How will they rule ??!

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That's true, but one could just as easily say that if Hillary loses, it would be because of the white vote. It is what it is. Trump needs to get as minority votes as he possibly can (and he will hopefully match Romney in that respect), but he is going to win or lose depending on his percentage of the white vote, particularly disaffected white voters that usually vote Democrat- union workers, etc.
Well yea, but she can count on a ton of white support and will get almost almost all of the Latino vote and the vast majority of African Americans as well so I don't think it's quite the same thing personally. I'm afraid that a few of his ill advised statements early on may cost him big time.
Yeah, I can't fully buy into that. I think a lot of Republicans were fed up the Fox News darlings like Rubio and went against the Republican mainstream. They are responsible for the party change.

That's what I mean. The electorate. That's why trump was the pick.
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Trump is winning the polls that focus on likely voters, anyway. He is also winning in the swing states.

Trump will be the next POTUS. Cruz just said everything Trump stands for, but is a sore ass loser, trying to get people to wait till 2020.
Are you mad honey? Let your feelings out. If you want me to break down the same economic discussion I did for China for Mexico I will. For some reason i dont think youd understand it though. Generally when people's butt stings that bad it means they can't bring an intellectual conversation to the table. But do I need to talk about our exports And IMPORTS, the creation of jobs that deal in trade and services because of it. I'll literally break down the job sectors that grew because of it. The real problem is your town seems to be slow to adapt to where we are in job markets and small economies...probably due to Democrat regulation tho dems regulate every thing to ruin. The days of strapping your boots on for 40 yrs and going to the mill are over. Those jobs are becoming obsolete for several economic reasons. It would be like me crying that I can't be the town blacksmith or that there aren't any horseshoeing jobs anymore.

As far as claiming I'm some sort of racist, that's laughable. Try harder. I'm assuming that's what slippery slope your trying to get on bc thats all you could come up with. You sound like a lib with all these feelings and emotions, and how "they just can't help it" If you want me to make a assanine comment, it would be how the mexicans who do come here, travel 1000s of miles to work, yet people in your town are too lazy to move a few hours over work and adapt to job industries that we work with in present times. Do I really believe that? No, but it seems it would be the way to talk on your cognitive level of critical thinking if someone thought differently...just as basic., because talking on an educated level of real life won't get it across.

Also, I'm talking about Trade....sounds like your issue is companies leaving because of high taxes........catch up


You can talk about whatever the hell you want. Your post had no semblance of meaning on what i was talking about, as I, and others have told you.

You seem mighty poud of yourself though. I dont give a damn what you think or what little economics class you took, youre still a bumbling lunatic who apparently cant read.

You said we arent losing jobs to overseas. And youre incorrect. If you want to keep taking shots at my town like it defines me that is fine. Facts are facts though, sugar.

Just admit you were incorrect instead of continuing to show us how dense you really are.

I see you also think youre a political einstein calling others low information voters in another post on which youre being called out for.

Dont worry though, everyone here probably realizes that none of us can compete with such an intellectusl being like yourself. You deflect off topic just like politicians so its probably true.

Just because YOU cant read and gave an answer that didnt mean ANYTHING about the TOPIC that was being discussed doesnt mean I need you to show us your economic 101 prowess.

I will await your next lesson. I request a lesson on geometry, so please get to writing that statistic report almighty one.
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There was *nothing* smart about what he did, unless you count looking like a robot with zero self awareness get booed off the stage by his own party smart...

If I don't show up, my political future is screwed.

But I hate Trump so much I could never support him. I hope he loses so I'll get my shot in 2020.

This is my last shot at rubbing elbows with the bigwig Repubs and getting on national TV before I slip into obscurity the next several years. Can't let that opportunity slip by.

Gets booed (oops) but stands there with that politician smile like he's getting a standing ovation. Bill Clinton is the only other guy who could pull that off.
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You can talk about whatever the hell you want. Your post had no semblance of meaning on what i was talking about, as I, and others have told you.

You seem mighty poud of yourself though. I dont give a damn what you think or what little economics class you took, youre still a bumbling lunatic who apparently cant read.

You said we arent losing jobs to overseas. And youre incorrect. If you want to keep taking shots at my town like it defines me that is fine. Facts are facts though, sugar.

Just admit you were incorrect instead of continuing to show us how dense you really are.

I see you also think youre a political einstein calling others low information voters in another post on which youre being called out for.

Dont worry though, everyone here probably realizes that none of us can compete with such an intellectusl being like yourself. You deflect off topic just like politicians so its probably true.

Just because YOU cant read and gave an answer that didnt mean ANYTHING about the TOPIC that was being discussed doesnt mean I need you to show us your economic 101 prowess.

I will await your next lesson. I request a lesson on geometry, so please get to writing that statistic report almighty one.

We seem very similar, maybe minus the religious part.
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We seem very similar, maybe minus the religious part.

Youre christian?
Im something, just havnt figured it out yet.

I guess according to watren buffet brassow were just a couple of schmucks. [roll]..but at least there is power in numbe4s :sunglasses::boxing:
Yeah, I can't fully buy into that. I think a lot of Republicans were fed up the Fox News darlings like Rubio and went against the Republican mainstream. They are responsible for the party change.
Exactly, which is why I am switching to independent.
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Well yea, but she can count on a ton of white support and will get almost almost all of the Latino vote and the vast majority of African Americans as well so I don't think it's quite the same thing personally. I'm afraid that a few of his ill advised statements early on may cost him big time.
The sad thing about that is that Hillary has made many ill advised statements throughout her campaign and her time as Secretary of State and it does not matter to most on the left because they are just as corrupt.
That is my biggest concern in this. Not sure they are scared shitless considering Trump can't just issue Executive Orders 20 times a day. We do have 3 branches (lol) to keep the Executive in check.

I do see him breaking that record easily.

By control I meant control his agenda and his message.
speaking of "emboldening our adversaries"...

The comment by the writer sounds scary as hell, but how does what Trump said start wars? Didn't we have an treaty with Ukraine? I would say actually not honoring treaties is far more likely to start a war than words.

What Trump said is a way to get members to start honoring their commitments, because the US is the main cog of NATO and Trump is swinging that stick.
Is it me, or does Mike Pence look just like Dr. Benton Quest's "friend," Race Bannon?


Why is this man holding the other man's penis? Is the GOP reaching out to firmly grasp the LGBT agenda?
Maybe you're right. The boys seem like such douche nozzles that it's hard for me to project.
Don't cut yourself short, I would say that "douche nozzle" would be a niche you would understand quite well. All it takes is a little self awareness on your part.
Trump will be the next POTUS. Cruz just said everything Trump stands for, but is a sore ass loser, trying to get people to wait till 2020.

There's a bit of a difference. Trump doesn't have a clue how things outside of NYC real estate work and has never shown any real curiosity about it. He's got the temperament of a bully, the self-control of a 14 year old boy with a boner, and the vanity of a menopausal diva. There's a very real human syndrome called The Dunning-Kruger Effect. It basically says that stupid people over-estimate how smart they are and so pretend to greater knowledge than they possess. The dumber you are the more certain you get. Contrarily, the smarter you are the more you're aware of the vastness of your personal limits. Trump is a self-promoter of dismaying proportions but I've always assumed he's smart enough to not want to live in a country which had him in charge. But I could be wrong.

As for Cruz, he's a bit different, isn't he? If he were in a movie, he'd be the icky guy who has cornered the heroine and whose amorous intentions makes your skin crawl. That a substantial number of people said, "He's our guy" is baffling and depressing. It's like finding out that 25 million people have a crush on their undertaker. And the undertaker has questionable personal hygiene and a ready supply of mystery meat.

It really doesn't accomplish much to say their policies are the same, because as many people have pointed out (and documented), Trump says opposite things on every major policy issue.
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There's a bit of a difference. Trump doesn't have a clue how things outside of NYC real estate work and has never shown any real curiosity about it. He's got the temperament of a bully, the self-control of a 14 year old boy with a boner, and the vanity of a menopausal diva. There's a very real human syndrome called The Dunning-Kruger Effect. It basically says that stupid people over-estimate how smart they are and so pretend to greater knowledge than they possess. The dumber you are the more certain you get. Contrarily, the smarter you are the more you're aware of the vastness of your personal limits. Trump is a self-promoter of dismaying proportions but I've always assumed he's smart enough to not want to live in a country which had him in charge. But I could be wrong.

As for Cruz, he's a bit different, isn't he? If he were in a movie, he'd be the icky guy who has cornered the heroine and whose amorous intentions makes your skin crawl. That a substantial number of people said, "He's our guy" is baffling and depressing. It's like finding out that 25 million people have a crush on their undertaker. And the undertaker has questionable personal hygiene and a ready supply of mystery meat.

It really doesn't accomplish much to say their policies are the same, because as many people have pointed out (and documented), Trump says opposite things on every major policy issue.
And your thoughts on Hillary are...
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Because they said so. And supposition of GOP actions is more important than actual recent Dem history.
You don't think a POTUS Donald broadcasting to the world that Article 5 is now open for negotiation would basically give Putin the green light?

Daring western leaders to do something is his modus operandi anyways. Statements like the quote above would play right into his hand and are a total departure from the way NATO was used to keep the peace in Europe for the last 70 years.
Cruz proved to me why I did not like him before and continue to not like him now. Ted Cruz is all about Ted Cruz. Everything he has done has all been orchestrated to create an illusion of what he wants people to think he is, but really isn't. Typical politician. Talking for 24 hours of nonsense to hold up a vote that was going through no matter what, calling Mitch a liar, the list goes on. It was all a plan to make people think he was fighting for them. His campaign did several dirty tricks and yet he gets a chapped ass when Trump beats him at his own game. I was not surprised at what he did last night because, like I said, I knew he was all about himself and would do whatever he felt was necessary to help himself.

Its funny when you see politicians like Kasich, Bush, and others do exactly what Trump's message has been that got him the nomination which is politicians will say anything and make promises and never keep them.

Rubio earned some points with me by supporting Trump last night. I still think he is a typical political puppet, but he at least honored his pledge.

So, I am watching Ivanka's interview with Hannity last night. Just a very impressive woman. You never hear a bad thing about her. On the other hand, you have Chelsea Clinton. Someone who many have said is fake, impossible to work with, the list goes on. Sort of like her Mom. Go figure.

Finally, it cracks me up how people make a decision to vote for someone based on one stupid speech. Listening to these focus groups proves to me why most Americans are idiots. I do not have an issue with anyone voting for whoever they want, but at least have facts to back up that vote.
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Putting aside who you want to win, is anyone on here confident that Trump will beat HRC?
Don't see how anyone on either side can be confident.

Trump has his negative opinion numbers, and what are reported incredibly incomplete nationwide campaign infrastructure and very little cash, and the thin electoral line on the GOP side since the Dems bank so many big vote total states in NY & Cali & Ill.

Hilldawg has the advantages in perceived experience, massive campaign staff, the president, gobs of money, is already out advertising Trump 1000 to 1 - yet isnt winning (or not substantially).
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The comment by the writer sounds scary as hell, but how does what Trump said start wars? Didn't we have an treaty with Ukraine? I would say actually not honoring treaties is far more likely to start a war than words.

What Trump said is a way to get members to start honoring their commitments, because the US is the main cog of NATO and Trump is swinging that stick.

Trump is big on default. He's said that he's looking into writing down the national debt, for instance. He apparently sees treaties between countries like contracts that can be finagled. We're the closest thing in the world to a hegemon which, if taken seriously, can be a tremendously stabilizing force. Trump apparently sees it as chance to put the squeeze on weaker parties. Noblesse oblige doesn't trasnslate into "Nice shop you've got there. It'd be terrible if something happened to it." Mr. Derington, if you like the protection racket, you've found your guy. In The Godfather, Vito Corleone laments that he once had the ambition for Michael to become president. Apparently large numbers of people have reversed that and want the president to become a hood.
You don't think a POTUS Donald broadcasting to the world that Article 5 is now open for negotiation would basically give Putin the green light?

Daring western leaders to do something is his modus operandi anyways. Statements like the quote above would play right into his hand and are a total departure from the way NATO was used to keep the peace in Europe for the last 70 years.
No more green than it is today.
You don't think a POTUS Donald broadcasting to the world that Article 5 is now open for negotiation would basically give Putin the green light?
or a consistent continuation of Trump's themes that he has been saying for the last year - USA is getting cheated worldwide in every agreement, from trade deals to NATO.

NATO is made up of a bunch of countries who spend zero on their own national defense knowing they enjoy the safety of the umbrella provided to them by the United States military - a military paid for from the hard earned money taxed away from the American people, staffed by our sons & daughters. pillow biters like Matthew think this is some invitation to war, I see it as a motivational kick in the ass for Europe to get up & build their own defenses against Putin.

why would the left be outraged over this, thought bringing our kids home & stop worldwide military adventurism was one of their guiding lights? they are outraged & in fear that a candidate DOESNT promise to blindly instantly slam American soldiers on the front lines of some far away land to die?

strange, strange times.
Interesting if true that Kaisch turned down a chance to be VP and basically a COO position under a Trump Administration with Donald acting as Chairman of the Board.
Ted Cruz is a perfect example of why simply being highly educated doesn't make someone's opinion worth more. He is by any measure a very intelligent man, the problem with that is he thinks he's always right. What he did last night was a dumb move, it's one thing to feel that way, it's an entirely different thing to get in front of a convention hall and say it. He looked small and unable to separate his emotions from his decision making.

Thats why when the media runs with X amount of college graduates or uneducated voters it makes me cringe. A 25 year old college graduate with a masters degree doesn't have the same life experiences as 40-50 year old person that may or may not have one, they don't know how the world actually works.
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or a consistent continuation of Trump's themes that he has been saying for the last year - USA is getting cheated worldwide in every agreement, from trade deals to NATO.

NATO is made up of a bunch of countries who spend zero on their own national defense knowing they enjoy the safety of the umbrella provided to them by the United States military - a military paid for from the hard earned money taxed away from the American people, staffed by our sons & daughters.
pillow biters like Matthew think this is some invitation to war, I see it as a motivational kick in the ass for Europe to get up & build their own defenses against Putin.

why would the left be outraged over this, thought bringing our kids home & stop worldwide military adventurism was one of their guiding lights? they are outraged & in fear that a candidate DOESNT promise to blindly instantly slam American soldiers on the front lines of some far away land to die?

strange, strange times.

Hell yes!
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And your thoughts on Hillary are...

I went to law school with a woman who reminded me of HRC. Her focus made her a very good lawyer, but socially you wouldn't describe her as a natural. It isn't surprising that Bill Clinton, the more easy-going of the pair, was the 1st of the two to run. Very good at pressing the flesh, so to speak. It always amuses me when her detractors call her names like commie and stuff since she's the most traditional Republican in the race. Wal-Mart doesn't put commies on their Board of Directors. If we were a parliamentary government and the party chose its own prime minister, HRC would be seen as the heir to Margaret Thatcher. (England's Conserrvative Party/Tories fall somewhere between Republicans and Democrats).
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Pence will do a better job solidifying conservatives behind him than Kasich would have done IMO. Kasich's act in Ohio & some of his language during his pres run outraged conservatives. but Kasich might have made up for that with more of an appeal to independents, and of course help lock down an important swing state. who knows, at the time last winter/spring it seemed Kasich was only staying in to help run interference for Trump to logically be his VP.
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