The problem with capitalism is the people in power (mostly 1 percenters) don’t want to take any accountability for how their greed enables millions of people to barely get with many of them even having to work multiple jobs at that.
It’s not moral when a Fortune 100 company is reporting record profits and their top executives are making 10s of millions a year while the rank and file employees have to scrape by to put food on the table. There’s something wrong in a society where someone does the responsible thing by going to the hospital or doctor because they are sick then ending up with 1000s of dollars in medical expenses they can’t afford to pay off and having to crowdfund it to avoid bankruptcy.
Hell if I know what the solution is, I just know it isn’t a full-scale socialist revolution or maintaining the status quo. It’s somewhere in the middle and both sides need to stop acting like petulant children and get serious about fixing the economic problems that many lower and middle class Americans face on a regular basis in this country.
Noone makes anyone do anything. Everyone is there for voluntary employment. They can leave whenever they want.
People working more than one job also don't voluntarily. Either to save money, to enjoy their current lifestyle to get ahead, to make up for bad choices, etc. It doesn't really matter. It's voluntary. With other systems it isn't.
There is no moral purity in economics. Either I get what I earn, or someone else gets what I earn. The former is much more fair than the former.
Wildcatboston charged his parents to chip in on his Netflix acct. Yet here he is giving people economic insight. Lol
you couldn’t make this stuff if you had to
An entire generation is like this. They live with their parents, never done or owned anything, but feel smart because they copy/paste something from a Bernie bro website that's probably propped up by Chinese or Russian money.
That's why they get annihilated when their views encounter logic and reason