How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, and what is annoying is 99 percent of people feel roughly the same way... They hate what African Americans have gone through, and still go through, but they also value their police officers who dedicate their lives to keeping the community safe. I just don't get why more people don't actively support BOTH sides... It isn't a zero sum sort of thing.
I like Mike, Always have but Geez...a Billionaire... (Not our Bill...) and our Cats as young and un-wealthy as those league players are seem to be ponying up as much, if not more....jmuo
I noticed on Around the Horn that one guy on the panel was bashing Jordan for helping out the police with a donation. I thought it was pretty embarrassing. Good for Jordan.
So is anyone buying that Russia hacked and leaked the emails? MSNBC is talking about that for 15 minutes over the actual content of the emails.
I noticed on Around the Horn that one guy on the panel was bashing Jordan for helping out the police with a donation. I thought it was pretty embarrassing. Good for Jordan.
I've given up on ESPN.They have turned the station into a black lives matter campaign and quit being about sports.
So is anyone buying that Russia hacked and leaked the emails? MSNBC is talking about that for 15 minutes over the actual content of the emails.

The MSN will try to deflect this to Russia and Putin trying to interfere with a US election, by helping Trump,instead of focusing on the content and intent of the DNC influencing the DNC primary. Very typical
Obvs they are all in on turning the focus to Russia (lols....I know, that's ridiculous, but play along for a sec), what exactly is the reason they would want Hillary over Trump?

We've been told Trump is a lunatic who shouldn't have nuclear codes vs a democrat that they've (along with Kerry) run circles around. Reset Button lol!

Given the bunch of idiots D's have been on the international stage, not sure how the Rooskies.....who are inconsequential per 08 per 12....wouldn't want more of the same. I mean, John F Kerry just said refrigerants are a bigger threat than ISIS. I would think PuP's hard on boi would want more of the same...

Anyways, that's just hypothetical as it has zero bearing on what happened.
The MSN will try to deflect this to Russia and Putin trying to interfere with a US election, by helping Trump,instead of focusing on the content and intent of the DNC influencing the DNC primary. Very typical

I think this play by them might finally force enough fed up Dems to stay away from backing HC. The fact that is the way they want to go with this is disturbing.
The MSM depicted the RNC as a D-List sideshow full of false dystopian narratives.

The DNC is proving to be the true sideshow, and the dystopia is on full display.
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LMAO sports illustrated informed me via twitter that Jason Collins just revealed that he came out of the closet to the Clinton's before he told SI....

I pray to everybody's Jesus that we as adult humans with sort of advanced brains can point at the story and call it gay as hell. I mean wtf. Nobody cares. These people are fn weird.
1500 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the U.S. since July 1.
And as soon as one of them goes off and kills a few, or many, people it will be spun as the fault of the gun he used. Dems are willing to kill us to get rid of the guns of honest people. They are fine with anything that happens to us as long as it increases their power or fosters the belief that we need them to protect us from the chaos they create.

What we need is someone to protect us from the progressive ideal that everyone can be made equal by law.
Boy, I can only imagine how dumb the the Dems feel for making fun of the RNC, which in fairness was a debacle, but the DNC has the makings of a real meltdown and it's only Monday and the guy they conspired against hasn't even spoken yet. I'm excited for the fireworks.
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LMAO sports illustrated informed me via twitter that Jason Collins just revealed that he came out of the closet to the Clinton's before he told SI....

I pray to everybody's Jesus that we as adult humans with sort of advanced brains can point at the story and call it gay as hell. I mean wtf. Nobody cares. These people are fn weird.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you above the new chairman of the Department of Inclusion and Diversity as appointed by president Trump. Keep making us all proud!
LMAO sports illustrated informed me via twitter that Jason Collins just revealed that he came out of the closet to the Clinton's before he told SI....

I pray to everybody's Jesus that we as adult humans with sort of advanced brains can point at the story and call it gay as hell. I mean wtf. Nobody cares. These people are fn weird.

This shit is getting out of control.
Dems are in FULL spin mode right now. This is disgusting the shit they are saying and trying to make people believe.

God dam I would give my left but if Bernie got up there and teared his speech apart and said I support Trump.
Yea I can't watch this garbage. This Booker guy is already full of shit. And yea so much for not throwing mud you Dems. Yall are full of shit.
Yea I can't watch this garbage. This Booker guy is already full of shit. And yea so much for not throwing mud you Dems. Yall are full of shit.
He was doing fine for the little I watched until he said Hillary has been paying it forward her entire life. I'd like someone to point out just 1 time she's gone out of her way for someone when she didn't get a benefit out of it.
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Took you by surprise? The contest to be the most powertul person in the world isn't played by saints? I'd send you some vinegar and a handkerchief so you could pat your cheeks.
Let me spell it out for you. YES, that the establishment and ideology built for decades is poleaxed in one party and nearly upended in the other, is a surprise to me. This is not my first rodeo in my freshman year of college. I've seen this incumbent mentality. I've seen the look of political entitlement.

This doesn't mean I'm a Trump guy in any way, shape or form. Forty-seven percent of us here are not that easily convinced or maybe in his case, conned.

I'll be fine but thanks for your concern.
Silvermans ass*, ftw. It is wide and would swallow you. Big Jew ass mama. I love it.

That's really all the D's have going for them. HollyWood Progress!! Oh look at pikachu!!!! Totes!

And now Jason Collins is bff's with The Clintons.

...and it's a wonderful damn strategy, tbh. Might work again. Starting to doubt it, but in this day and age there's no telling. This race will swing back and forth till the last couple weeks. Maybe both candidates get arrested. Who knows. A body could turn up.

* but I could not pass up Eva longoria so silvermans loud mouth can EAD

#payitforward lmao. Buy a triple venti mocha frappy for the suburu behind you and vote Hillary. Tia.
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Boy, I can only imagine how dumb the the Dems feel for making fun of the RNC, which in fairness was a debacle, but the DNC has the makings of a real meltdown and it's only Monday and the guy they conspired against hasn't even spoken yet. I'm excited for the fireworks.
They don't feel dumb at all because they are incapable of introspection. They are incapable of accepting fault or responsibility. The Democratic party is a glorified group of lemming herders.