How will they rule ??!

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New law in Tacoma, stores fined for homeless stealing their carts.

All retail stores with carts now must have signs attached to the carts that identify which store they belong to, provide a phone number or address and notify the public that removing the cart from the store’s property is illegal.

The law waives fees for the first eight carts collected by the city, but then the store is fined $100 per cart, surging to $200 by the 12th cart found outside of the store’s property. The tally is reset every month.
Kool. Fine the victim of crime. Only in socialism.
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You need both or you end up with nothing accomplished and endless investigations. A lot of the things Trump has done are by executive order which could be made into permanent law with the house and senate.

We have got to get Pelosi out of the way or we will spend the next four years with impeachment nonsense like the first Trump term.

Clearly I'd rather have both, but I don't feel good about our chances to retake the House, so we MUST hold the Senate. We shat the bed in 2017/18 by wasting a super-majority.
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Clearly I'd rather have both, but I don't feel good about our chances to retake the House, so we MUST hold the Senate. We shat the bed in 2017/18 by wasting a super-majority.
We sure did. That is why I am glad Paul Ryan is no longer around as he was Pelosi light. The GOP has some Super Stars in the making in the House now and if they squeeze out the majority this nation is going to take off and really Stay Great

This again.

Since they are soooooo concerned with lack of diversity, I guess they are willing to address the lack of white players? Will there be a league rule where every team must give tryouts to white players at every position?

Or some social outcry that NFL teams don't have enough white players?

Of course not. Because they aren't interested in actual equality.

Sports is the most pure frontier of capitalistic behavior. The best play/coach and succeed based on performance. No one cares about race. That's how it should be

This ^

hire the best for players, refs, owners, coaches irregardless of color. That is what pro sports does since they are the ultimate meritocracy. As far as coaches and people who say it should reflect the percentage of players show me where being a great player equals being a great coach. No correlation whatsoever. Lombardi, Shula, Belichick, Landry, Noll.... none of them were great players. Rings true in all sports as well - can’t name 5 players who were great players and great coaches.
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This ^

hire the best for players, refs, owners, coaches irregardless of color. That is what pro sports does since they are the ultimate meritocracy. As far as coaches and people who say it should reflect the percentage of players show me where being a great player equals being a great coach. No correlation whatsoever. Lombardi, Shula, Belichick, Landry, Noll.... none of them were great players. Rings true in all sports as well - can’t name 5 players who were great players and great coaches.

Can't wait to see this in the NBA. More whitey players!!!
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Fake news by you as usual. You lie as much as Jameslie. You too must be connected.
Fake news by you as usual. You lie as much as Jameslie. You too must be connected.
False: Sawnee is the biggest liar on the site (you are probably in second place). Do you really believe his story of the old lady at the MAGA store in the mall? I might need to find that again just for sh!ts and giggles
Explain why you think that? Why didn’t the house subpoena Giuliani if it’s such a slam dunk?
None of this has anything at all to do with either of the articles of impeachment, which is what the Senate will be trying.
How about if just those who were subpoenaed, testify?
Yeah, obstruction of Congress and abuse of power...has a lot to do with proving the how and why.

So tell me, should the trial hear witnesses?
You want to see Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani testify under oath? How about Trump himself?
How about if just those who were subpoenaed, testify?
Yeah, obstruction of Congress and abuse of power...has a lot to do with proving the how and why.

So tell me, should the trial hear witnesses?
You want to see Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani testify under oath? How about Trump himself?
I'd like to see just the whistleblower testify, confirm via his testimony that he has no firsthand knowledge of the facts or information set forth in his complaint, and then have Justice Roberts dismiss the matter with prejudice.
Trump is scared shitless of Bolton testifying. Demanding that it be closed door if a vote is forced and successful. Working up plans to classify the testimony so the public can't see any of it. Shouldn't have hired so many neocon shit stains as your top advisers, they will flip on anybody and any principal for the right price.
Trump is scared shitless of Bolton testifying. Demanding that it be closed door if a vote is forced and successful. Working up plans to classify the testimony so the public can't see any of it. Shouldn't have hired so many neocon shit stains as your top advisers, they will flip on anybody and any principal for the right price.
I’d say that Bolton will let you guys down too. Just like Mueller and Shiff and Pelosi and Avenatti.
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How about if just those who were subpoenaed, testify?
Yeah, obstruction of Congress and abuse of power...has a lot to do with proving the how and why.

So tell me, should the trial hear witnesses?
You want to see Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani testify under oath? How about Trump himself?

Why would people testify in this political process if they don’t have to?

May be tough to get through you ignorant little loony mind, but people challenge subpoenas all the time. The proper route to have that subpoena enforced is through the court system, not through a radical loony toon partisan impeachment.
Trump is scared shitless of Bolton testifying. Demanding that it be closed door if a vote is forced and successful. Working up plans to classify the testimony so the public can't see any of it. Shouldn't have hired so many neocon shit stains as your top advisers, they will flip on anybody and any principal for the right price.

Hasn’t Schiff kept the testimony of other witnesses secret? What is he hiding?
How about if just those who were subpoenaed, testify?
Yeah, obstruction of Congress and abuse of power...has a lot to do with proving the how and why.

So tell me, should the trial hear witnesses?
You want to see Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani testify under oath? How about Trump himself?
It’s the houses job to go through the court system during their investigation should the president use executive privilege. It’s NOT the senates job to investigate because the house ran a half ass hack trial. George Washington, Bill Clinton, Obama, Reagan, Both Bushes, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and many other president’s have used executive privilege. The point being that the house is not the president and can’t just rifle all the presidential documents whenever they want.

The only reason the democrats want to have witnesses is to search for an actual crime instead of the fake no crime they sent to the senate. There’s not even a specific crime charged in the articles, it’s just a vague abuse of power and obstruction of congress but those aren’t even chargeable crimes. Trump has already released the transcript of the Ukraine call, so there’s no need for witnesses anyway and Bolton wasn’t even present for the call. Why ask them about a call that you have a word for word transcript that’s been vetted? Because they hope to discover something new to charge but that’s not how this country or even impeachment works. You don’t get to do it ass backwards and charge bullshit crimes to justify investigating someone in the hopes of finding a real crime because you hate them.

So democrats corrupted that process by skipping steps because they wanted to squeeze this in before the election, honestly they started working on impeachment as soon as the 16 election results came in. Democrats should have went through the courts, republicans aren’t responsible for helping democrats bastardize impeachment.
Why would people testify in this political process if they don’t have to?

May be tough to get through you ignorant little loony mind, but people challenge subpoenas all the time. The proper route to have that subpoena enforced is through the court system, not through a radical loony toon partisan impeachment.
Says those defending the guilty.

You don’t want them to testify if doing so would hurt your case.
-all hyperbolic shrieking from folks that realize they can't win at the polls. Scaremongering. What they are doing to the fragile folk that populate their base is dare i say...deplorable.

-i suggest folks calling this a "show-trial" read up on the Stalinist tactic to which they're alluding...then add it to the list of historical atrocities(concentration camps/literal hitler et al)they bleat at every opportunity thus spitting on the graves/memories of those that *actually* suffered. It's disgusting...and it's all because they lost power. Thats what they do when they lose to the will of the people.*That* is scary.
The ones who testified against Trump did so with hearsay in the form of 2nd or 3rd hand gossip. None of them were actually first hand fact witnesses. How does anyone think that’s proof of anything, in fact when Republicans questioned those witnesses absolutely none of them claimed Trump committed any crime they knew of.

Trump meanwhile was denied lawyers among other courtesies extended to previous presidents including Clinton to defend himself against the parade of bs. That’s why the executive privilege was invoked, it was a kangaroo court that had no intention to be fair.
The House voted to impeach a sitting president rather than follow the proper judicial protocols to enforce a subpoena. That is abuse of power. Not an American refusing to subject himself to the political persecution of wannabe tyrants.
Because our courts are a joke when it comes to working through shit like this. It would take till sometime next year for a final hearing on the subpeoena's. And the WH will still fight every single one even if they are ruled against. SCOTUS already ruled on this during Nixon, it was unanimous that he could not use privilege to fight off subpoenas. In a normal efficient system we would bypass all the lower courts and go straight to SCOTUS for a quick ruling and be done. But now even the courts are 100% political so its just a giant circle jerk. Of course if Trump was actually innocent and not scared shitless he wouldn't care about people testifying.
Because our courts are a joke when it comes to working through shit like this. It would take till sometime next year for a final hearing on the subpeoena's. And the WH will still fight every single one even if they are ruled against. SCOTUS already ruled on this during Nixon, it was unanimous that he could not use privilege to fight off subpoenas. In a normal efficient system we would bypass all the lower courts and go straight to SCOTUS for a quick ruling and be done. But now even the courts are 100% political so its just a giant circle jerk. Of course if Trump was actually innocent and not scared shitless he wouldn't care about people testifying.

Jesus Christ the ignorance of the lefties is mind blowing.
The ones who testified against Trump did so with hearsay in the form of 2nd or 3rd hand gossip. None of them were actually first hand fact witnesses. How does anyone think that’s proof of anything, in fact when Republicans questioned those witnesses absolutely none of them claimed Trump committed any crime they knew of.

Trump meanwhile was denied lawyers among other courtesies extended to previous presidents including Clinton to defend himself against the parade of bs. That’s why the executive privilege was invoked, it was a kangaroo court that had no intention to be fair.
Trump wasn't denied shit. The house isn't a trial, it is a grand jury. Its task is to see if their is enough evidence to move the case forward. He chose to not take part in any of it. His lawyers were allowed to attend all of the hearings but chose not to. At any point Trump is free to testify and defend himself.
Trump wasn't denied shit. The house isn't a trial, it is a grand jury. Its task is to see if their is enough evidence to move the case forward. He chose to not take part in any of it. His lawyers were allowed to attend all of the hearings but chose not to. At any point Trump is free to testify and defend himself.

Again, false.
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Says those defending the guilty.

You don’t want them to testify if doing so would hurt your case.
So explain to us why the House did not request those "witnesses" to testify when they were running the show. Sorry but there time has come and gone. Pelosi has no more power in the senate than you or I. Pour her a drink and let's move on.

Mitch has this so read them and weep Your side is finished
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-wonder if these "you shouldn't be scared if you're innocent" types feel the same about "stop and frisk" or random roadblocks/searches and such as they do with this circus. I kinda doubt it.

-they are willing to bypass *any* constitutional right/judicial norm so long as it justifies their end. And they're the ones convulsing about totalitarianism. Its hi-larious.