How will they rule ??!

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Yes, we have survived a lot of hardships under Trump, BUT CAN WE SURVIVE THE LITERAL END OF THE WORLD VIA CLIMATE CHANGE? Stay tuned...
Yup pulling out of the Paris Climate was supposed to be the end of the world, the US was supposed to sky rocket when it comes to the amount of emissions we put out.

Wait Im starting to think all of this over the top language is all just nonsense by the left and media to keep coming up with ways to act like Trump is horrible. That can't be true though right...
Yup pulling out of the Paris Climate was supposed to be the end of the world, the US was supposed to sky rocket when it comes to the amount of emissions we put out.

Wait Im starting to think all of this over the top language is all just nonsense by the left and media to keep coming up with ways to act like Trump is horrible. That can't be true though right...
And their claim that economic growth was a fairy tale is shown to be nonsense
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It's a point I can refute readily and easily, basically you'll think it's semantics but a non christian doesn't get to decide and to determine what christian morality means.

To simplify what I mean when I would say your argument holds no water, has no legs wahtsoever and in and of itself reflects a fundamental misunderstanding on your part is by this comparison.

Pete Buttigieg actively lives and promotes a life of sin, whereas Trump billionaire swashbuckling infidelity pussy grabbin' is in the past. It is decidely not bigoted to be against both, to forgive past transgressions but not turn a blind eye to current ones.

There's no, "see how easy that is" ignorant and simplistic rebuttal you could make to that. It's a fundamental distinction, you don't get to redefine and expand what bigoted means to suit an agenda.

I somewhat agree with your first sentence but at the same time, a Christian doesn't get to decide what the morals of the world are. I have no fundamental issues if some Christians are against homosexuality. I don't necessarily agree with them, but certainly everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs. If someone comes out and says they aren't going to vote for him because he is gay that is their right. But in the end, one only needs to look at this board to know there are not only people that don't agree with his lifestyle (which is fine), but are in fact, bigots, by the comments they make about gays in general. I could go back and find dozens of examples of this from the past week alone.
Theres a simple question: is your life better than it was 4 years ago? It's not worse. But it's odd bc of what the trump era brings after complete non growth policy under Obama that ppl are looking to resort to socialism. The 1% talking point is nonsense but exposes how small minded socialists are.

Their entire focus is on wealthy people...not poor people. Wealthy people have nothing to do with anything, your focus should be on how to bring poor people up. Not bring everyone down so you can minimally help the bottom.

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Perhaps it was my wording (Lots of). Maybe I should have gone with many or several???? Anyway, I agree with everything you said. If you are against Pete that doesn't necessarily make you a homophobe or a bigot. You don't agree with his policies and that is fine. I think my point was there are many on this board who would never vote for him because he is gay and say some pretty intolerant things. Some of them like to take the moral high ground while completely ignoring or excusing Trump's behaviors. I think that was the original point of bushrod... which I agreed with. I
If you are referring to people on this board who would support Mayor Pete's political views but would not vote for him because of his homosexuality you are talking to fellow Democrats.

I would not vote for any Democrat even if it was my Sunday School teacher or my Pastor. No one who is a conservative would vote for a liberal Democrat. But some Democrats would not vote for a liberal Democrat if that Democrat is seen kissing his male mate on TV. They do not want a homosexual as president. So your attempt to label conservatives homophobes who would not vote for Pete failed, It is his politics.
One thing you can bet your life on, the South will reject Mayor Pete, blacks, whites, Hispanics do not want a gay POTUS, they do not want their children seeing two men kissing on TV. Take that to the bank. Even in the North Muslims, for sure won’t vote for him for that reason. So, we are looking at Bernie or Bloomberg.
Joe will have so much admonishing to do...

Poor Joe's fingers.
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Especially one that doesn't even really seem gay to begin with. I see gay people in love and it seems pretty unforced. But Pete and his man just seem awkward. Like way awk-ward. As in it feels like a forced situation.

Are we really entering such wokeness that a candidate has a same sex marriage as a beard? What would you even call such a thing? Maybe a Fanny pack?
Wife and I play cards with a couple of gay women in their early 60's.

They think Pete is a pussy and Michelle is not. And I tend to trust their take on pussy...

You know what’s rather ironic in all of this. His use of the term “dog face” in reference to that girl. Now I get it, she wasn’t very attractive, but he didn’t get admonished by anyone for making fun of someone’s appearance like that. The political correctness police would have been all over Trump degrading someone’s appearance like that. Well they are anyway as Trump has a propensity to make fun of people’s appearance fairly often.