How will they rule ??!

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The nervousness of the barkers is really obvious here. I was reading in USA Today how the poor states in our union are red states where the poor and poorly educated vote for the GOP candidates, certainly holds true here in Kentucky.

By the numbers:

German sales tax (VAT): 19%
German tax on food: 7%
German gasoline tax/gallon average: $2.78. 1 US gal gasoline costs $5.72.

German smoking rate (2013): 24% US: 15.1%

German diabetic sufferers in 1945: 600,000. 2011: 8,000,000

German overweight males: 67%

Percentage of German adults with BMI greater than 25: 60%

German military service: Compulsory. In 2007, 40% of new Bundewehr recruits were considered overweight.

German monthly television tax per residence: $20.40, a $1.10 increase over 2019.

Later this afternoon, before the game and after a few beers, I'll gladly blow more holes into your utopian vision of Germany.

Ta ta!

I'm not going to go back and find out who likes the German system, but the irony is almost too much to handle. The extreme left is trying to lead us down the same lane hitler lead nazi germany. Using germany as an excuse to do it is pretty amazing...
You made the claim I wasn’t posting anything of value...that’s clearly not the case.

It’s cultural, anyone fully familiar with the cultures would attest to that reality.

you are marketed to ad nauseum to sell you an unhealthy lifestyle, can blame a slew of bad actors as there’s money sloshing around everywhere...what that does really is it creates an environment where you should be able to take responsibility for your own life and well being (again outside of extreme cases). What has happened here is over inflation of costs in health, edu etc and the left want to address the symptom without any regard for the cause.

I’ve actually been in European hospitals; it’s only a selective misinterpretation of the data that makes you believe our system isn’t superior. It’s not a discussion of specifics I care to get into but have before, the data are a clear superiority of facts indeed.
You are absolutely correct. When the WHO used to do their health care rankings people used to cite that as proof our system wasn’t as good. However, that ranking measured how socialized medicine was in each country instead of how good the care was. I think it may have has one measure of quality of care and we were always near the top in that one category.
What percent of Americans are able to max out their contributions to an HSA for their entire career before needing to take money out of it? You're acting as if the exception is the norm.

Who is they? How is "mixed market" different from mixed socialism/capitalism? Is public education not a form of socialism? If not, why is it socialism for college but not for grades K-12?

If education is "public goods," then why isn't "public health" a form of "public goods?" People need to be healthy in addition to being educated in order to be fully functioning members of society.

Yes, like millions of other Americans, I have a chronic, incurable autoimmune disease that is very expensive to live with.

How do you propose handling the millions of people like me who have seen their costs rise exponentially in the last 20 years (yes, they started rising long before the ACA was enacted)?

Who, again, is "they?"

So what are the alternative solutions? Just let medical costs and higher education costs continue to outpace incomes, making fewer and fewer people able to afford them?

The system we have now isn't capitalism. It's monopolies protected by the government policy written in large part by the medical industry (big pharma, insurance companies, hospitalists, etc). Wanna shop around for the best price? Nope, they won't let you shop around. You have to stay 'in network.' Hell, they won't even tell you in advance what something will cost. And if they do try to tell you, it's usually wrong, by a lot.
Haven’t you kind of answered your own question? You admit what we have isn’t capitalism. So moving away from capitalistic principles has caused some of the cost increases. The answer to some of the run away costs are related to restoring some competition in the marketplace. Comprehensive insurance has some of the same consequences as socialism. It creates an environment where the marginal cost of acquiring services is very low or zero. That creates a surge in demand. Because doctor’s income is tied to insurance agreements, their income doesn’t rise that much so the industry doesn’t attract new suppliers like a competitive market would. Therefore, there is no significant change in the supply of services to offset the change in demand. This creates rising cost. A more competitive marketplace would improve the situation.
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You guys are wasting your breath on beave. He sees a personal benefit to bernie and socialism, so hes all in. That gets to the heart of why the idea of socialism is spreading in this country, especially among younger people. There is that one thing that they think will really help them, like free college, and they latch onto that thinking it's going to help them, so socialism must be great. They lose all sight of the fact they have to give up their freedom and their kids freedom to get it. Then 15 years down the road they'll figure out they paid a FAR greater price to get that one free thing they wanted so badly.

Beave, I'm sorry you're sick and I hope you get everything you need to get better. The one thing I can promise you beyond a shadow of all doubt is your care will not in any way improve under socialized medicine. It is far more likely to get worse. I understand you are unable to see that, but it's a reality I sincerely hope you dont see, for everyone's benefit.

Your last paragraph is truer than people are told. Medicaid and Medicare are poor solutions for health care. As usual blame the people you voted for.
Sigh. I'm not "all in" on either Bernie or socialism. In fact I'm not a Bernie supporter, and I don't plan to vote for him.

I'm simply trying (in futility, apparently) to point out that we already have some socialism in what are traditional American systems.

I'd vote for somebody promoting real reform of a capitalist version of healthcare if such a candidate existed, but, alas, there isn't such a candidate from either party. Nobody from the right will dare take on the insurance industry or big pharma and demand actual competition for insurance, hospitals, and drug companies.

I guess you see in my posts only what you want to see. You want so badly to just label me as a "liberal" or a "socialist" so that you can dismiss in your mind what I have posted.
Honest question for you. Why does it matter if we already have certain things that have been socialized? That isn’t an argument to socialize other industries. Would you honestly say the socialized versions of education, etc. are better than their free market alternatives? That would be the only case for socializing other industries. I certainly don’t think public education, which is the example you continually site, is generally better than private education options, and I went to public elementary and high school.
For the record, communism and socialism aren’t the same thing. Communism is a far more radical version of socialism that outlaws all private ownership with a central government determining what people receive. Pure socialism calls for government ownership of all means of production but people can still own private property.

And literally not a single person running for President is calling for that, by the way.

The likes of Bernie Sanders are democratic socialists, and democratic socialism can exist with a free market capitalist economy, see many countries in Europe.

Hell, see USA for that matter. Ever heard of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.? That isn’t free market capitalist economic policy, that’s socialism. And we’re still living in a free market capitalist economy despite that.
For the record, communism and socialism aren’t the same thing. Communism is a far more radical version of socialism that outlaws all private ownership with a central government determining what people receive. Pure socialism calls for government ownership of all means of production but people can still own private property.

And literally not a single person running for President is calling for that, by the way.

The likes of Bernie Sanders are democratic socialists, and democratic socialism can exist with a free market capitalist economy, see many countries in Europe.

Hell, see USA for that matter. Ever heard of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.? That isn’t free market capitalist economic policy, that’s socialism. And we’re still living in a free market capitalist economy despite that.

Lol, it is the same thing, you commie.
For the record, communism and socialism aren’t the same thing. Communism is a far more radical version of socialism that outlaws all private ownership with a central government determining what people receive. Pure socialism calls for government ownership of all means of production but people can still own private property.

And literally not a single person running for President is calling for that, by the way.

The likes of Bernie Sanders are democratic socialists, and democratic socialism can exist with a free market capitalist economy, see many countries in Europe.

Hell, see USA for that matter. Ever heard of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.? That isn’t free market capitalist economic policy, that’s socialism. And we’re still living in a free market capitalist economy despite that.

Again, putting the word "democratic" in front of something doesnt make it any less bad. It's kind of a joke anyone uses the term "democratic socialism" as it doesnt actually exist. It's just a political term to make socialism not sound quite as bad.

As far as what Sanders wants, you couldn't be more wrong. He may not be campaigning on some of the things that define pure socialism, but that is 100% his goal. He has promised to do things the second he takes office, such as ending fracking and oil exports, cancelling all trump trade deals, and open borders with free health care for illegals, that will completely destroy our economy leaving nothing behind. The only outcome of that is some form for socialism/communism. Once the free market dies, and it will very quickly under those policies, all you have left is gov't takeover. There wont be a choice as far as he is concerned as I PROMISE he'll blame the collapse on the evil capitalist society.
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None of that is revelatory.

But it's absolutely the case that Bernie Sanders, by his own words he hasn't changed at all, does not believe in American values. Socialism and democratic socialism is a radical change from who we are and make no mistake the goal is not just a little bit of socialism, but more and more... inch by inch your freedoms will be lost. These bad ideas are not sold to you under the name of authoritarianism, but democracy and equal justice and fairness.

Here, you can get a better grasp on who these people are by watching this worthless communist economist debate a real one. It's a terrible argument for someone who has a decent grasp on economics and history; when someone tells you that they don't believe in capitalism you should be very skeptical of them if you believe presumably in American values and the American dream.

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Again, putting the word "democratic" in front of something doesnt make it any less bad. It's kind of a joke anyone uses the term "democratic socialism" as it doesnt actually exist. It's just a political term to make socialism not sound quite as bad.

As far as what Sanders wants, you couldn't be more wrong. He may not be campaigning on some of the things that define pure socialism, but that is 100% his goal. He has promised to do things the second he takes office, such as ending fracking and oil exports, cancelling all trump trade deals, and open borders with free health care for illegals, that will completely destroy our economy leaving nothing behind. The only outcome of that is some form for socialism/communism. Once the free market dies, and it will very quickly under those policies, all you have left is gov't takeover. There wont be a choice as far as he is concerned as I PROMISE he'll blame the collapse on the evil capitalist society.
[roll] At this idiocy you say
For the record, communism and socialism aren’t the same thing. Communism is a far more radical version of socialism that outlaws all private ownership with a central government determining what people receive. Pure socialism calls for government ownership of all means of production but people can still own private property.

And literally not a single person running for President is calling for that, by the way.

The likes of Bernie Sanders are democratic socialists, and democratic socialism can exist with a free market capitalist economy, see many countries in Europe.

Hell, see USA for that matter. Ever heard of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.? That isn’t free market capitalist economic policy, that’s socialism. And we’re still living in a free market capitalist economy despite that.
So let’s say Bernie gets elected and his policies get implemented. Let’s say I’m now facing Denmark level taxes on my income if better than 55%. I currently own private property. I own my home and the land it sits on. I based my purchase of that property on my income and ability to make my monthly payments. Now I’m suddenly taxed at twice the rate I am currently and my income hasn’t changed. What happens now that I can no longer afford my private property. What happens to the millions of others in precisely my situation? I’ve asked this question multiple times but get crickets.

I also would like to hear from guys like you, Dion, Plat and the like on how your personal situations would benefit or be affected in such a way that causes you to support a move towards socialism.
For the record, communism and socialism aren’t the same thing. Communism is a far more radical version of socialism that outlaws all private ownership with a central government determining what people receive. Pure socialism calls for government ownership of all means of production but people can still own private property.

And literally not a single person running for President is calling for that, by the way.

The likes of Bernie Sanders are democratic socialists, and democratic socialism can exist with a free market capitalist economy, see many countries in Europe.

Hell, see USA for that matter. Ever heard of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.? That isn’t free market capitalist economic policy, that’s socialism. And we’re still living in a free market capitalist economy despite that.

They have the same effect on the producer. The producer is punished and has the fruits of their labor taken.

The difference between communism and socialism, basically, is that socialism just gives it to other non producers. Whereas communism gives it to the state who then does as it pleases.

They're both terrible.

Also there is no such thing as democratic socialism. It's socialism or it isn't. And no socialism cannot work because producers stop producing. History is full of examples.
The real higher taxes come after the policies start costing much higher than expected and the measures needed to cope with all the unintended consequences.

If Bernie is elected, the safest thing you can do is liquidate all your assets and diversify your cash holdings. Make your own run on the banks before a real one occurs.

liquidate everything except the hous as it would survive runaway inflation should it occur. Sell everything else, sell the dog, the car... buy a 20 year old Camry and train survival skills. :eek:
Some other nonsense I now see about socialism, which you can tell is being pumped out by the puppet masters so their useful idiots can parrot:

Police and fire departments are NOT socialism.

Medicare is not socialism. Medicaid is. Both are terrible and it's beyond stupid to brag about these to begin with.

Public education definitely has a socialist tinge. Again, not exactly something to brag about considering how awful they are. They even have to hold their subjects hostage by fighting tooth and nail against school vouchers.

Socialism is NOT compassion. It's greed disguised as compassion, in an attempted selling point. In capitalism, the greed is the producer pursuing this goal for themselves. In socialism, it's the non producer wanting the state to pursue it for them, by taking from the producer.

Most, if not all, socialist leaders are complete hypocrites.

Capitalism is not perfect. No one says it is. So don't bother with that strawman. Instead it's the greatest economic system in the history of the world.
My god...I saw a few tweets talking about how Drudge was making it seem like an end of the world virus. I went to drudge for the first time in years and what a crying shame that site has turned into. You would think millions are going to die everywhere.

Kind of a sidenote to your post but it is just so irresponsible.

Drudge is certainly flirting with the dark side.
So let’s say Bernie gets elected and his policies get implemented. Let’s say I’m now facing Denmark level taxes on my income if better than 55%. I currently own private property. I own my home and the land it sits on. I based my purchase of that property on my income and ability to make my monthly payments. Now I’m suddenly taxed at twice the rate I am currently and my income hasn’t changed. What happens now that I can no longer afford my private property. What happens to the millions of others in precisely my situation? I’ve asked this question multiple times but get crickets.

I also would like to hear from guys like you, Dion, Plat and the like on how your personal situations would benefit or be affected in such a way that causes you to support a move towards socialism.
9 out of 10 Danes report being happy, which is far higher than in the USA. Seems to be working well for them. One would think being able to afford where they live would be a prerequisite for being happy as I would make a educated guess that a homeless person wouldn’t be happy.

And as far as the tax rate goes, they get significantly more for their bang for their buck on their taxes than Americans get. Additionally, let’s say the there was universal health care. While that would increase the tax rate, it also reduces the amount of money coming out of your paycheck (and your employer’s finances if they offer it) towards health insurance, so that’s something you have to account for, not to mention any money you’d have to spend whenever you have a doctor or hospital visit. But I obviously have zero way of knowing if it would offset the tax increase because there are way too many variables at play there to even be able to make a guess with any certainty.

Even if Sanders (or anyone else) said that is what they wanted to base their goals on, it would have to be implemented over a very long period of time and heavily tweaked from the beginning and throughout its implementation to fit the USA. So alas, it’s mostly pointless to argue over it because what Denmark has will never be what USA has.
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9 out of 10 Danes report being happy, which is far higher than in the USA. Seems to be working well for them. One would think being able to afford where they live would be a prerequisite for being happy as I would make a educated guess that a homeless person wouldn’t be happy.

And as far as the tax rate goes, they get significantly more for their bang for their buck on their taxes than Americans get. Additionally, let’s say the there was universal health care. While that would increase the tax rate, it also reduces the amount of money coming out of your paycheck (and your employer’s finances if they offer it) towards health insurance, so that’s something you have to account for, not to mention any money you’d have to spend whenever you have a doctor or hospital visit. But I obviously have zero way of knowing if it would offset the tax increase because there are way too many variables at play there to even be able to make a guess with any certainty.

Even if Sanders (or anyone else) said that is what they wanted to base their goals on, it would have to be implemented over a very long period of time and heavily tweaked from the beginning and throughout its implementation to fit the USA. So alas, it’s mostly pointless to argue over it because what Denmark has will never be what USA has.

Hmmm, I wonder how Denmark would fair if they opened their borders and offered free healthcare to all illegals?
Ya’ll. Wildcatboston works as a janitor for a Division III college gym. This guy is uneducated. He’s lecturing ya’ll on the merits of communism. Let that sink in. He thinks of himself as this great political mind and is selling you all a shit sandwich
Some other nonsense I now see about socialism, which you can tell is being pumped out by the puppet masters so their useful idiots can parrot:

Police and fire departments are NOT socialism.

Medicare is not socialism. Medicaid is. Both are terrible and it's beyond stupid to brag about these to begin with.

Public education definitely has a socialist tinge. Again, not exactly something to brag about considering how awful they are. They even have to hold their subjects hostage by fighting tooth and nail against school vouchers.

Socialism is NOT compassion. It's greed disguised as compassion, in an attempted selling point. In capitalism, the greed is the producer pursuing this goal for themselves. In socialism, it's the non producer wanting the state to pursue it for them, by taking from the producer.

Most, if not all, socialist leaders are complete hypocrites.

Capitalism is not perfect. No one says it is. So don't bother with that strawman. Instead it's the greatest economic system in the history of the world.
The problem with capitalism is the people in power (mostly 1 percenters) don’t want to take any accountability for how their greed enables millions of people to barely get with many of them even having to work multiple jobs at that.

It’s not moral when a Fortune 100 company is reporting record profits and their top executives are making 10s of millions a year while the rank and file employees have to scrape by to put food on the table. There’s something wrong in a society where someone does the responsible thing by going to the hospital or doctor because they are sick then ending up with 1000s of dollars in medical expenses they can’t afford to pay off and having to crowdfund it to avoid bankruptcy.

Hell if I know what the solution is, I just know it isn’t a full-scale socialist revolution or maintaining the status quo. It’s somewhere in the middle and both sides need to stop acting like petulant children and get serious about fixing the economic problems that many lower and middle class Americans face on a regular basis in this country.
Ya’ll. Wildcatboston works as a janitor for a Division III college gym. This guy is uneducated. He’s lecturing ya’ll on the merits of communism. Let that sink in. He thinks of himself as this great political mind and is selling you all a shit sandwich

No productive person wants socialism. It's a dead giveaway soon as anyone argues for it. You automatically know they are either worthless and lazy, or made wrong choices along the way that negatively impact their life.

Now they want the rest of us to save them. But...they want the rest of us to keep saving us as well; so we can keep saving them. Then call us selfish if we don't want to.
The problem with capitalism is the people in power (mostly 1 percenters) don’t want to take any accountability for how their greed enables millions of people to barely get with many of them even having to work multiple jobs at that.

It’s not moral when a Fortune 100 company is reporting record profits and their top executives are making 10s of millions a year while the rank and file employees have to scrape by to put food on the table. There’s something wrong in a society where someone does the responsible thing by going to the hospital or doctor because they are sick then ending up with 1000s of dollars in medical expenses they can’t afford to pay off and having to crowdfund it to avoid bankruptcy.

Hell if I know what the solution is, I just know it isn’t a full-scale socialist revolution or maintaining the status quo. It’s somewhere in the middle and both sides need to stop acting like petulant children and get serious about fixing the economic problems that many lower and middle class Americans face on a regular basis in this country.

Hahahaha, the irony just keeps getting worse. So the problem is people in power are doing bad things, soooo let's give the people in power even more power? Gotcha
Nutshell: This whole "socialism" thing is just a desperate hope by people with huge college debt hanging around their necks somehow hoping that someone is going to come along and take it away.
I thought as much earlier today and totally agree. Student loan debt plays a huge role in this movement. Bernie and Liz are that "someone".
Your last paragraph is truer than people are told. Medicaid and Medicare are poor solutions for health care. As usual blame the people you voted for.
What's wrong with Medicare? Medicaid is better than nothing. Nothing is poor.
For the record, communism and socialism aren’t the same thing. Communism is a far more radical version of socialism that outlaws all private ownership with a central government determining what people receive. Pure socialism calls for government ownership of all means of production but people can still own private property.

And literally not a single person running for President is calling for that, by the way.

The likes of Bernie Sanders are democratic socialists, and democratic socialism can exist with a free market capitalist economy, see many countries in Europe.

Hell, see USA for that matter. Ever heard of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc.? That isn’t free market capitalist economic policy, that’s socialism. And we’re still living in a free market capitalist economy despite that.
Bernie's single payer Medicare for All is government controlled medical care. You do as you're told & get what they tell you you get. No choices. See Canada. See Brits National Health Service.