How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Cost of living is getting ridiculous. Food prices are insane these days. I have no clue how people who do not make much and have kids get by just on food costs alone. Heck, even Middle Class families have got to feel the heat on feeding their families.

The economy has gotten better and people have more opportunity and are starting to make more but the question of are they getting ahead is debatable. That is not a Trump issue. That is an issue that has been growing for a long time now.

Folks who have 401k's, make good money, etc are definitely prospering in this economy.

While I agree it is hard to get by I also state many people try keeping up with the Jones's or miss-manage what they make.

Not sure what you mean by food prices are insane. Maybe we eat differently. I catch deals and buy some name brands and generic brands of other things. I shop and compare. It takes an effort. My wife is a tremendous cook. We eat out at her convenience and as we decide it is time to eat out, not as a habit.

I don't begin to even fathom many families personal issues as everyone's issues are different. We all have our crosses to bear.

When I made a little I had little, when I began to make more I still keep a meager lifestyle. I can do what I want to do but I don't do frivolous things most of the time. I remember the days when my family was growing up and my three kids did a lot of things their peers families did but we drew the line in some areas. We controlled our urges realizing we cannot do everything and have everything with what we made. We picked and chose what we did and we modified what we wanted or wanted to do. Credit can be a curse. Use it sparingly.

There is a difference between a want and a need. (there are those who cannot distinguish that and they will always have hardship (s).)

I do feel bad for those who cannot control themselves. Live within your means. It's not what you make, it's what you keep. If you need to make more work toward making more. It takes time...
This is insane. The Pelosis bought 5k shares of Visa at lowball while a bill that would hurt CC companies was gaining momentum in the House. 2 days later, the stock jumps as the legislation never sees the floor... :flushed:


And it's entirely legal....for them. And only them. Anyone else would have the sec breathing down their neck
This is insane. The Pelosis bought 5k shares of Visa at lowball while a bill that would hurt CC companies was gaining momentum in the House. 2 days later, the stock jumps as the legislation never sees the floor... :flushed:

Don't people go to jail over stuff like that? sorta like what happened to Martha Stewart? WOuldn't this fall under the "insider trading" umbrealla?
While I agree it is hard to get by I also state many people try keeping up with the Jones's or miss-manage what they make.

Not sure what you mean by food prices are insane. Maybe we eat differently. I catch deals and buy some name brands and generic brands of other things. I shop and compare. It takes an effort. My wife is a tremendous cook. We eat out at her convenience and as we decide it is time to eat out, not as a habit.

I don't begin to even fathom many families personal issues as everyone's issues are different. We all have our crosses to bear.

When I made a little I had little, when I began to make more I still keep a meager lifestyle. I can do what I want to do but I don't do frivolous things most of the time. I remember the days when my family was growing up and my three kids did a lot of things their peers families did but we drew the line in some areas. We controlled our urges realizing we cannot do everything and have everything with what we made. We picked and chose what we did and we modified what we wanted or wanted to do. Credit can be a curse. Use it sparingly.

There is a difference between a want and a need. (there are those who cannot distinguish that and they will always have hardship (s).)

I do feel bad for those who cannot control themselves. Live within your means. It's not what you make, it's what you keep. If you need to make more work toward making more. It takes time...
Well stated and you pretty much describe my lifestyle. Fact: There is a difference between want and need.
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My grandma hates trump but would never vote for a gay dude.
Conservative/Religious Right on the former black president who has married one time and is in a loving monogamous relationship with two children . . . I just can’t support him because his morality (race) doesn’t align with mine.

Conservative/Religious Right on the openly gay candidate for president who is married and in a loving committed relationship with a single partner . . . I just can’t support him because his morality (sexual preference) doesn’t align with mine.

Conservative/Religious Right on the current president who cheated on wife #1, got wife #2 pregnant while married to wife #1, cheated on wife #2 with wife #3, and cheated with a porn star and paid hush money to keep her quiet while wife #3 was home with a newborn child . . . morality doesn’t matter, it’s all about the economy.
Conservative/Religious Right on the former black president who has married one time and is in a loving monogamous relationship with two children . . . I just can’t support him because his morality (race) doesn’t align with mine.

Conservative/Religious Right on the openly gay candidate for president who is married and in a loving committed relationship with a single partner . . . I just can’t support him because his morality (sexual preference) doesn’t align with mine.

Conservative/Religious Right on the current president who cheated on wife #1, got wife #2 pregnant while married to wife #1, cheated on wife #2 with wife #3, and cheated with a porn star and paid hush money to keep her quiet while wife #3 was home with a newborn child . . . morality doesn’t matter, it’s all about the economy.

And those are the ONLY three 'facts' that matter.[eyeroll]
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Don't people go to jail over stuff like that? sorta like what happened to Martha Stewart? WOuldn't this fall under the "insider trading" umbrealla?
Oh, it's the very definition of insider trading. In fact, it's far worse b/c the manipulation isn't even occurring bewtween the companies and investors, but by the hand of the highest of elected officials thru legislature!

Apparently, skirting the law in all sorts of fashion is THE perk of being elected anyrhing... especially if you're a Dem.
Conservative/Religious Right on the former black president who has married one time and is in a loving monogamous relationship with two children . . . I just can’t support him because his morality (race) doesn’t align with mine.

Conservative/Religious Right on the openly gay candidate for president who is married and in a loving committed relationship with a single partner . . . I just can’t support him because his morality (sexual preference) doesn’t align with mine.

Conservative/Religious Right on the current president who cheated on wife #1, got wife #2 pregnant while married to wife #1, cheated on wife #2 with wife #3, and cheated with a porn star and paid hush money to keep her quiet while wife #3 was home with a newborn child . . . morality doesn’t matter, it’s all about the economy.
Trump 2020. Old Democrats love him and they vote. But fear not you will benefit from 4 more years of Trump and you will rejoice and be glad. Check your 401k and shout Praise Be To Trump
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Conservative/Religious Right on the former black president who has married one time and is in a loving monogamous relationship with two children . . . I just can’t support him because his morality (race) doesn’t align with mine.

Conservative/Religious Right on the openly gay candidate for president who is married and in a loving committed relationship with a single partner . . . I just can’t support him because his morality (sexual preference) doesn’t align with mine.

Conservative/Religious Right on the current president who cheated on wife #1, got wife #2 pregnant while married to wife #1, cheated on wife #2 with wife #3, and cheated with a porn star and paid hush money to keep her quiet while wife #3 was home with a newborn child . . . morality doesn’t matter, it’s all about the economy.
But, Obama sucks Mike's dick...

Advantage Trump.
Oh, it's the very definition of insider trading. In fact, it's far worse b/c the manipulation isn't even occurring bewtween the companies and investors, but by the hand of the highest of elected officials thru legislature!
As we all already know, our government is the highest form of organized crime as there has ever been. Wonder why so many attorneys make their way to Washington? Because most did not become very wealthy in their practice, worked way too many hours, and saw a path to real wealth by making laws and knowing "the system" to use to their advantage knowing that if they get powerful enough nobody will touch them.

We vote these crooks in on a yearly basis and never hold them accountable. Wonder why the Swamp is as deep as it is now.... Dems and Republicans should all be furious instead of fighting each other about it.
I support Bernie and ..


Probably a made up story but either way...Warren doesn't get that accepting that 3 dollars makes her look pathetic...

So, I have a family member with a "child" who is in college. Her bank account is linked to his and she gets alerts when he's low and just moves some cash... anyway, she'd been complaining about how much he was spending lately. A surprise visit revealed he had been supporting two of his friends via her money. They were living with him rent-free and he was paying for their meals!

This is the mentality we're up against. Self interest doesn't even enter into the equation anymore. Just endless streams of free money...
The Bloomberg tapes on inner city crime are someone telling the truth. Hurts him in democrat party politics no doubt but he told the truth.

The truly disqualifying tape is this one which everyone has known about for months...and has previously been posted here:

MBlbg needs to explain how moving coal plants away from the cities but stilling burning coal keeps CO2 level around the globe down. Total dumassery right there.
I understand the IPO part (as shady as it may be), but manipulating legislation to influence trading is just off the damned charts. That having cake and eating it too.:mad:

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Iirc she also manipulated legislation to help her husband's business big time.

And it isn't just her or her party. Most are guilty of that. Think they spend their whole life and millions on jobs that pay a fraction of that? Of course not. It's always because you get to sell your power or harnass it for personal gain.

The entire system is broken. Get career politicians OUT. It solves every one of the ails I just mentioned, and more
Media seems to be blaming New Hampshire on white people. South Carolina is filled with blacks and latinos, so that's where the democrats will leave their mark!


This Tom Steyer guy has spent 150 million. That's second to Bloomberg's 350mil, and light years ahead of the third place spender. And nobody knows his name. What is the point of him spending that money?
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Media seems to be blaming New Hampshire on white people. South Carolina is filled with blacks and latinos, so that's where the democrats will leave their mark!

They are wasting their time in South Carolina. I know they need somebody to win for the sake of having a candidate. However,

In November, Trump will sweep every county in that state and some of them have heavy, heavy black residents. But few blacks will vote for a homosexual and Trump has went out of his way to make their life better. They will step off of the Democrat plantation and vote who they want, not who they are told to vote for. Senator Tim Scott will deliver the black vote to the GOP in November. Case close.
If you are a sound minded liberal...(I know, I know) then you have to be looking at the current state of the country and think, wow...this shit is going pretty damn good. And then you look at the potential POTUS candidates on your side of the ticket and think, wow...this shit really sucks.
What a surprise, front page of reddit, “50,000 people sign petition demanding investigation in DOJ’s reversal on Stone case as prosecutors resign.”

I wonder if it ever gets boring for the deep state being able to play the lefty loons like puppets.

And I wonder if the lefties will ever again realize prosecutors don’t run the DOJ, staffers don’t set foreign policy, etc.