How will they rule ??!

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better word to use would be collectivist, both socialist and fascist control you so you work for the greater good, not for yourself and for your family... your legacy

this is where the useful idiots come in and mistakenly complain Trump's populist nationalist MAGA message is Fascist!, because it strengthens and empowers the individual within the world's most powerful nation... it's not the individual working for the nation, for the greater good collective.

and it's the exact opposite of the globalist agenda both D and R had us on
Happy Impeachment Day to all the libs and moderates.

Biden is going to win the nomination for dems and will immediately announce Hillary as his VP. After he pardons Comey et al, he will then resign his Presidency. Hillary is President after all.

Whack it to that fantasy, resident libiots.
In order for that to happen, he would have to beat Trump. That isn't going to happen.
While Hitler portrayed himself as anti marxist, he was by pure definition a socialist. He was very much anti capitalist, mostly Jewish capitalism, he preached class warfare to bring people together against the evil Jewish capitalists (very much part of today's democratic party), he nationalized education, transportation, health care, and other major industries, he enforced very strict gun control, and thought of Christians as being right wing fanatics. He was also pro abortion just to top it off. The man almost perfectly aligned with socialism and perfectly aligns with today's progressive movement.

That said, you are right in saying he worked hard to portray himself as anti marxist.

Right, which is why he didn't want the term "socialist" added to the party's name. What I was getting at, poorly, was that using the Nazis as an attack on socialism, while largely accurate, is easy to "discredit" by the left because of Hitler's own writings, most notably Mein Kampf, and public statements. The fact that Hitler would say or do anything for power, like the Democrats, is often ignored. Having said that, I do think by the mid-30's that Hitler had moved from socialism to communism, which I believe is essentially fascism wearing a Groucho mask. Ironically, there was only a sliver of daylight between Hitler and Stalin. As an aside, the whole idea that political ideologies lie on a line is crap. The extremes on both sides are practically the same. I look at it as a clock face - fascism is 12:30, communism is 11:30, liberalism is 8, and conservatism is 4. Obviously a gross over-simplification, but better than portraying fascism and communism as polar opposites.

Anyhow, I digress. My earlier post was coming at it more from a debate-strategy angle, not purely ideological.
it's seomthig like this...

see that little line between liberal and conservative, that's where you put American. anything outside of that small area is stuff that's antithetical to foudning principles of this nation, what it means to be American.

today's leftists are well outside of that, the right likes to say America love it or leave it... you can find what you want elsewhere, but never here, by definition... by design


Interesting. I've not seen that before. It's better than my clock face analogy, but I wasn't TOTALLY off.

Memes aren't facts booty, if you have some you're concerned about that can be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt by legitimate and reputable sources, please share and let's discuss.

We're almost nearing term 2 unless something unforeseeable happens, the country hasn't crumbled to a halt, the south hasn't risen again, and generally speaking, the world hasn't ended.

There are many things that need improvement across the board, but not 1 President or world leader anywhere in history has solved all problems, nor served without making mistakes.

The greatest empires throughout history are littered with leaders and societies with flaws.

I would agree that there are some dire circumstances in parts of this country that really need to be looked into, but they have been a long time coming...probably decades in the making. Most of which are the result of poor local and state decision making and leadership.

The President is one man, and the hill is only 538 men and women. Collectively they can barely manage some of the big important macro things, let alone all the little micro things across the country.
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I didn't recognize him without the blackface.

Did anyone determine for sure whether he was the one in blackface, or whether he was the one wearing the KKK robe?

I thought he gave the typical Democrat answer that he couldn’t remember whether he was dressing in blackface or KKK at that particular point in time, because there had obviously been multiple occasions.

This again.

Since they are soooooo concerned with lack of diversity, I guess they are willing to address the lack of white players? Will there be a league rule where every team must give tryouts to white players at every position?

Or some social outcry that NFL teams don't have enough white players?

Of course not. Because they aren't interested in actual equality.

Sports is the most pure frontier of capitalistic behavior. The best play/coach and succeed based on performance. No one cares about race. That's how it should be
So what happened to WW3?

Libs also don't realize they were manipulated by russians there. The media always portrays that any meddling is against libs, but its cases like this that they are actually doing. They sent out social media info that ppl needed to feel sorrow for solemani and that he was a "world leader" and we "assassinated" him...and all the libs fell right in line and were easily manipulated.
So what happened to WW3?

Libs also don't realize they were manipulated by russians there. The media always portrays that any meddling is against libs, but its cases like this that they are actually doing. They sent out social media info that ppl needed to feel sorrow for solemani and that he was a "world leader" and we "assassinated" him...and all the libs fell right in line and were easily manipulated.
Liberals do not have the mental capacity to think for themselves. They are lacking grey matter between their ears.
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New law in Tacoma, stores fined for homeless stealing their carts.

All retail stores with carts now must have signs attached to the carts that identify which store they belong to, provide a phone number or address and notify the public that removing the cart from the store’s property is illegal.

The law waives fees for the first eight carts collected by the city, but then the store is fined $100 per cart, surging to $200 by the 12th cart found outside of the store’s property. The tally is reset every month.
Yes, we know Nadler, Pencil Neck and Pelosi will survive but they will be in the minority. I imagine the GOP will not forget how they were treated when this guy was running things in the House. A day of reckoning is upon us.

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Yes, we know Nadler, Pencil Neck and Pelosi will survive but they will be in the minority. I imagine the GOP will not forget how they were treated when this guy was running things in the House. A day of reckoning is upon us.

I will be shocked with the GOP retakes the House, hope I am wrong. It generally goes the opposite of the presidency.
this is why leftist = evil

the ideology inescapably devolves into this, it can't not if you follow it to it's logical conclusions.

you'll even read as much here in this thread if you pay attention, talks of revolution being the only way, glamorizing guillotines etc

if this chit ever actually hits the fan, you gonna be on these idiots' side or those guys yesterday in Richmond? gimme a break
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New law in Tacoma, stores fined for homeless stealing their carts.

All retail stores with carts now must have signs attached to the carts that identify which store they belong to, provide a phone number or address and notify the public that removing the cart from the store’s property is illegal.

The law waives fees for the first eight carts collected by the city, but then the store is fined $100 per cart, surging to $200 by the 12th cart found outside of the store’s property. The tally is reset every month.


Can't fine or punish the homeless. Ridiculous.
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Forget the House; keeping the Senate is my main concern.
You need both or you end up with nothing accomplished and endless investigations. A lot of the things Trump has done are by executive order which could be made into permanent law with the house and senate.

We have got to get Pelosi out of the way or we will spend the next four years with impeachment nonsense like the first Trump term.
Repubs need both House and Senate to get anything done... obviously.

Anything else won't work.

Good news is that the Dems have put on full display exactly how much they're willing to work with Trumps/Repubs... which is zero... and the voters have seen it.
Is this a joke? Clinton broke the law and then asked people to lie for him. Trump used executive privilege which was lawful. Even the articles of impeachment do not allege Trump broke the law. When the House disagreed with Trump they had the right to go to the Courts to argue their disagreement. Democrats do not understand we have three branches of government. The President does not have to answer to the Congress because he is their equal. This is why we have courts.
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