How will they rule ??!

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What a testament to how lazy we have become as a society - despite record low unemployment and job growth- that this carnival barker can continue to whip up crowds into believing we’ve got it bad.

“To be ethical you must give up your control and your money.” I mean, if it weren’t real, I’d swear it was dialogue from a George Orwell novel. Just stunning to think there are full grown adults so wholly incapable of thinking for themselves that they have basically given up on life with the idea that the government will just pick up the pieces and take care of them.

My uncle was the Leslie County Sherriff and County Judge Exec in the late 60’s through the 70’s. He loved his county and the people. He wasn’t afraid to point out the issues though. Leading up to the 1940’s this area of Appalachia was largely full of uneducated, ignorant (read- not “stupid”) common folk. But they grew there own crops, fed, clothed and medicated themselves. They were proud and they were self sufficient. Along came that era of social justice warriors to lend a hand. “Oh my, have you seen how they dress? How they eat? We must rescue these people from themselves.” And so from the best of intentions comes the inevitable unintended consequences. A state where previously self sufficient people took care of themselves and each other, transforms to a welfare state of non working non productive human beings. I mean- if given the choice to work hard and put food on the table or sit on a couch and bring in enough to feed you, what do you think is going to happen? Now as a result, 70 years later, multiple generations have become dependent upon the government to simply exist.

In short, if someone can show me one government run program that has experienced great success I’ll change my tune. I’m a registered Democrat who hasn’t voted Democrat on the national scale since Reagan. I guess I could best be defined as a Dixiecrat. It is not the party it used to be. Neither is today’s GOP but it is far and away closer to the ideals I believe. Today’s Democratic Party is preying on the weak and uneducated - they need you to rely on them to stay in power. It’s that simple and that obvious and kooks like AOC are all but preaching it. “Vote for me and I’ll find a way to give you money.” Guess what goofball - anyone with half a brain today is experiencing financial success. If your not, it’s because you are actively not trying.
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I actually have extensive knowledge on this subject and know exactly what I'm talking about. Nazi's started as the national socialist german workers party. They came to power under the same guise being used today by sanders, Warren, and their democratic socialists. They are promising the world to the working class and all they ask in return is to give up all freedom and give the government absolute power over business, manufacturing, social programs etc. Its a Utopia that cannot be attained. When given absolute power, corruption will 100% destroy the system and suffering will commence. There are many examples of this in germany, russia, my family's home country of Austria-Hungary. The nazis were absolutely NOT the ones marching for rights and freedom, they were the ones trying to eliminate those things.

They were also great at eliminating or flat out rewriting history, which you see today on an almost daily basis with liberals. Schools no longer teach true history, statues are being torn down, and books are literally being burned. Your party is perfectly lining up with what would become the Nazi's.
Thank you for bringing truth to the discussion.
The Donald's speech this morning at The World Economic Forum kicked ass. That is called leadership and how to put the USA on top.

Hey numbnuts Obama...did you listen? Take your apology tour and stick it.
Did you see this? Someone passed out a "fact check" sheet on Trump at the forum during his speech.
These people are so desperate. I often wonder, who checks their facts?
Nazi's started as the national socialist german workers party

Just to be clear, the National Socialist German Workers Party is largely a misnomer. There was nothing "socialist" about the party under Hitler's control. That word was added to make it more palatable to the middle class. The party was anti-Marxist. I'm sure you know that and most on here know that, but I point it out because it irritates the hell out of me when I hear folks on the right argue that "Nazis were's right there in their name!!!!" Misrepresenting history is a leftist tactic; I hate to see it used by the right, even unintentionally.
Biden is going to win the nomination for dems and will immediately announce Hillary as his VP. After he pardons Comey et al, he will then resign his Presidency. Hillary is President after all.

Whack it to that fantasy, resident libiots.
Biden is going to win the nomination for dems and will immediately announce Hillary as his VP. After he pardons Comey et al, he will then resign his Presidency. Hillary is President after all.

Whack it to that fantasy, resident libiots.
I've been on this road for a while. Except I think Joe ducks out after getting nominated, then the house can form a committee and select WHOMEVER they desire. And it will be Hilldawg.

It slips her right past all the hard parts of the campaign and will motivate voters who were/are planning to sit this one out.

I'm tellin ya....
-socialism and fascism=two sides of the same coin. State controls capital/industry for the "good of the whole".
It is amusing how people feel so comfortable showing their ignorance to the world like a banner, announcing their lazy stupidity and juvenile reluctance to read.
I am excited for Crazy Bernie, Joe Dimentio or Pocahontas to get the nomination. If the DNC screwed those three and gave the nomination to Crooked Hilary, that would be the greatest thing to happen in politics since November 8, 2016.

The Democrat party is now the party of AOC. They won’t sit idly by while the DNC steals the nomination from Crazy Bernie again. Although I guess they could also pay off Crazy Bernie again and he could convince his supporters it’s worth coming out of their moms’ basements in November to vote against Trump.
it's seomthig like this...

see that little line between liberal and conservative, that's where you put American. anything outside of that small area is stuff that's antithetical to foudning principles of this nation, what it means to be American.

today's leftists are well outside of that, the right likes to say America love it or leave it... you can find what you want elsewhere, but never here, by definition... by design

Just to be clear, the National Socialist German Workers Party is largely a misnomer. There was nothing "socialist" about the party under Hitler's control. That word was added to make it more palatable to the middle class. The party was anti-Marxist. I'm sure you know that and most on here know that, but I point it out because it irritates the hell out of me when I hear folks on the right argue that "Nazis were's right there in their name!!!!" Misrepresenting history is a leftist tactic; I hate to see it used by the right, even unintentionally.

While Hitler portrayed himself as anti marxist, he was by pure definition a socialist. He was very much anti capitalist, mostly Jewish capitalism, he preached class warfare to bring people together against the evil Jewish capitalists (very much part of today's democratic party), he nationalized education, transportation, health care, and other major industries, he enforced very strict gun control, and thought of Christians as being right wing fanatics. He was also pro abortion just to top it off. The man almost perfectly aligned with socialism and perfectly aligns with today's progressive movement.

That said, you are right in saying he worked hard to portray himself as anti marxist.
It is amusing how people feel so comfortable showing their ignorance to the world like a banner, announcing their lazy stupidity and juvenile reluctance to read. are a but a pimple on my rump as pertains to knowlege of history/political philosophy/polemic prowess and general intellect. No offense meant.

-im a charitable fellow, however. In that light...if you can point to a successful socialist* state i will acquiesce.

*not one of the cutesy western european countries that dabbles in extensive social programs funded by their own capitalists...and in no small part by the US taxpayer through subsidization of their military/defense for 50 plus years.

-i will hang up and listen.
Just to be clear, the National Socialist German Workers Party is largely a misnomer. There was nothing "socialist" about the party under Hitler's control. That word was added to make it more palatable to the middle class. The party was anti-Marxist. I'm sure you know that and most on here know that, but I point it out because it irritates the hell out of me when I hear folks on the right argue that "Nazis were's right there in their name!!!!" Misrepresenting history is a leftist tactic; I hate to see it used by the right, even unintentionally.
Meh if you are going by the "real socialism hasnt been tried yet" route it wasnt socialism as marxists explain but it was another example of government control of everything.

Socialism usually requires totalitarianism, and the nazis did control means of production but disguised it as if they were left in private hands while telling companies what they could and how much of something they could produce. While enforcing it by law and taking their share. They also practiced wage and price control. Hitler built the autobahn, gave jobs, etc. It certainly wasnt a capitalist society.
Last edited: are a but a pimple on my rump as pertains to knowlege of history/political philosophy/polemic prowess and general intellect. No offense meant.

-im a charitable fellow, however. In that light...if you can point to a successful socialist* state i will acquiesce.

*not one of the cutesy western european countries that dabbles in extensive social programs funded by their own capitalists...and in no small part by the US taxpayer through subsidization of their military/defense for 50 plus years.

-i will hang up and listen.
No offense taken I do consider you a pimply ass. I also take no offense from someone who feels compelled to toot his own horn.
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