How will they rule ??!

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What if all this violence in the world today is because Clinton failed in her attempt at banning the sale of some video games to minors, and attempt to get federal oversight over the video game rating industry?

Maybe we should elect her.
I get reading comp is hard for you. Facts aren't important. Dems are the devil. Keep bashing away. Got it.

Perhaps if you say it enough, it becomes true?
Facts? I asked you to show me a fact, that I had made the statements like you posted. You obviously failed. Or maybe reading comp isn't your strong suit.
What if all this violence in the world today is because Clinton failed in her attempt at banning the sale of some video games to minors, and attempt to get federal oversight over the video game rating industry?

Maybe we should elect her.

Is Tipper Gore not available?
As for illegals. Don't care. Either start killing them off or go ahead and legalize drugs, gambling, and prostitutes on a federal level and use the tax money to pay to have these jack ass lawbreakers shipped out. And people are wondering why the Brexit happened.

Pisses me off that my wife had to go through the process to come in this country legally. You try telling her to allow amnesty. She'll scratch your f***** eyes out, son. Try her. Please try her.

Difference Willy is that your wife couldn't just walk across a creek to get here. If the standard of living in Canada was 5 steps lower than in the US then Canadians would be doing the same thing. Yeah, it sucks for those who have to go through the process. The U.K. is an island nation and therefore people entering the country have to do so through some port of entry or via the "Chunnel". I guess a few could swim the English Channel and come in. We have 1000's of miles of shared border...

Brexit is only going to result in the further shrinking of the empire when Scotland and N. Ireland part ways from the kingdom...and it won't solve any of Britain's issues because those issues are too deeply rooted in the world economy. They will just have to find someone else to blame.
Difference Willy is that your wife couldn't just walk across a creek to get here. If the standard of living in Canada was 5 steps lower than in the US then Canadians would be doing the same thing. Yeah, it sucks for those who have to go through the process. The U.K. is an island nation and therefore people entering the country have to do so through some port of entry or via the "Chunnel". I guess a few could swim the English Channel and come in. We have 1000's of miles of shared border...

Brexit is only going to result in the further shrinking of the empire when Scotland and N. Ireland part ways from the kingdom...and it won't solve any of Britain's issues because those issues are too deeply rooted in the world economy. They will just have to find someone else to blame.

Dude, it's like you've just thrown your hands up and given up. Luckily for you, Willy, myself and millions of others haven't.

Brexit is just the beginning of people pushing back on globalism.
Turned on MSNBC to watch the DNC. Literally within in 20 seconds of watching the host of the show (don't know his name, I don't watch MSNBC) called his RNC speech "dark." They've been given that word to use. Has to be it. A few pages ago a poster posted the image of the headlines of various media outlets terming it dark. Either these media outlets have extremely limited vocabularies or they've been told to call it dark.
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Dude, it's like you've just thrown your hands up and given up.
No, it's an act that he is playing along with because the net is more Dem power. I have pointed out many examples over the years from business fines to housing to entitlements that the US could use to stem the tide....or all the lawsuits that have been filed by the feds against cities or states that have tried to institute rule of law. He ignores those facts. Fuzz knows his party is fighting every single "common sense" enforcement idea or if any actually get put in they will/can ignore what they don't like with bleeding heart populism. They also know they are close to having an unbeatable bloc of electoral blue states, they even have stated they want to turn Texas blue.

Thank goodness the GOP portion of the gang of 8 woke up in time.

Brexit is only going to result in the further shrinking of the empire when Scotland and N. Ireland part ways from the kingdom...and it won't solve any of Britain's issues because those issues are too deeply rooted in the world economy. They will just have to find someone else.

You're right about illegals being able to walk over here. Europe sucks because of their loose borders. Yeah I wanna travel there and see the historic shit, but you couldn't pay me billions to live in that festering hell hole. That Brexit is about to become the norm. Germany would prolly love to kick out those refugees, but since they killed 6 million Jews, well. They're kinda screwed. It's only going to get worse.

Let Scotland and Ireland venture off, but when EU forces them to take in refugees and then those refugees start killing and raping, then I bet they will begging to go back to UK. But if I was England, I'd say GFThemeslves
Russia was a joke in 08 and 12 but now they are a grave threat that must be taken seriously. Mkay.

Never mind it came from Assange. Never mind it doesn't matter, the content matters.

I don't know what I could want more than proof an important email got hacked off her server next to her geriatric walk in bathtub.

F*ck her. Seriously. If what you are witnessing doesn't convince you she is completely unscrupulous and without a shred of decency I don't know what will.
Russia was a joke in 08 and 12 but now they are a grave threat that must be taken seriously. Mkay.

Never mind it came from Assange. Never mind it doesn't matter, the content matters.

I don't know what I could want more than proof an important email got hacked off her server next to her geriatric walk in bathtub.

F*ck her. Seriously. If what you are witnessing doesn't convince you she is completely unscrupulous and without a shred of decency I don't know what will.

No wonder why Brock Obama and his gal Hill wanted Assange so badly.
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Dude, it's like you've just thrown your hands up and given up. Luckily for you, Willy, myself and millions of others haven't.

Brexit is just the beginning of people pushing back on globalism.
You'll have better luck finding the fountain of youth or eradicating the cockroach.
You can push back, kick, scream, fight all you want but it isn't a force you will be able to stop. Yeah, US companies are going to turn their backs on China and India and the more than 2.7 billion people that live there. You want access to those markets you will have to give access to ours.

It does feel like deja vu all over again with Republicans who fought to open markets...Richard Nixon's biggest feather(in his opinion) was opening relations with China, NAFTA was Reagan's idea and negotiated by calling for protectionism. Republicans fought to allow the wealthy to keep more of their wealth with the thought that wealth would "trickle down" to the middle class. Still the GOP fights for this idea when the truth is that wealth and extreme wealth only create the desires for even more wealth. Your boys allowed with your blessings for the top 1% to accumulate more than 40% of the wealth and thus the control of the economy and direction of future trade.

Brexit will prove to be no more than a fart in the wind. It feels good coming out but then it's gone.

There is no getting your virginity back. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle.
The protests tonight are already larger than any in Cleveland.

"Hell NO DNC, We won't vote for Hillary" ringing in the streets. But CNN and MSNBC won't go outside.
You'll have better luck finding the fountain of youth or eradicating the cockroach.

There is no getting your virginity back. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

and Brady aint getting his money
Dude, it's like you've just thrown your hands up and given up. Luckily for you, Willy, myself and millions of others haven't.

Brexit is just the beginning of people pushing back on globalism.
It seems as if Fuzz and those like him have either thrown their hands up or actually welcome turning this country into a thirld world country.
You'll have better luck finding the fountain of youth or eradicating the cockroach.
You can push back, kick, scream, fight all you want but it isn't a force you will be able to stop. Yeah, US companies are going to turn their backs on China and India and the more than 2.7 billion people that live there. You want access to those markets you will have to give access to ours.

It does feel like deja vu all over again with Republicans who fought to open markets...Richard Nixon's biggest feather(in his opinion) was opening relations with China, NAFTA was Reagan's idea and negotiated by calling for protectionism. Republicans fought to allow the wealthy to keep more of their wealth with the thought that wealth would "trickle down" to the middle class. Still the GOP fights for this idea when the truth is that wealth and extreme wealth only create the desires for even more wealth. Your boys allowed with your blessings for the top 1% to accumulate more than 40% of the wealth and thus the control of the economy and direction of future trade.

Brexit will prove to be no more than a fart in the wind. It feels good coming out but then it's gone.

There is no getting your virginity back. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

I don't give a shit who fostered it, I'm sure they all had good intentions, but they were wrong.

You don't realize yet, but times they are a changin, or maybe you do and that's why you're clawing and screaming.

" Our Boys" didn't do it alone, good ol slick Willy got NAFTA through, without a Dem president onboard it never would've made it to the Presidents desk, and you know it.

Sure sounds like the Dems are the Party of no now. Just like Bernie, you bitches lost your balls. Hell, As bad as I've talked about Cruz at least he had enough spine to stick to his guns.
Russia was a joke in 08 and 12 but now they are a grave threat that must be taken seriously. Mkay.

Never mind it came from Assange. Never mind it doesn't matter, the content matters.

I don't know what I could want more than proof an important email got hacked off her server next to her geriatric walk in bathtub.

F*ck her. Seriously. If what you are witnessing doesn't convince you she is completely unscrupulous and without a shred of decency I don't know what will.
Most of those who support and will vote for her are like minded and corrupt themselves.
You'll have better luck finding the fountain of youth or eradicating the cockroach.
You can push back, kick, scream, fight all you want but it isn't a force you will be able to stop. Yeah, US companies are going to turn their backs on China and India and the more than 2.7 billion people that live there. You want access to those markets you will have to give access to ours.

It does feel like deja vu all over again with Republicans who fought to open markets...Richard Nixon's biggest feather(in his opinion) was opening relations with China, NAFTA was Reagan's idea and negotiated by calling for protectionism. Republicans fought to allow the wealthy to keep more of their wealth with the thought that wealth would "trickle down" to the middle class. Still the GOP fights for this idea when the truth is that wealth and extreme wealth only create the desires for even more wealth. Your boys allowed with your blessings for the top 1% to accumulate more than 40% of the wealth and thus the control of the economy and direction of future trade.

Brexit will prove to be no more than a fart in the wind. It feels good coming out but then it's gone.

There is no getting your virginity back. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle.
Lemming post. Everything was the republicans doing. No democrat had anything to do with.
This is getting pathetic.Now Hillary is talking about heroin use in the North East. Umm she is stealing everything Trump has already said.
Millard K. Ives | 0 comments

THE VILLAGES — A top Democratic official in Sumter County has asked The Villages to stop playing a movie that he says portrays his party’s presidential nominee in a negative light and will incite violence against party members.

Joseph Flynn, a Democratic state committeeman and a Sumter County resident of the retirement community, said three residents in The Villages have been threatened with harm within the last week because of their expressed Democratic beliefs.

yeah old people will start raging and beat people up after watching a movie.
Hillary for America communications director said Hillary is still working on her lines. At first it sounded like she said she was working on her lies. For a second I thought the Dems were being honest about something. Silly me.