How will they rule ??!

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"They" are the radical left, people who are proposing radical solutions that could only in the end make things much worse. The expanded they of fools in congress have been working on this problem for decades and in no small part also share responsibility for why it's gotten as bad as it has.

I am making the claim that a typical and sufficiently motivated individual can take better care of himself than the government can, and it's 100% truth.

Your K-12 education and maintaining public health are fundamentally different by nature for a myriad of reasons. It strains credulity that absent an incentive to do so, you would logically conclude they are similar because people need it.

Something like 70% of medical innovation occurs in the US, which is a pretty ridiculous stat. Why? Because people can profit, and profit can be used to take the risky investment to innovate and produce. What incentive does the government have to do this? What about after you have syphoned off so much wealth from the 1% 50%, grants dry up to universities used for research? How many lives lost by cures that were never found? How many lost innovations that would've led to decrease in costs? And in this case, this hurts not only us, but the rest of the world, those "better" healthcare systems who get handed our innovations for free on a silver platter.

What would I do? Other than what I already mentioned, reducing demand and there's a wide variety of creative ways you could do this, I would expand medicare for the poor as we have already decided (rightly) to serve the needs of the very poor. For everyone else struggling with chronic diseases that they have difficulty paying for, I would expand social security to cover those payments and I would increase social security taxes on the top 10% or whatever to pay for it because indeed we need productive people to have their illnesses managed so they can stay productive. Could have tax rebates, programs to keep people out of bankruptcy, better rules on out of network and reciprocal payments costs and other specific targeted pin prick solutions...Something along those lines, and I would spend all my time working on treating the cause not the symptoms, like say Tort reform capping the maximum liability doctors/hospitals are liable for malpractice and do everything I possible could not to ruin (like socialism would) the best medicine in the world, where the world's greatest doctors leave their homes to come practice here at places like John Hopkins or Mass General because it's only here they can truly be on the cutting edge of their field.

You just haven't thought this through further than your own nose, and I mean that not in the arrogant way you take my typing, but it's the reality. I type frankly and directly, you are wrong.

Anyway, that's basically my position, that and that scapegoating the insurance industries and Martin Skrelli's of the world doesn't get you where you need to go,more government regulation is probably needed there. I wish you good luck in managing your condition/.
No effort to know the truth here. Just a stupid and impetuous child looking for attention with absolutely no knowledge of history or the role the global oil industry impact. This poster is likely to be one who thinks Rios Mont was a good man as well.
The nervousness of the barkers is really obvious here. I was reading in USA Today how the poor states in our union are red states where the poor and poorly educated vote for the GOP candidates, certainly holds true here in Kentucky.
The first step is overcoming the human tendency toward ‘all-good’-or-‘all-bad’ dualism.
Beave made a really nice point that healthcare for people like him is broken. He also made an irrefutable point that big pharmaceuticals and hospital systems are monopolies that have all politicians (R and D) in their pockets. I’m sure there are changes that can be made to make it a better system for all, and I’m not sure why you dumbasses are disagreeing with him. Oh wait - I do - that’s politics in 2020. Broken.
There were lots of scrubs in my school, but we didn't take the same classes. They were in general science while I was taking physics and AP chem. They were taking shop while I was taking AP calculus (not that there's anything wrong with shop - I wish I had some of those skills).

We didn't have grade curves in grade school or high school. The biggest curves, by far, were in my physics classes in college.

You really must have gone to a sh!tty school.

Yet I'm still smart enough to see that socialism is a disaster and that the countries who practice it have less money and are taxed much higher? All to take care of the scrubs who want something for nothing.

Nothing in life is owed to anyone other than an opportunity. Winners win and losers lose. Giving away free shit, off of the backs of winners, for votes is not going to change that.
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You guys are wasting your breath on beave. He sees a personal benefit to bernie and socialism, so hes all in. That gets to the heart of why the idea of socialism is spreading in this country, especially among younger people. There is that one thing that they think will really help them, like free college, and they latch onto that thinking it's going to help them, so socialism must be great. They lose all sight of the fact they have to give up their freedom and their kids freedom to get it. Then 15 years down the road they'll figure out they paid a FAR greater price to get that one free thing they wanted so badly.

Beave, I'm sorry you're sick and I hope you get everything you need to get better. The one thing I can promise you beyond a shadow of all doubt is your care will not in any way improve under socialized medicine. It is far more likely to get worse. I understand you are unable to see that, but it's a reality I sincerely hope you dont see, for everyone's benefit.

Agreed. What's a better sales pitch than vote me in office and I'll give you all the free stuff you want because you are entitled to a great life? There are so many lazy, entitled and ignorant ppl, who either are too stupid to realize what he's saying can't work or just don't care, that he's created a movement.

What's the saying - everyone is a Democrat until they start making money?
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OK, I'll make two points:

1. You don't own this website, and you don't get to tell me what I can't or can't do here.

2. We (the U.S.) have a system that is a mixture of capitalism and socialism right now. It's a false dichotomy to argue that our system is (or soon could be) exclusively one or the other, and it only serves to divide us.

If you're debating the topic, you make the point. Not troll everyone for potential material.

I already know you don't understand logic. So I'm trying to help you.

2) we do and it's pathetic. Its already straining middle class producers to the point where they are close to giving up, ala atlas shrugged.

Any lower-middle class family is better off just not working (when excluding upward movement etc). And that's terrible economic policy. Not producing should never be an advantageous situation.
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Beave made a really nice point that healthcare for people like him is broken. He also made an irrefutable point that big pharmaceuticals and hospital systems are monopolies that have all politicians (R and D) in their pockets. I’m sure there are changes that can be made to make it a better system for all, and I’m not sure why you dumbasses are disagreeing with him. Oh wait - I do - that’s politics in 2020. Broken.

Just because he identified problems doesn't mean he gets credit for sh1ty answers to said problems.
True. So what do you see as President Trump's good points?

lol, you expected a reasonable answer. Levi is to be mocked for being a selfish, narcissistic, self perceived moral superior.

the guy is a douche bag. He’s an awful human who I wish nothing but the worst.

that limp wristed weasel thinks Trump has one year left. What a gaf.
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There were lots of scrubs in my school, but we didn't take the same classes. They were in general science while I was taking physics and AP chem. They were taking shop while I was taking AP calculus (not that there's anything wrong with shop - I wish I had some of those skills).

We didn't have grade curves in grade school or high school. The biggest curves, by far, were in my physics classes in college.

You really must have gone to a sh!tty school.

What it they can't afford the best medical infrastructure to take care of them?

Here is the crux of it, in these two posts. On one hand, you celebrate your genetically superior (to the general public) intelligence. This should be celebrated. Although I'd argue perhaps a little less mockingly. And you pointed out previously this intellect helped you get the degrees and career you wanted.

Then in the next post you lament your poor health situation (which I am sorry about). BUT you want the rest of us to sacrifice, whether we want to or not, to make up for your genetic health deficiency.

You want to keep the parts of capitalism that benefit you, but enact parts of socialism that benefits you.

Many of us here would probably love your intellect, education, and job. Yet we don't want a system which forcefully removes it from you.

Now we're back to the Thomas Sowell quote which always destroys this argument - why is it greed to want what I have, but not greed for you to want what I have?

Socialism is nothing more than greed disguised as compassion.

Where can I find a job with such great benefits that my HSA would be/could be worth 3-500k by the time I'd need to use it?

With your background, should be attainable. Plus you can actually save other ways. You aren't confined to an HSA.

With your credentials you should have a nice job with decent benefits, even if it is a hdp. Make max contributions every year, then your plan covers the rest.

You have the ability to do it. You just don't want to. You want us to pay for it instead.

Or you could just move somewhere with socialized medicine. Oh except many won't accept immigrants with significant health issues.
Just because he identified problems doesn't mean he gets credit for sh1ty answers to said problems.

I agree with your points about socialism basically being greed from losers and it being awful. However I think Beave had a good point about some of the things not being capitalist in this country, but actually monopolies. I think too few companies in this country have power over various industries. Beave has more experience with it then you and I do, so I’m assuming he is running into things that are not inhibiting from a socialist/capitalist hurdle, but actually from a monopoly/unfair business practices point of view, which I think is interesting. I think we need to break up some of these massive monopolies we have going on.
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We all know the Corono got out of hand because way back in December when Trump jumped out in front of it, the brightest medical minds he assembled weren't diverse enough. Womens, peoples of colors, and transgenders would have nipped it in the bud.

Sad. Thanks Trump.
Hello, this is SomeDudeCro, I believe my appendix has ruptured. I know it is 2AM on a Sunday night but I’d like to see your healthcare menu. I’ve visited a couple other emergency rooms and I am hoping to see if you could at least price match them or allow me to choose services that are al a carte. Hear me out, I have 35,000 American dollars in my HSA.
I agree with your points about socialism basically being greed from losers and it being awful. However I think Beave had a good point about some of the things not being capitalist in this country, but actually monopolies. I think too few companies in this country have power over various industries. Beave has more experience with it then you and I do, so I’m assuming he is running into things that are not inhibiting from a socialist/capitalist hurdle, but actually from a monopoly/unfair business practices point of view, which I think is interesting. I think we need to break up some of these massive monopolies we have going on.

They do but it's only temporary. Free markets and capitalism can't be viewed only in a microcosm.

20 years ago apple was a struggling company. The innovated and now look.

20 years ago at&t was a giant landline company. They pivoted and now are a giant broadband and cell company.

Those are two examples of companies at the top right now. One innovated and one pivoted.

By contrast look at Dell. 20 years ago people complained they were nearing Monopoly. The new York times and other print media. They resisted and now they're basically dead.

In the years to come there will be more leaps and innovations. Some companies will drive innovation, some will pivot, and others will die.

Innovation is driven by financial gain. Remove or hinder that, and innovation stops. It's that simple.

Finally another fallacy/strawman that I see people put forward is arguing that capitalism isn't perfect. Of course it isn't. No one says it is. It's just the best system. Not a perfect one.
Russian ideals and communism have penetrated the Democrat party leadership, I think America is ripening for a civil war within 20-30 years. The democrat party leadership cares about global unification over America, they will break any law or rule to get back into power. I’m not going to list a slew of items this thread is all aware of like their desire to abolish electoral college, 2nd amendment, refusal to fix fisa because they still need to abuse it.

All of the ridiculous ways the democrats are behaving may seem like folly and humorous but it is an early warning for things to come. Unless it’s addressed in the upcoming elections by the people and Republican leadership it’s going to escalate. The dems aren’t going back to who they were decades ago, they set a new standard and will push for more.

Communist change is knocking on the door, there’s many democrat voters who think their party is the same as when they grew up but it’s not. Your party left you long ago to the extreme left and it’s not coming back, it must be tough to reconcile with decades of support only to find yourself fighting for communists to takeover.
All that's legitimate conversation.. socialism is not, it's failed economic theory and in this day and age we understand that completely... socialists however won't give up the delusion, think they've learned from their mistakes and invariably think they are better and smarter than their predecessors, which they aren't. they are just as wrong, just as misguided.

it's truly remarkable anyone in America, much less a leading presidential candidate, given who we are as a nation and how we got here could even say the word socialism without being met with swift and complete derision like they would say if you called yourself a fascist or a klansman or whatever.

speaking of worthless conversation, I saw a story akin to Bucketheads contribution to the thread on a morning news program where a young newlywed had to have urgent care out of network cost for 25k. Had she just gone down the road to her in network hospital she would have saved the vast majority of that. Those are serious problems/flaws in the system which should be addressed by something other than swinging the massive wrecking ball of socialism at it. There's significant societal cost there when instead of looking into starting her family, she is struggling to pay off debt.

But again, there's typically something you can or should be doing to mitigate your risk... she should've known the details of her plan for example before an emergency struck. Now, she's stuck blaming all her problems on monopolistic insurance and hospital practices.

Mitigating your risk is what one can and should be doing in every aspect of life, not carefree blissful ignorance until a problem comes upon you, eating burgers that mold won't even eat because they tell you "i'm lovin it". Everything is like that metaphor really, with the modern day disgrace that is the D party blaming all problems, mostly preventable, on someone else or the systemic issues or oppression or big money, their solutions can't do anything but make matters much worse than they already are. I've got news for you, life is going to prevent you challenges, but no where on the planet is system more favorable to you flourishing than it is here, from the top down. That doesn't mean you don't recognize the problems and try solutions, it means you don't adopt the failed solutions of the rest of the world be it Denmark or Venezuela.
My god...I saw a few tweets talking about how Drudge was making it seem like an end of the world virus. I went to drudge for the first time in years and what a crying shame that site has turned into. You would think millions are going to die everywhere.

Kind of a sidenote to your post but it is just so irresponsible.
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Little incentive to move above lower middle class?
You’ve not been to Europe, have you?

Democratic socialism as practiced in Europe (and most Europeans don’t see it as socialism) provides access to what are seen as essential services. Namely healthcare and education. There is still plenty of incentive to live in a nicer home, drive a nicer vehicle on roads where they actually allow you to drive that BMW capable of doing 185...185mph! Eat better food although they most all eat much more healthy diets than do we.
Some European countries have more millionaire per capita than the US...and others have similar rates. Nearly 1 in 10 in Switzerland are millionaires.
Money has the same perks most everywhere.
By the numbers:

German sales tax (VAT): 19%
German tax on food: 7%
German gasoline tax/gallon average: $2.78. 1 US gal gasoline costs $5.72.

German smoking rate (2013): 24% US: 15.1%

German diabetic sufferers in 1945: 600,000. 2011: 8,000,000

German overweight males: 67%

Percentage of German adults with BMI greater than 25: 60%

German military service: Compulsory. In 2007, 40% of new Bundewehr recruits were considered overweight.

German monthly television tax per residence: $20.40, a $1.10 increase over 2019.

Later this afternoon, before the game and after a few beers, I'll gladly blow more holes into your utopian vision of Germany.

Ta ta!
My god...I saw a few tweets talking about how Drudge was making it seem like an end of the world virus. I went to drudge for the first time in years and what a crying shame that site has turned into. You would think millions are going to die everywhere.

Kind of a sidenote to your post but it is just so irresponsible.
I'm at the point where I think the spread is inevitable and we are going to waste a lot of time and money trying to contain it when we should just go ahead and infect everyone and get it over with. The economy is going to suffer a death by a thousand cuts before we all end up contracting it anyway.