Line them up starting with Comey. Trump could copy the actions of dictators through history and dig a mass grave. Maybe near the Potomac River is the marsh land.
When liberals talk such foolishness it is just more proof they have a mental disease. In real life I stay as far away from them as humanly possible. You just never know when they are going to go off.
Apparently, the fat black girl and her cheering white friend at the UVA Multicultural Student Center have deleted their Twatter accounts. Lol.
Get woke!
Scary thought. We had one go off this weekend and drove his car through a Republican voters registration set up near Jacksonville, Fl He hated Trump. I look for more of these goons. Lock and loadAnd as I have stated previously to also bring a real sobering effect to the situation. These people (And I meant these people) have driver's licenses'. They are moving thousands of pounds of machinery among us... just unreal.
Scary thought. We had one go off this weekend and drove his car through a Republican voters registration set up near Jacksonville, Fl He hated Trump. I look for more of these goons. Lock and load
And to make it all better...the guy who didn't know who the guy who killed Bin Laden was...this is his twitter profile:
"Poot Buttigieg"
Oh Fredo, you magnificent always bring the laughs in these trying times.
Actually they're a little too woke. They need to go back to sleep.They need to wake up or become woker.
Some dude's are suckers for cheap tattoos and the smell of menthol.I suspect it was the hot Dollar Tree ladies that got him going in the first place...
Is this true?
Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto
Pete and his "husband" are getting ready to dabble in human trafficking, err, I mean rent a woman's uterus for 9 months and take her baby, err, I mean lovingly bring a new life into the world using creative and brave means! Go Pete Go!!
Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient? LOL! Leopards can’t change their spots!
Stop being such a loser.Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient? LOL! Leopards can’t change their spots!
Ive posted about this before, but this Roger Stone shit is why I’m so worried about the Barr/Durham investigation.
If they keep it in the DC area, how the hell they gonna get indictments - yet alone convictions - when that cesspool is populated by nothing but radical leftists.....both in its citizenry AND court systems (apologies, of course, to BBUK)?
We lost this country when we let our education system and nation’s capitol get overrun by leftists/marixist. We just sat back and did nothing. That’s what we get for being pussies. I think our nuts have finally dropped, but fear it’s way too late.