How will they rule ??!

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McConnell already slowing caving to the pressure. Changed the resolution to extend the number of days for opening statements. The house evidence will now automatically be entered into the Senate, which is insane that it wasn't already. Was told by his caucus that he was trying to hard to bend over and take it up the ass from the WH.
I thought mitch wasn't being fair? The Clinton trial was 3 days.. they are keeping precedent..unlike D's who pass healthcare in the middle of the night

Btw, why is schiff crying...he could have called all these witnesses in the house. Why didnt he?
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McConnell already slowing caving to the pressure. Changed the resolution to extend the number of days for opening statements. The house evidence will now automatically be entered into the Senate, which is insane that it wasn't already. Was told by his caucus that he was trying to hard to bend over and take it up the ass from the WH.
It's seriously amazing to see, post after post, how warped and deranged your perception of current events are. It's as if you are living in a parallel universe where only your fantastical made-up version of the truth exists.
Because our courts are a joke when it comes to working through shit like this. It would take till sometime next year for a final hearing on the subpeoena's. And the WH will still fight every single one even if they are ruled against. SCOTUS already ruled on this during Nixon, it was unanimous that he could not use privilege to fight off subpoenas. In a normal efficient system we would bypass all the lower courts and go straight to SCOTUS for a quick ruling and be done. But now even the courts are 100% political so its just a giant circle jerk. Of course if Trump was actually innocent and not scared shitless he wouldn't care about people testifying.

hopefully when this is all done and they overwhelmingly clear Trump the GOP hammers Schiff, Nadler, and the rest of the house Dems for this charade. In addition they need to have Platinum and fuzz/rq take a civics course so they don’t bring their idiotic statements to this board. Guys our laws state innocent until proven guilty - not guilty and show us you are
Innocent and if you don’t we presume you to be guilty

Let’s face it- the Dem’s know their constituency. Knowing that they also have the MSM in their corner to blast their half truths and lies, their strategy on all of this is clearly to take advantage of both their own backers and general public’s low level understanding of the process and gas up their claims as “the truth.”

They know (and always knew) the Senate was never going to pass this thru. They know their only hope is to come out of this crying “Foul!” toward the Republicans loudly enough and long enough to affect the
presidential election.

It will fail but our country will be even more divided as a result. Shameful.

World renowned Climate scientist Donald Trump tells fellow worlds unworthy climate scientists they don't know what they are talking about. He then checks the golfing weather forecast for the next day.
Let’s face it- the Dem’s know their constituency. Knowing that they also have the MSM in their corner to blast their half truths and lies, their strategy on all of this is clearly to take advantage of both their own backers and general public’s low level understanding of the process and gas up their claims as “the truth.”

They know (and always knew) the Senate was never going to pass this thru. They know their only hope is to come out of this crying “Foul!” toward the Republicans loudly enough and long enough to affect the
presidential election.

It will fail but our country will be even more divided as a result. Shameful.
Just because you do not understand what an oath is, or what is the responsibility of the oath taker is doesn't relieve you of consternation for your attending lack of principles.
"I've been warned that telling people to panic about the climate crisis is a very dangerous thing to do, but don't worry—it's fine—I've done this before and I can assure you: it doesn't lead to anything."

"Act as if you love your children above all else." --- Greta Thunberg

Amazingly adults cannot grasp the intelligence of their own children speaking. Talk about self-absorbed selfish people.
New law in Tacoma, stores fined for homeless stealing their carts.

All retail stores with carts now must have signs attached to the carts that identify which store they belong to, provide a phone number or address and notify the public that removing the cart from the store’s property is illegal.

The law waives fees for the first eight carts collected by the city, but then the store is fined $100 per cart, surging to $200 by the 12th cart found outside of the store’s property. The tally is reset every month.

Simple fix. Snipers on the roof.

"how can you shoot women and children?"

"simple, you just don't lead them as much"
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I know you were probably way CNN could become a bigger joke...John Harwood is now their White House correspondent hahaha

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"I've been warned that telling people to panic about the climate crisis is a very dangerous thing to do, but don't worry—it's fine—I've done this before and I can assure you: it doesn't lead to anything."

"Act as if you love your children above all else." --- Greta Thunberg

Amazingly adults cannot grasp the intelligence of their own children speaking. Talk about self-absorbed selfish people.

One of the great ironies of the entire climate debate, especially in this country, is it comes in great part out of the large population centers and they aim their ire at the rural flyover country in between.

I'm from a rural town, not a lot of pollution or filth problems.

Been to plenty of big cities and populated areas full of educated people...lot's of pollution and general filth problems.

It seems to me, the rural south and the likes are not polluting the air of city folk nor corporate, political, entertainment, academic, and media elite but vice versa...
This is a lie, you have CNN/ MSNBC in your teeth. Sure Trump was allowed testify but he couldn’t have witnesses of his own called and he was denied the use of his lawyers. The whole thing was limited to favor democrats, to say otherwise is being dishonest because you vote democrat. Do you not hear Republican senators ask these questions and yet Schumer just keeps on with his propaganda mantra of needing witnesses? It’s the houses job to go through the courts to get access around executive privilege and they skipped that just like they skipped a lot of other stuff that would stop their witch-hunt. Democrats need to stop breaking all the rules and then expect the senate to deviate as well. It’s like you all want everybody to help you frame a president, dems are used to coercing countries like Ukraine and apparently think that crooked tactic works here too.

He is doing this on purpose to get a rise out of anyone. He gets his jollies from it. A moron is taking control.
The problem is the demosocialcommunists (Uh, that's you and your ilk BootyRQDiondaPlatidumasses) are trying to completely screw up the last place on earth they haven't already completely screwed up.
Just FMI what was the title of your thesis?
How about if just those who were subpoenaed, testify?
Yeah, obstruction of Congress and abuse of power...has a lot to do with proving the how and why.

So tell me, should the trial hear witnesses?
You want to see Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani testify under oath? How about Trump himself?
It's the House's job to create the evidence. Why didn't they go to court?