How will they rule ??!

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So explain to us why the House did not request those "witnesses" to testify when they were running the show. Sorry but there time has come and gone. Pelosi has no more power in the senate than you or I. Pour her a drink and let's move on.

Mitch has this so read them and weep Your side is finished
They did, the WH refused every single subpeona. The first court case on the subpoenas isn't docketed till March. The Trump plan was to use the courts to run out the clock.
They did, the WH refused every single subpeona. The first court case on the subpoenas isn't docketed till March. The Trump plan was to use the courts to run out the clock.

Run out what clock?

Platinum stumbled upon it like the dunce he is. If the Democrats had an impeachment case, they’d care about the legalities, not the clock. This is a sham process meant to harm Trump for 2020 and it blew up in their ignorant fascist loony toon faces.
The ones who testified against Trump did so with hearsay in the form of 2nd or 3rd hand gossip. None of them were actually first hand fact witnesses. How does anyone think that’s proof of anything
You’re talking about the same people who believed the Steele dossier without question and still believe it to be true to this day, despite what we all know now.

The same people that twist words and use partial quotes to show proof that Trump is a Nazi supporter.

The same people that believed Ford because #MeToo.

The same people that cry for kids in cages, but only post 2015 and that’s proof Trump is racist.

And you ask how that’s proof enough for them? Just a mere accusation is all the “proof” they need to start screeching.
Trump is scared shitless of Bolton testifying. Demanding that it be closed door if a vote is forced and successful. Working up plans to classify the testimony so the public can't see any of it. Shouldn't have hired so many neocon shit stains as your top advisers, they will flip on anybody and any principal for the right price.
How come the whistleblower isnt testifying

@rqarnold doesn't want him to bc he knows he isnt a real whistleblower
How about if just those who were subpoenaed, testify?
Yeah, obstruction of Congress and abuse of power...has a lot to do with proving the how and why.

So tell me, should the trial hear witnesses?
You want to see Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani testify under oath? How about Trump himself?

The House has the responsibility to get the testimony before impeaching. You don’t impeach to get the info, it’s ass backwards. Impeachment is a serious action, it’s not to be used as a political stunt in an election year.

The House should’ve supoenead the testimony. I want the Senate to try what the House sent.

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Is Schiff trying to filibuster...jesus...he didn't talk this much when he was running impeachment in his own chamber...

get the f**k on with it...

The problem is the demosocialcommunists (Uh, that's you and your ilk BootyRQDiondaPlatidumasses) are trying to completely screw up the last place on earth they haven't already completely screwed up.
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Trump is scared shitless of Bolton testifying. Demanding that it be closed door if a vote is forced and successful. Working up plans to classify the testimony so the public can't see any of it. Shouldn't have hired so many neocon shit stains as your top advisers, they will flip on anybody and any principal for the right price.

If he had anything that would hurt Trump it would long ago been released.
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Trump wasn't denied shit. The house isn't a trial, it is a grand jury. Its task is to see if their is enough evidence to move the case forward. He chose to not take part in any of it. His lawyers were allowed to attend all of the hearings but chose not to. At any point Trump is free to testify and defend himself.
This is a lie, you have CNN/ MSNBC in your teeth. Sure Trump was allowed testify but he couldn’t have witnesses of his own called and he was denied the use of his lawyers. The whole thing was limited to favor democrats, to say otherwise is being dishonest because you vote democrat. Do you not hear Republican senators ask these questions and yet Schumer just keeps on with his propaganda mantra of needing witnesses? It’s the houses job to go through the courts to get access around executive privilege and they skipped that just like they skipped a lot of other stuff that would stop their witch-hunt. Democrats need to stop breaking all the rules and then expect the senate to deviate as well. It’s like you all want everybody to help you frame a president, dems are used to coercing countries like Ukraine and apparently think that crooked tactic works here too.
Jesus Christ the ignorance of the lefties is mind blowing.

What you call mind-blowing.....he calls normal. He lives that way if you can believe it....How utterly sickeningly sad...a real sad-sack for the ages...
Trump wasn't denied shit. The house isn't a trial, it is a grand jury. Its task is to see if their is enough evidence to move the case forward. He chose to not take part in any of it. His lawyers were allowed to attend all of the hearings but chose not to. At any point Trump is free to testify and defend himself.

Platidumass strikes again...
Only refreshing thing about the conversation with these lefty loony toon idiots today is no one has accused anyone of falling victim to Russian propaganda. Yet...

The media is doing that for them again today...
But NONE of those who testified under oath had first hand evidence. they all testified that they THOUGHT he was guilty.

You didn't know????????? Uh, thinking IS a crime with demosocialcommunists (BootyRQDiondaPlatidumasses) (You'd think I was not being serious but, you'd be wrong. It is a crime to them.)
I'm so glad the attorneys are blasting Schiff for making up the contents of the transcript.

No journo could be bothered with talking about this before now
McConnell already slowing caving to the pressure. Changed the resolution to extend the number of days for opening statements. The house evidence will now automatically be entered into the Senate, which is insane that it wasn't already. Was told by his caucus that he was trying to hard to bend over and take it up the ass from the WH.
McConnell already slowing caving to the pressure. Changed the resolution to extend the number of days for opening statements. The house evidence will now automatically be entered into the Senate, which is insane that it wasn't already. Was told by his caucus that he was trying to hard to bend over and take it up the ass from the WH.
Well, if anyone knows about taking it up the ass, it’s you.
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This is a lie, you have CNN/ MSNBC in your teeth. Sure Trump was allowed testify but he couldn’t have witnesses of his own called and he was denied the use of his lawyers. The whole thing was limited to favor democrats, to say otherwise is being dishonest because you vote democrat. Do you not hear Republican senators ask these questions and yet Schumer just keeps on with his propaganda mantra of needing witnesses? It’s the houses job to go through the courts to get access around executive privilege and they skipped that just like they skipped a lot of other stuff that would stop their witch-hunt. Democrats need to stop breaking all the rules and then expect the senate to deviate as well. It’s like you all want everybody to help you frame a president, dems are used to coercing countries like Ukraine and apparently think that crooked tactic works here too.
God your ignorant. Have you ever been on or have just an inkling how a grand jury works? If you do can you imagine why?
It’s the houses job to go through the court system during their investigation should the president use executive privilege. It’s NOT the senates job to investigate because the house ran a half ass hack trial. George Washington, Bill Clinton, Obama, Reagan, Both Bushes, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and many other president’s have used executive privilege. The point being that the house is not the president and can’t just rifle all the presidential documents whenever they want.

The only reason the democrats want to have witnesses is to search for an actual crime instead of the fake no crime they sent to the senate. There’s not even a specific crime charged in the articles, it’s just a vague abuse of power and obstruction of congress but those aren’t even chargeable crimes. Trump has already released the transcript of the Ukraine call, so there’s no need for witnesses anyway and Bolton wasn’t even present for the call. Why ask them about a call that you have a word for word transcript that’s been vetted? Because they hope to discover something new to charge but that’s not how this country or even impeachment works. You don’t get to do it ass backwards and charge bullshit crimes to justify investigating someone in the hopes of finding a real crime because you hate them.

So democrats corrupted that process by skipping steps because they wanted to squeeze this in before the election, honestly they started working on impeachment as soon as the 16 election results came in. Democrats should have went through the courts, republicans aren’t responsible for helping democrats bastardize impeachment.
Well said, and it will back fire in their face.