop from the cdc, but they now have a surplus of tests - but many testing facilities around the country are higher tech and lower volume.
Please don't condescend to me. The testing is to understand the scope of the problem and that does help public health officials do theirs. The fact is this has been a bungled mess from the Oval Office. There is no valid argument to that.
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This...and I've stated my opinions a few times on here that once all testing is expanded and more and more people are discovered to have it, the percentage of people dying from it is going to drop sharply as well down to Flu like percentages.

I still don't understand why 10's of thousands of Flu deaths in America is just "Meh, shit happens" but 41 corona virus deaths is an end of times pandemic requiring basically the country to shut down.
Media-driven fear mongering + individual and corporate group think/hive mind + fear of being sued + fear of bad public perception probably makes up a good chunk of the reason why.
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Please don't condescend to me. The testing is to understand the scope of the problem and that does help public health officials do theirs. The fact is this has been a bungled mess from the Oval Office. There is no valid argument to that.
Lmao - don’t condescend to you? You spend all day doing that - what, you don’t like it?
Please don't condescend to me. The testing is to understand the scope of the problem and that does help public health officials do theirs. The fact is this has been a bungled mess from the Oval Office. There is no valid argument to that.

How can you call this a bungled mess from the oval office, when we don't know the outcome? What could have happened different so far that would've slowed the rate of the virus?
It's here, it's been here before we even knew what it was. The CDC will never farm out responsibility to the WHO, and they shouldn't. First, and most importantly is they want it done right, and second is they don't want to seem unnecessary for funding.
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Lmao - don’t condescend to you? You spend all day doing that - what, you don’t like it?
And yet this is what you continue the conversation with. I actually thought you were trying to have a real conversation, but no, just more crap. That is what you enjoy. Have you ever surveyed who is slinging crap all day every day? By your response I deduce you have not.
How can you call this a bungled mess from the oval office, when we don't know the outcome? What could have happened different so far that would've slowed the rate of the virus?
It's here, it's been here before we even knew what it was. The CDC will never farm out responsibility to the WHO, and they shouldn't. First, and most importantly is they want it done right, and second is they don't want to seem unnecessary for funding.

If Obama were handling this, over 500k Americans would be dead by now
How can you call this a bungled mess from the oval office, when we don't know the outcome? What could have happened different so far that would've slowed the rate of the virus?
It's here, it's been here before we even knew what it was. The CDC will never farm out responsibility to the WHO, and they shouldn't. First, and most importantly is they want it done right, and second is they don't want to seem unnecessary for funding.
Because unlike you and your idol I actually listen to people who are expert in their field. I don't belittle or dismiss a person because they are a different nationality or especially know things I don't. You realize it's pretty stupid to ignore the fact some countries have been better at slowing the rate of transmission than this country. The problem isn't the CDC farming out anything, the problem started when the orange monkey started firing the people at the CDC we need now to protect us. It's like you don't realize there is print on the other side of the page so you stop. Turn the damn page.
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