How will they rule ??!

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Z, are you trying to say that a Trump was the choice of the RNC?
Most of what you typed is true, but you're misunderstanding that is exactly the reason Trump is the nominee.
Of course the RNC wants free trade, the difference is the Democrats have ran on limiting or ending it. The blue collar workers have voted for them hoping they'll follow through, and once elected they only look to expand it.
That's why Trump is going to win the rust belt, he isn't a politician, he is beholden to no one or any corporation.

The biggest speaker of the RNC besides Trump was Thiel, not because he is gay and announced it, although that did help. It's because he has an inside on the tech world and he is absolutely ruthless. He can do Trumps dirty work and Trump will never get dirty.
No, Scott Walker was the choice of the RNC if they could have just picked somebody since Paul Ryan wasn't running.

What I am saying is that when push came to shove and Republicans either had to stand for the bullshit social issues they use to lead evangelicals around by the nose with or follow the money they didn't hesitate at all, they threw them over the side the moment it was convenient for them.

Abortion and all that other crap was just eye candy to manipulate stupid people with. If that hasn't been proven conclusively in this election then it cannot be. If you are a true conservative then you should be exactly like I am... a man without a party.
Gary Johnson is for completely free trade, amnesty, and cutting entitlement spending by trillions. The vast majority of the electorate will NEVER go for this. If you vote for this man as a protest vote you are simply wasting your time. Pick between Hillary or Trump, but unless you truly can't decide between the two of them don't vote for Johnson.

Like most, I don't believe you understand libertarianism and picture the extreme...anarchists
Amnesty is a complete non-starter for a lot of people.
Says the party of Reagan... who granted amnesty to 3 million illegals while pretending it was a "crackdown" on illegal immigration because big business loves cheap labor. Another example of rubes being played for fools by those they elected.
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[Stupidity on]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Fact is, it has been on since have been on this site.

You make dismissive noises all the time, but never back it up. So, here's a mocking laugh: Ha.

Until you stir your mighty brain and undoubtedly imposing set of information and present an argument, my mocking laugh will have to do. Just append it in your mind whenever you post. And here's another for good measure. Ha. Sorry, but absent an argument all I can do is assume your hamster has been dancing on your keyboard.
Says the party of Reagan... who granted amnesty to 3 million illegals while pretending it was a "crackdown" on illegal immigration because big business loves cheap labor. Another example of rubes being played for fools by those they elected.
False. The number ended up being 1.7. AND, the Dems did not hold up their part of the deal. AND (2) using that as a benchmark 30 years later with the explosion in entitlement spending as well as illegals is just lazy.
You make dismissive noises all the time, but never back it up. So, here's a mocking laugh: Ha.

Until you stir your mighty brain and undoubtedly imposing set of information and present an argument, my mocking laugh will have to do. Just append it in your mind whenever you post. And here's another for good measure. Ha. Sorry, but absent an argument all I can do is assume your hamster has been dancing on your keyboard.
If you posted something worthy of an intelligent response instead of senseless left wing talking points not your own perhaps you would get an opposing argument. Until then, it is pointless. No matter what people have proven to you here, you simply dismiss it in the same manner as your Hero's Obama and Hillary.
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All these dems gonna be freaking out when Hillary puts Americans on death trains to be gassed. I bet she ends up killing more people than Hitler.
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I wish I could get one legal opportunity to see if I could kick her head off her shoulders. 1 chance, that's all I want.
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If Bernie had any balls he'd get up there tonight and refuse to endorse HC.

Bernie embraced his loss of testosterone, those testicles are a daily reminder of overwrought white man aggression and oppression.
Russia is clearly on the Trump train. I can't believe they are really using that as an excuse.
No, I think certain individuals are morons. Your tu quoque fallacy isnt going to work.

I dont think all dems/libs/reps are the devil. Its crazy stupid to vilify as such.
Whatever little man. Everyone can see right through your BS.
Says the guy who thinks entire groups people based on political party are demons. Pretty sure its obvious who is small here.
Uh, show me a post where I said anything like that. YOU are the one that made that sweeping generalization. So, yeah, you are pretty small.
Why is everyone so angry? Why are you booing me? It wasn't supposed to be like this. I've waited 8 long years, I kept my mouth closed and supported that idiot. This was supposed to be MY celebration! I lived with that filthy pervert for 30+ years--I did my time in Hell. This is MY party and you are ruining it. STOP, STOP it right now......let me have my glorious time in the spotlight!


(the Clintons have to be completely besides themselves right now.)
No, Scott Walker was the choice of the RNC if they could have just picked somebody since Paul Ryan wasn't running.

What I am saying is that when push came to shove and Republicans either had to stand for the bullshit social issues they use to lead evangelicals around by the nose with or follow the money they didn't hesitate at all, they threw them over the side the moment it was convenient for them.

Abortion and all that other crap was just eye candy to manipulate stupid people with. If that hasn't been proven conclusively in this election then it cannot be. If you are a true conservative then you should be exactly like I am... a man without a party.

Of course abortion is a BS election year tactic, used by both sides. So is guns, transgender bathrooms and so on, it gets people off the real issues.

I've been on here for better than 10 years preaching that NAFTA was a bad deal and is taking jobs, and they aren't being replaced. I don't care about social issues, I care about JOBS, a good job is true freedom for an individual.
If you are what you say you are you'd be all over the Trump train. If we keep electing the same old people every time and expect different results, well you know the rest of it.
Of course abortion is a BS election year tactic, used by both sides. So is guns, transgender bathrooms and so on, it gets people off the real issues.

I've been on here for better than 10 years preaching that NAFTA was a bad deal and is taking jobs, and they aren't being replaced. I don't care about social issues, I care about JOBS, a good job is true freedom for an individual.
If you are what you say you are you'd be all over the Trump train. If we keep electing the same old people every time and expect different results, well you know the rest of it.

The unspoken issue behind complaints about Free Trade treaties is that the treaty is not what is driving jobs abroad. The difference in wages drives jobs abroad. Nothing prevents a capitalist from closing his grommet factory in Tulsa and re-opening it in Tokyo or Tibet. NAFTA didn't exist when the New England mills closed. Ditto for the North Carolina mills that opened when they shifted from New England to North Carolina. When the Korean mills closed after arriving from North Carolina and shifted to China, no trade treaties were involved. Capitalists chase profits. Substitute cars for grommets or whatever. You can have protectionism or capitalism. Free Trade treaties just try to balance levels of protectionism. The trade off is jobs vs lower prices. It's home owned appliance stores vs Wal-Mart.When you shop at a Wal-Mart rather than at McCostly you've decided that Wal-Mart's shareholders get that profit rather than Mr. McCostly. A free trade treaty is an arrangement trying to apportion winners and losers. People who promise you there will be no losers if they're in charge are lying.
You're missing the point. He doesn't have a chance in hell of winning this go around.
I would say you're missing the point, but the reasons for voting for Johnson have been stated so many times you simply aren't even paying attention in the first place
The unspoken issue behind complaints about Free Trade treaties is that the treaty is not what is driving jobs abroad. The difference in wages drives jobs abroad. Nothing prevents a capitalist from closing his grommet factory in Tulsa and re-opening it in Tokyo or Tibet. NAFTA didn't exist when the New England mills closed. Ditto for the North Carolina mills that opened when they shifted from New England to North Carolina. When the Korean mills closed after arriving from North Carolina and shifted to China, no trade treaties were involved. Capitalists chase profits. Substitute cars for grommets or whatever. You can have protectionism or capitalism. Free Trade treaties just try to balance levels of protectionism. The trade off is jobs vs lower prices. It's home owned appliance stores vs Wal-Mart.When you shop at a Wal-Mart rather than at McCostly you've decided that Wal-Mart's shareholders get that profit rather than Mr. McCostly. A free trade treaty is an arrangement trying to apportion winners and losers. People who promise you there will be no losers if they're in charge are lying.

They difference is actually the cost of production, which in large part is the cost of labor. It's expensive here. It's cheap elsewhere.

2 options. Lower wages here, or artificially raise the cost of the foreign made goods via tariffs. Lowering wages isn't an option. So tariffs are the only vehicle left.

I do oppose concepts like tariffs which artificially drive up the price of goods, as well as unions which artificially drive up the cost of labor. Neither are free market concepts.

However, we're not in a free market. We're in a highly regulated market, while many foreign markets are not.

That's why I support tariffs, presently.
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Ya'll realize if she wins that a treasonous felon will access to nuke codes.

Since she hates her own country, don't be surprised if we don't see nukes dropped on America. Our own nukes.